Faculty Of Education

Work skills course in international schools and language schools next Wednesday

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Amal Gomaa Abdel FattahDean of the Faculty and the supervision of Prof. Dr. Reda Shaaban, Director of the Alumni Follow-up Unit at the Faculty, the Alumni Follow-up Unit at the Faculty organizes a one-day training entitled "Work Skills in International Schools and Language Schools" on February 8 at ten in the morning in the conference hall of the Faculty Dr. Mohamed Hassan, a teacher in the Department of English Language, Faculty of Arts, Fayoum University, who holds a doctorate from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, and students wishing to register through the link https%3A%2F%2Fdocs.google.com%2Fforms%2Fd%2F1iC6MRhhtXxVV9DPQjsAWO0FLoEGVUU1i0m8uz3N-odo%2Fedit%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2OvIOUSUwkDbsTZCKnNJd109ajc1pewl8dMFB1scZQnZgeoMrgr1Dja54&h=AT3PXfN17yuyDYKWQNFYYkmH_SahIHTCcJmKj1_KgwwUGdT0l1dhUEJVTAYxgFbq5tv9Oingdw5LKYr50ely__AQf0sDSaiEYlR0RZ30fBgTJWliv_2Lih9-GPSo6VnjDTFi&__tn__=-UK-y-R&c[0]=AT0CFVhJeOo_TkyT6hKFM1P-22rlGoO3fGciey3ObrcDpP4VZHBxc5CXvefy85cwdjDGjOEX9-2NK3jBpeJAhqOB909-pudDVLHv0XTbet4h6AZQksCCcR3J2eMSIVmTu0YiOET3lLSUS0YZkbUy21jEAJ8LiIF_DCgTzz_LPUOApF8FcKPMTynBUbWb9V7u3ksBbrientBTjcF1MUicPFbi8THWc_EFfkjnByMOTSZx3HQ