Faculty of Social Work

Prof.Dr. Fatma Abdullah Ismail Fergani

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6334817
Fax Number: 084 6349038
E-mail Address: faf00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Social Work Building
Postal Address: Methods of Social Work Department – Faculty of Social work – Fayoum University - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.SC. Social Work – Higher Institute for Social Work – Cairo – 1989
M.SC. Social Work – Fields of Social Work Department – Faculty of Social work – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch – 1996
Ph.D. Philosophy of Social Work – Group Service – Faculty of Social work – Helwan University – 2001
Academic Positions
Lecturer: From 2006 To 2011
Asistant Professor : From 2011 To 2016
Professor : From 2016 Until Now
Academic Rank
College-based work for Community Service and Environmental Development: From 2016 Until Now
List Of Publication
Role of Social group work in the Perspective of Behavioral Cognitive Approach for Consuming Development of Women
Social Group Work and Developing Women's Social Responsibility Using Community Dialogue
Using the Behavioral Modeling Technique in Social Group Work to Develop Achievement Motivation in Children with Learning Difficulties
The Evaluation of BADIR Program for Developing a Culture of Volunteering in School Students from a Social Work Perspective
Social Group Work and the Development of Youth Leadership Skills
Use of the means of expression in social work program to support the citizenship values in the virtual groups of university youth.