Faculty of Social Work

Prof.Dr. Afaf Abdel Fady Danial

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6334817
Fax Number: 084 6349038
E-mail Address : aad00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Faculty of Social Work Building
Postal Address : Fayoum – Fayoum University – Faculty of Social Work - Social Science Department- POBox:63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Social work- Cairo university- el fayoum branch - 1988
M. Sc.: psychology of childhood - Ein Shams university - 1992
Ph. D.: psychology of childhood - Ein Shams university - 1997
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1988 to1994
Assistant Lecturer: From 1994 to 1998
Lecturer: From 1998To 2013
Assistant professor : From 2013 To 2019
professor : From 2019 Up Til Now
Scientific Courses
University teacher training course held at Cairo University from 29/11/1997 – 11/12/1997
Effective Presentation Skills program held by the Faculty and Leadership Development Center at Cairo University from 9/4/2005 – 12/4/2005
Decision-making and problem-solving program held at Cairo University in the period 7/5/2005 – 10/5/2005
A modern methods program in teaching and holding a page Cairo University from 14/5/2005 – 17/5/2005
As a trainer in the training program for the improvement of early childhood education project on the old curriculum of kindergarten (right I play, learn, invented) from 11/2/2012 – 21/2/2012
Training course in the application and correction of the Stanford scale – the fifth image interface from 20/3/2012 – 27/3/2012
The quality standards program in the teaching process, which was held by the Faculty and Leadership Development Center of Fayoum University in the period of 18/5/2013-20/5/2013
The career ethics program, which was held by the Faculty and Leadership Development Center of Fayoum University in the period of 21/5/2013-23/5/2013.
The time and Meetings management program held by the Faculty and Leadership Development Center at Fayoum University from 25/5/2013 to 27/5/2013.
The ethics program for Scientific research, which was held by the Faculty and Leadership Development Center at Fayoum University from 15/12/2015 to 17/12/2015.
The skills of Thinking program held by the Faculty and Leadership Development Center at Fayoum University from 22/12/2015 to 24/12/2015.
The basics of the quality management of the educational process, which was held by the Faculty and Leadership Development Center at Fayoum University from 1/3/2016 to 3/3/2016.
The program for the use of technology in teaching, which was held by the Faculty and Leadership Development Center of Fayoum University from 22/11/2016 to 24/11/2016
• The program of financial and legal aspects of university work, which was held by the Faculty and Leadership Development Center of Fayoum University in the period 15/9/2018 to 17/9/2018.
Program for structural modeling and analysis of the factor and analysis of the path using the Amos AMOS program from 20/9/2018 to 22/9/2018
Anti-Corruption programme in institutions of higher education from 22/9/2018 to 24/9/2018.
Scientific Research
Professional preparation and its impact on the growth of the self-awareness skills of the students of the Social service colleges (authors: Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Halim mansi, Dr. Afaf Abdel Redeemer Daniel).
Satisfaction with the academic specialization and its relationship to the motivation of the students in the Faculty of Social service in Fayoum.
The methods of treatment for his parents as the children realize and their relationship and relationship to both the socio-economic and cultural level of the family and the reproductive arrangement of the Children.
Social support and its relationship with some of the depressive purposes of widows.
Moral judgment and its relation to the phenomenon of cheating in a sample of students in the faculty of Arts.
The depressive symptoms of the elderly are a cross-cultural study between Libyans and Egyptians.
Feeling psychological unity and some personality variables in a sample of faculty of Arts students in Mezdah.
Social support and its relationship to irrational ideas a sample of first-grade students from the secondary level is a comparative relational study.
Consensual behavior in children who are integrated and non-integrated in Kindergarten.>
Methods of parental treatment as understood by the children and their relationship with the skills of positive thinking of primary students.
Self-regulation of the students of the autonomous and external accountants of the University
The Ego's flexibility factors as a predictor of the behavior of amnesty for others in a sample of university Students.
The five major factors of the personality of the identity disorders of secondary school students • The effectiveness of a social skills-based programme to develop communication skills in children with autism spectrum disorder.
The scientific courses that I have taught starting from the date of getting a job as a psychology teacher in the Department of Social Sciences at the Faculty of Social service to the teacher of psychology in the Department of Psychological Sciences in the faculty of Kindergarten and then assistant professor of psychology in kindergarten College and finally assistant Professor Psychology Faculty of Social Service: Third: Kindergarten College:
) I have taught parenting course for the second year of the university 2011/2012-2012/2013.
I taught a course (psychology of Language) for the second year of the university 2011/2012-2012/2013
you (supervising the practical Education) for the third and Fourth Division of the academic year 2011/2012 – 2012/13 – 2013/2014
you have taught a course (mental Disability) for the vocational school (special Education) for the academic year 2012/2013
I have taught the course of integration strategies for special diplomas for the academic year 2013/2014 Ø The tasks assigned to the Department of Social Sciences at the Faculty of Social Service:

1) I was assigned to the secretariat of the department from 2000 – 2001.

2) I have been assigned to the Department for the year 2004/2005 and to date the tasks assigned to the Department of Psychological Sciences at the faculty of Kindergarten:
I was assigned to the 2011/2012 Section.

I was assigned to the Faculty Council 2011/2012

I was commissioned to perform the work of the head of the Department of Psychological Sciences at Kindergarten College from 6/1/2014 to 1/8/2014.
I have been assigned to the Social sciences Department of the Social Service College and the secretariat of section 2014/15 to 2016/2017
Member of the Council of the Department of Social Sciences to date Ø Scientific committees:
I have been assigned from the Department of Social Sciences to the following committees:
among the members of the Committee of Laboratories and scientific organs 2001/2002-2003/2004-2005/2006 and from 2013/2014 to date the Committee of Libraries and Committee of Education and Students.
3) taking part in the examination and observation work since my appointment to a teaching assistant in 1989 to 2006 at the Faculty of Social service and from 2011 to 1/8/2014 in the Kindergarten college and then the Faculty of Social service to date where she participated in all the control work for the four teams and the placement of exams for the courses that you by teaching, correcting, monitoring and announcing Results..
supervising Master's and doctoral theses: I did not have the supervision of Master's and doctoral students as there was no department of psychology at the postgraduate level in the College
I was also assigned from the Department of Psychological Sciences at the Kindergarten College to the following committees:.
The library activity committee..
Graduate Studies Committee.
participation in the examination and observation work since I was transferred to the college and so far...
supervising the Masters and doctoral theses: I did not have the ability to supervise the Masters and doctoral students as the Department of Graduate Studies is an emerging section and new in the college and opened this year 2012/2013.
to participate in the discussion of the Master's thesis presented by researcher Rania Jamal Hussain Al-rehab in the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of arts, which is titled Internet Addiction and its relationship to the quality of life and marital consent in a sample of married Couples. Comparative study of the date 19/12/2016
to participate in the discussion of the thesis of the thesis presented by the researcher Azza Idriss Abdel Hay in the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Arts, which is titled Methods of Coping with stress and its relationship to problem solving in diabetic patients style "2 " in the academic year 2016/2017.
I have participated in all the conferences held at the Faculty of social work since my appointment to the post of repeater in 1989 to 2006.
participated in the conference (21) of Psychology in Egypt and (13) Arab Psychology in conjunction with the Institute of Higher Transit of administration, computing and information systems from January 31, 2005 to February 2, 2005.
participated in the activities of the second Regional conference organized by the Department of psychology, Faculty of arts, Cairo university, between April 9, 2012 and April 11, 2012 titled (psychology and Positive potentials of the Arab man).
Patents: I got a patent for the verbal and non-verbal communication measure for mentally handicapped children (v.n.c), a computer program that measures verbal and non-verbal communication of mentally handicapped and heterosexual children with others verbally and dynamically
You have patented the list of the characteristics of the child using the computer (c.a.c), which is a computer program and is measuring the characteristics of the child to the local community service:
I have prepared a cultural seminar on the problems facing children in early childhood at the Community Development Association at Salama on village in Minya province at the Assembly headquarters on Monday 8/7/2002 at 5 pm.
I have prepared a cultural seminar and delivered a lecture on the psychology of a nursery child from 3-6 years at the Islamic Conquest Association with the two columns in Minya Governorate on Tuesday 18/6/2002.
I gave a lecture on the psychological problems of children and the relationship of parenting to these problems within the objectives of the early Childhood Development and care project – Education sector – in the Save the early childhood in the village of Crusader in Ezbet Abu Seif Al-ashab in Minya Governorate on Wednesday 6/8/2003
I have set up a number of awareness seminars at the Peace Society to serve the environment in the Governorate of Minya for the Mothers of Children early Childhood Development and care project and its theme (how to deal with the child, the mental health of the child, our children and how to raise Them) over the course of the years 2002-2003-2003
I have a seminar for the parents of the children of Barodeya School at the western Fayoum administration, which is affiliated with the Directorate of Education-fayoum Governorate (methods of parental treatment and their relationship to the mental health of children).
I have a seminar for the parents of the children of the Barodeya School of the western Fayoum administration, which is affiliated with the Directorate of Education-fayoum Governorate (methods of parental treatment and its relationship with the psychological problems of children).
) I trained the students of the kindergarten College-fayoum University on the stanford-structure of intelligence (fifth Image) at the Center for Community Service and environmental development in the college in the academic year 2011/2012 – 2012/13
teaching students of the Faculty of Social Service-fayoum University the subjects of Psychology of the first and social Psychology of the Third division in the university year from 2014/15 to date
Membership of Associations
member of the Egyptian Society for the Study of psychiatry, No. 460 in 13/1/1967.
member of the Egyptian Association of Psychologists (ranem).
member of the Egyptian Society of psychotherapists, which was registered with the number 4371 for the year 2012.