Faculty of Social Work

Dr. Safaa Aziz Mamoud Mohamed

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6334817
Fax Number: 084 6349038
E-mail Address : sam16@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Faculty of Social Work Building
Postal Address : Fayoum – Fayoum University – Faculty of Social Work - Fields of Social Work Department- POBox:63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: faculty of social work – cairo university -1991
M.Sc.: faculty of social work – Department of social work areas of medical and psychological - Cairo University -1999
Ph.D.: faculty of social work – Department of social work areas of medical and psychological - Fayoum University - 2005
Academic Positions
Lecturer: From 2010 To 2016
Assistant Professor : From 2016 Until Now
Puplication List
The negative influencing factors in the role of family to achieve the social control to sons and the role of social work to limit it
Role of civil associations to limit of the spinsterhood problem in Fayoum
Requirements of creativity professional of social workers in the medical field
Social work intervention by general practice to develop awareness of brides about dangers of inbreeding
Evaluation of the professional performance of social workers in emergency rooms as enforcement system of of the overall quality in hospitals
Research Interests
Supervision of masters college
Supervision seminars for students of fourth year collge
participateion the seminar section and public college