Faculty of Social Work

Dr. Ahmed Mukhtar Ramadan

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6334817
Fax number: 084 6349038
E-mail Address: amr00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office:Faculty of Social Work Building
Post Address: Methods of Social Work Department – Faculty of Social work – Fayoum University - POBox:63514
Academic Qualifications
B.A. Social Work – Faculty of Social Work - Cairo University – Fayoum Branch - 2003
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: from 2003 To 2009
Assistant Lecturer: from 2009 to 2013
Lecturer: from 2013 Up Till Now
Factors Impacting on the Practice of Governance in NGOs
Mechanisms for using artificial intelligence techniques in NGOs Expert Systems Program as an example .
Student union regulations and their role in developing students' political participation.
Professional requirements necessary for students to acquire work skills in NGOs to compete in the labor market.
The implications of using community dialogue to revitalize the role of NGOs.
Challenges of NGOs in achieving social protection for the rural poor.
Obstacles to the community participation of youth in voluntary associations in organizing society .
The quality of education of the Master’s Program in Social Work at Dhofar University in light of the Corona pandemic (Covid 19.
Attitudes of youth groups towards volunteering in NGOs.