Faculty of Engineering

Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed Ibrahim

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6337580 / 084 6337588                          
Fax number: 084 6334031
E-mail Address: mohamed.ibrahim@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Engineering Electric - Faculty of Engineering - Floor 1 - Electric Engineering Building
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Engineering - Electric Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Telecommunication and Electronics Engineering - Cairo University – Egypt - 7/2000.
MBA Project Management: Arab Academy Graduate School of Business – Egypt - 2/2012.
M. Sc.: Computer and Systems Engineering - AL-AZHAR University – Egypt - 10/2011.
Ph. D.: Integrated Systems Engineering - Kyushu Institute of Technology – Japan - 9/2014.
Assistant Professor - Computer Systems Engineering Permanent Job
Fayoum University, Faculty of Engineering, Egypt
Adjunct Professor - Computer Systems Engineering 9/2018 - present
Nile University, School of Engineering, Egypt
Chief Engineer - Computer Systems Architect 4/2015 - present
Hitachi Ltd., ICT Architecture Design Center, Japan Statistical performance modeling and discrete event simulation of Hitachi storage arrays architecture. Development of predictive analytics algorithms for anomaly detection in performance metrics. Diagnostics and prognostics of storage arrays and high performance clusters hardware architecture failures. Starting from November 2017, I am on Child-Care Leave in Egypt.
Research Scientist 10/2014 - 3/2015
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences Satellite Development and Test Laboratory
Developed and qualified high performance and fault tolerant multiprocessor architectures for software-defined LEO satellites.
Research Assistant Project Manager of HORYU-V Satellite 10/2011 - 9/2014
Kyushu Institute of Technology (Kyutech), Japan
• Developed and qualified an FPGA-based fault tolerant and high performance embed- ded reconfigurable Multi-Processor-System-on-Chip to function as on-board computer in software-defined smart LEO missions. The design was qualified through thermal vacuum and radiation tests (Technology Readiness Level: TRL 7).
• Led the design concept of HORYU-V satellite, an advanced space environment exploring mission for recording and measuring electrostatic discharging phenomenon in space.
Satellite On-Board Computer SW Unit Leader 7/2007 - 9/2011
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Egypt
• Managed AlexEduSat satellite project according to the European Committee on Space Standardization (ECSS) standard.
• Wrote research proposals and accomplished fund raising from Egyptian research funding instruments (RDI and STDF).
• Designed high performance embedded computer systems for LEO satellites.
• Architected embedded software of small satellites’ Command and Data Handling System.
• Analysed EgyptSat-1 satellite telemetry.
Satellite On-Board Computer and Test Engineer 12/2003 - 6/2007
YUZHNOYE State Design Office, Ukraine
• Developed desktop and embedded applications for testing and functional simulations of satellite on-board computer, Integrated test consol, and attitude determination and control subsystems under Real time Linux.
• Conducted EgyptSat-1 satellite acceptance, qualification, and pre-launch tests (Electrical and Environmental).
• Analysed satellite telemetry data during all test phases.
Satellite On-Board Computer Engineer 7/2002 - 11/2003
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences, Egypt
• Developed an embedded computer for LEO satellites based on the Intel (80386 EX) embedded microprocessor.
• Attended orientation and specialized training on satellites on-board computers in Ukraine and Egypt.
Instrumentation and Control Engineer 3/2002 - 6/2002
Enppi, Egypt
• Participated in the design of the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System in pipelines’ field control.
Embedded Software Engineer 10/2000 - 2/2002
International Electronics R&D Center (Bahgat Group), Egypt
• Developed a real time embedded software for operating digital satellite receivers (Set-Top- Box) under ST-Lite/OS20 embedded Real Time Operating System.
Recognized as a "Highly Skilled Professional" By the Japanese Ministry of Justice - Immigration Bureau of Japan, Japan Oct. 2017.
Recognition of Participation in the National Conference for Expat Egyptian Scien- tists and Experts, Dec. 2016, Egypt.
United Nations Letter of Recognition for Succesful Participation in the UN/Japan Long-term Fellowship Programme on Nano-Satellite Technologies, May 2015.
Japanese Government Scholarship (Monbokagakusho) for distinguishable academic performance, March 2013 - March 2014.
Kyushu Institute of Technology - Meisenkai scholarship for publishing in the IEEE Aerospace 2013 conference at Big Sky, Montana, USA, March 2013.
Kyushu Institute of Technology - Meisenkai scholarship for publishing in the AIAA Space 2012 at USA, June 2012.
Doctor of Nano-Satellite Technology fellowship awarded by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and Kyushu Institute of Technology, July 2011.
Science and Technology Development Fund/Egypt – Capacity Building Grant (CBG) - fund of 1 MUSD for “Establishing a satellite systems development and test laboratory at the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences”, May 2009.
Coursera online specialization in Data Science, online, 2017-present.
Hitachi specialized training on cross cultural differences, Japan, May 2016.
Keio university training on system design and innovation, Japan, Sept. 2015.
Hitachi Ltd., New Employee Training, Japan, April - May 2015.
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Radiation Safety for Testing of Electronic Compo- nents at Nuclear Reactors, Japan, Aug. 2013.
EuroSim Hard Real Time Simulator certified specialist and developer, Netherland, Oct. 2011.
EuroSim satellite simulator, Dutch Space, Netherland, Oct. 2011.
National Instruments (Labview), Lebanon, June 2011.
Embedded network programming under Linux, SECC, Egypt, August 2009.
Embedded Linux programming, SECC, Egypt, August 2009.
Real Time Operating Systems programming, SECC, Egypt, August 2009.
Xilinx EDK and SDK, Mentronix, Egypt,July 2009.
Satellite design and testing, YUZHNOYE, Ukraine, Dec. 2003 - April 2007.
Arabic: (mother tongue)
English: (Business level) [TOEFL: CBT 267, IBT 109] [TOEIC: 990]
Russian: (Communication level)
French: (Basic level)
Japanese: (Elementary level)
FPGA Xilinx (EDK, SDK, ISE and PlanAhead), Xilinx Vivado, Altera Max+Plus II, Mentor Graphics (HDL Designer, ModelSim)
Electronics NI Multisim, OrCAD PSpice Designer
Hardware VHDL, Verilog
Measurements NI LabVIEW
Simulation SIMULINK, Java Modelling Tools, ns-3, eurosim
Scientific MATLAB, RStudio, Scilab
IDE VS.Net, Eclipse, Netbeans, KDevelop, Anaconda
Programming JAVA, C/C++, C#, VB.Net, X86 Assembly, R, Python, Prolog, OpenMP, MPI, Hadoop Map/Reduce
Python Libraries SciKit, SciPy, NumPy, SimPy, Pandas, TensorFlow
Operating Systems RTOS (QNX,Ucos-2, Xilkernel), Linux programming
Systems modelling Systems Toolkit (STK), SPENVIS
Generics Microsoft Project, LATEX, Primavera, JIRA, Confluence, Redmine, Github, Gitlab,TorToiseGit
International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE).
IEEE Nuclear Science and Plasma Society, Aerospace Society, Computer Society.
Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences.
Egyptian Engineering Syndicate.
Microprocessor Systems Design: Design and Implementation of a Complete MIPS 32 bit Microprocessor
Machine Learning: K-means Clustering of Facial Images
Advanced Computer Architecture: Design and Implementation of a Prime Number Generator for Cryptography Algorithms on a Distributed Cluster
Operating Systems: Design of a Tiny OS
Developer of the LEOP-1 space missions microprocessor.
Reviewer and former session organizer at the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Recon- figurable computing session (7.05), Big Sky, Montana, USA, since 2014.
Reviewer at the IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics (TIE).
16-Personalities test result: Debater
Research h-index: (3)
Research i10-index: (1)
Citations-index: (26)
Online Ph.D. Thesis link:
Prof. Soumaya Yacout
Département de mathématiques et de génie industriel Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal
C.P. 6079, succursale Centre-ville Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3A7 Tel: +1-514-340-4711 ext 4517
Fax: +1-514-340-4463
email: soumaya.yacout@polymtl.ca
Prof. Ayman El Dessouki
Former chairman of the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences
23 Joseph Tito El Nozha El Gedida, Cairo, Egypt, P.O. Box 1564 Alf Maskan Tel&fax: +20-100-668-2859
email: aeldessouki@narss.sci.eg
Prof. Mengu Cho
Spacecraft Environment Interaction Engineering Lab Integrated Systems Engineering Department
Kyushu Institute of Technology
1-1 Sensui Tobata-ku Kitakyushu 804-8550 JAPAN
Tel&fax: +81-93-884-322
email: cho@ele.kyutech.ac.jp
Assoc. Prof. Kenichi Asami
Embedded Systems Lab
Integrated Systems Engineering Department Kyushu Institute of Technology
1-1 Sensui Tobata-ku Kitakyushu 804-8550 JAPAN
Tel&fax: +81-93-884-322
email: asami@mns.kyutech.ac.jp
Project No.(1) Design and Implementation of FPGA-based Single Board Computer Using Xilinx-ZYNQ Z7
Period February 2018 - Present
Affiliation Ministry of Military Production Ministry of Education [Egypt]
Job Title Principal Investigator
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Leading the project team to develop a single board computer for educational and embedded systems applications.
2. Specifying functional requirements and reviewing system implementation
3. Authoring curriculum in Computer Engineering courses to be run on the ZYNQ SBC.
4. Teaching Computer Engineering classes (Logic Design, Computer Architecure, Embedded Systems, Parallel Processing) using the ZYNQ SBC at Fayoum and Nile Universities.
Project No.(2) Predictive analytics of Hitachi enterprise storage array performance
Period February 2016 - October 2017
Affiliation Hitachi, Ltd., Telecommunication and Information Systems Com- pany, Architecture Design Center [Japan]
Job Title Computer Systems Architect
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Developing a predictive analytics tool for Hitachi storage arrays performance based on statistical modelling and unsupervised K-means, Support Vector Machines (SVM), and KNN machine learning algorithms.
2. Conducting research for Diagnostics & Prognostics of storage arrays failures.
3. Conducting research for anomaly detection in storage arrays performance.
4. Implementing the Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) machine learning algorithm using parallel processing.
Project No.(3) Hiatchi’s Infrastructure Analytics Advisor (HIAA)
Period November 2016 - January 2016
Affiliation Hitachi, Ltd., Telecommunication and Information Systems Com- pany, Architecture Design Center [Japan]
Job Title Computer Systems Architect
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Designed a data-model for non-SQL relational database to represent performance metrics of generic storage arrays.
2. Implemented a Software simulator for generating sample data of the generic storage array.
Project No.(4) Hiatchi’s next generation cluster storage array- scale-out software defined storage (Obsidian)
Period (April 2016 - October 2016)
Affiliation Hitachi, Ltd., Telecommunication and Information Systems Com- pany, Architecture Design Center [Japan]
Job Title Computer Systems Architect
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Analysed, designed and simulated the inter-nodes communication architecture and topology for Obsidian high performance storage cluster.
2. Reviewed and integrated failure management and fault tolerance strategies of Obsidian storage array.
3. Applied Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) method for failure risk management.
Project No.(5) Performance modelling and prediction of Hitachi enterprise storage array architecture (HM-800)
Period (June 2015 - March 2016)
Affiliation Hitachi, Ltd., Telecommunication and Information Systems Com- pany, Architecture Design Center [Japan]
Job Title Computer Systems Architect
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Analysed the software architecture of Hitachi enterprise RAID storage array em- bedded controller.
2. Conducted mathematical and statistical modelling of multiprocessor storage arrays architectures for analyzing, detecting, predicting and improving system performance.
3. Developed software tools for remote measuring of storage arrays performance metrics.
4. Analysed and modelled the storage system hardware architecture.
Project No.(6) Development and qualification of a satellite failure management system
Period (2014)
Affiliation National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences [Egypt]
Job Title Research Proposal Writer/Deep learning
Architect Accomplished Tasks:
1. Developed a smart failure detection system to diagnose and predict system failures using FPGA-based neural networks (implementing RNN and LSTM on Kintex-7 FPGA).
2. Planned and designed radiation test of the failure management system.
Project No.(7) Development and qualification of a fault tolerant payload command and data handling platform
Period (2014)
Affiliation National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences [Egypt]
Job Title Technical Consultant
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Designed the radiation test procedure for qualifying a Payload Command and Data Handling Subsystem (PLCDHS) subsystem based on the Virtex-5 FPGA and developed at NARSS.
2. Designed the thermal vacuum test procedure for the same subsystem.
3. Supported the team technically during the tests that took place at TAKASAKI Advanced Ion-Accelerator/Japan and Kyutech Center for Nano-satellite Testing (CeNT)/Japan.
Project No.(8) Horyu-V satellite-The space environment explorer
Period (2012)
Affiliation Kyushu Institute of Technology [Japan]
Job Title Project Manager
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Led a team to design a space mission to monitor space environment effects on LEO satellites especially electrostatic discharging on solar panels and deep dielectric discharging in electronic components due to plasma environment.
2. Acted as the satellite system engineer.
3. Acted as the On-Board Computer principal engineer.
Project No.(9) AlexEdusat–1 an educational 1U cube satellite
Period (2010)
Affiliation National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences [Egypt]/Bibliotheca Alexandrina [Egypt]
Job Title Proposal Writer/Executive Project Manager
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Initiated the idea and wrote the research proposal for developing a university cube satellite through collaboration among NARSS, Bibliotheca Alexandria and Egyptian universities.
2. Managing the project phases as per the European Committee for Space Standard- ization (ECSS) standard.
Project No.(10) Establishment of satellites’ subsystems development and test labo- ratory at NARSS, Egypt
Period (2010)
Affiliation National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences [Egypt]
Job Title Business Plan Writer/Project Manager
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Initiated the idea and wrote the business plan for fund raising. [Science Technol- ogy and Development Fund (STDF)/Egypt Capacity Building Grant (CBG) of 1 MUSD].
2. Managed the project to establish the first lab in Egypt for: a) Performing integrated test and development of satellite subsystems, b) Running advanced hard real time simulations through (eurosim) simulator platform, and c) Educating satellites engineering through educational satellite modules.
Project No.(11) Building a highly reliable COTS-based computer system for space applications
Period (2009 - 2010)
Affiliation National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences [Egypt]
Job Title Executive Project Manager
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Led the team to develop a multi-processor on-board computer using commercial grade FPGA based on LEON-3 core and Gaisler Aeroflex IP cores (Virtex-5 FX FPGA).
2. Managed the project cost, schedule, quality and scope according to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK by PMI).
Project No.(12) Development and qualification of 1U cube satellite (EgyCubesat -1) for remote sensing and earth observation
Period (2008)
Affiliation National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences [Egypt]
Job Title Research Proposal Writer/On-Board
Computer Team Leader Accomplished Tasks:
1. Wrote the research proposal for fund raising. [Research Development and Innovation (RDI)/Egypt fund of 420 K€]
2. Led the On-Board Computer team to develop the satellite command and data han- dling software (NanoMind A712D On-Board Computer from GOMspace/Denmark).
3. Assisted in project management (project schedule and risk follow ups).
Project No.(13) Development of Platform Command and Data Handling Subsystem test equipment software and sensors/actuators real time simulators for Egypt-sat1 remote sensing satellite
Period (2003 - 2007)
Affiliation YUZHNOYE State Design Office – Ukrainian Space Agency [Ukraine]
Job Title Embedded Software Engineer/Systems
Performance Analyst Accomplished Tasks:
1. Developed device drivers for Input/Output interface and control cards under Linux for EgyptSat-1 test equipment.
2. Developed the test scenarios platform for testing EgyptSat-1 on-board computer & attitude determination/control subsystems.
3. Developed the integrated test controller for managing EgyptSat-1 integrated tests.
4. Developed real time simulators for sensors, actuators & EgyptSat-1 dynamics using Software-In-the-Loop (SIL) and Hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL).
5. Performed system level analysis of EgyptSat-1 telemetry during acceptance & qualification tests.
6. Proposed and implemented a procedure for receiving and deploying EgyptSat- 1 subsystems and ground equipment software packages from Ukrainian side to Egyptian side.
7. Participated in commissioning EgyptSat-1 after launching.
8. Participated in EgyptSat-1 engineering model & flight model evaluation committees.
9. Participated in EgyptSat-1 in-flight performance evaluation committee.
10. Led the software acceptance team for approving software functionality of satellite On- board computer and ground telemetry analysis package after launching EgyptSat-1.
Project No.(14) Development of embedded set-top-box operating software on ST20 microprocessor using ST-Lite/OS20 Real Time Operating System
Period (2000 - 2002)
Affiliation International Electronics - Bahgat Group R&D [Egypt]/ST Micro- electronics [France]
Job Title Embedded Software Engineer
Accomplished Tasks:
1. Developed software to localize the set-top-box display language to Arabic.
2. Developed an on-chip in-memory embedded database for handling satellites’ transpon- ders data.
3. Developed an On-Screen Display (OSD) interface for handling user interactions.
4. Developed system packets decoder for identifying network and program information from satellite data stream.
I. Invited Talks:
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, “Improving University Education in Egypt”, The fourth national conference for expat Egyptian scientists and experts, 17 - 18 December, 2018, Hurghada, Egypt.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, “Critical Technologies for Remote Sensing Satellites”, The Third national conference for expat Egyptian scientists and experts, 25 - 26 February, 2018, Luxor, Egypt.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, “ICT & space industry business opportunities”, The First national conference for expat Egyptian scientists and experts, 14 -15 December, 2016, Hurghada, Egypt.
Mohamed Mhamoud Ibrahim, “Horyu-V the Space Environment Explorer Satellite – Strategic Auditing”, United Nations/United Arab Emirates Symposium on Basic Space Technology "Small Satellite Missions for Developing Space Nations", 20-23 October, 2013, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Mohamed Mhamoud Ibrahim, “Nano-Satellites Building Blocks”, MilSatCom Mid- dle East & Africa 2013, 25-27 February 2013, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, “Integrated telemetry analysis for LEO satellites”, 2nd international conference on Advanced Control Circuits and Systems, 2-4 March, 2008, Cairo, Egypt.
II. Presentations:
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Horyu-V team, and Mengu Cho, "Building Small Satellites at Universities: The way to go", United Nations/United Arab Emirates Symposium on Basic Space Technology "Small Satellite Missions for Developing Space Nations", 20-23 October, 2013, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, “Smart reconfigurable fault tolerant CCSDS TC/TM system for LEO satellites”, 4th international conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies, 11-13 June, 2009, Turkish Air Force Academy, Istanbul, Turkey.
M. Mahmoud, A. Mahmoud, M. El-Sirafy, A. Hassan, A. Farrag “EgyptSat1 com- missioning hands on experience”, seminar at NARSS-workshop, Military Technical College, 13th international conference on AEROSPACE SCIENCES & AVIATION TECHNOLOGY, 26-28 May, 2009, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, “The Egyptian experience in satellite building”, World Space Environment Forum, 20-24 October, 2007, Alexandria Bibliotheca, Alexandria, Egypt.
III. Abstract Reviewed Papers:
M.M. Ibrahim, A. Batsuren, M. Alkali, M. Nori, P. Ammarin, P. Faure, and M. Cho, “Design Concept of Horyu-V The Space Environment Explorer”, The 5th Nano-Satellite Symposium, November 20-22, 2013, Takeda Hall, University of Tokyo, Japan.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Kenichi Asami and Mengu Cho, “LEO Single Event Upset Emulator for Validation of FPGA Based Avionics Systems”, ISTS-29th , Nagoya, Japan, 2-9 June 2013.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Kenichi Asami and Mengu Cho, “Time and Space Redundancy Fault Tolerance Trade-offs for FPGA Based Single and Multicore Designs”, ISTS-29th , Nagoya, Japan, 2-9 June 2013.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Kenichi Asami, and Mengu Cho, “Mathematical Modeling of Iterative Rework Effect on Nano Satellites Reliability”, The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, $56 C$?y??c¢ƒ¦ , Beppu-Oita, Japan, 20-22 November, 2012.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Asami Kenichi, Mengu Cho, “Software Model for Estimating Nano-Satellite Projects Cost, Schedule and Reliability Based on DSM Technique and Monte Carlo Simulation”, 4th UN-Japan Nano-Satellite Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 10-13 October, 2012.
Ibrahim, M., Faure, P., Asami, K., and Cho, M, “Horyu-2 Educational Satellite: Lessons Learnt and Future Perspectives”, AIAA- SPACE 2012 Conference & Exposition, Pasadena, California, USA, September 11-13, 2012.
Ibrahim, M., Asami, K., and Cho, M, “The Use of Reconfigurable FPGAs in Devel- oping Reliable Satellite On-Board Computers”, AIAA- SPACE 2012 Conference & Exposition, Pasadena, California, USA, September 11-13, 2012.
Ibrahim, M., Asami, K., and Cho, M, “Fault Tolerant Architecture Alternatives for Developing Nano-Satellites Embedded Computers”, AIAA -SPACE 2012 Conference & Exposition, Pasadena, California, USA, September 11-13, 2012.
A. Abd-Elaziz, A. Farrage, A. Ahmed, H. Medhat, M. Mahmoud, M. El-Sirafy, and A. Zaki, “EgyCubeSat-1 First Egyptian Remote Sensing Pico-Satellite minimizing cost and enhancing resolution”, 13th international conference on AEROSPACE SCIENCES & AVIATION TECHNOLOGY, May 26-28, 2009, Military Technical College, Cairo, Egypt.
M. Mahmoud, A. Mahmoud, M. El-Sirafy, A. Hassan, A. Farrag, and A. Zaki, “Mi- crosatellites commissioning hands on experience”, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Small Satellites, ’New Missions, and New Technologies,’ SSW2008, Istanbul, Turkey, June 5-7, 2008.
IV. Peer Reviewed Papers and Journals:
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim et al, "Integrated Telemetry Analysis Using Human Expert Knowledge and the Logical Analysis of Data", IEEE Aerospace 2018, Big Sky, Montana, USA, 3-10 March, pp. 1 - 14, 2018.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Kenichi Asami and Mengu Cho, “Time and Space Redundancy Fault Tolerance Trade-offs for FPGA Based Single and Multicore Designs”, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, Vol. 12 (2014) No. ists29, Pj15 - Pj24.
M.M. Ibrahim, A. Batsuren, M. Alkali, M. Nori, P. Ammarin, P. Faure, and M. Cho, “Design Concept of Horyu-V The Space Environment Explorer”, Space Takumi Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1 - 18, 2014, Japan.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Kenichi Asami, and Mengu Cho, “Thermal Vacuum Test Results for Virtex-5 FPGA Based Multi-core On-Board Computer”, IEEE AeroSpace 2014, Big Sky, Montana, USA, 1-8 March, pp. 1 - 9, 2014.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Kenichi Asami and Mengu Cho, “LEO Single Event Upset Emulator for Validation of FPGA Based Avionics Systems”, Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan, pp. Tf19 – Tf25, Japan, 2013.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Kenichi Asami, and Mengu Cho, “Evaluation of SRAM based FPGA Performance by Simulating SEU through Fault Injection”, RAST-2013, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 649 - 659, 12-14 June 2013.
Mohamed Ibrahim, Pauline Faure, Batsuren Amgalanbat, and Kevin Chou, “IRS- Sat: Integrated Rescue Service Satellite”, Mission Idea Contest - 2, 4th UN-Japan Nano-Satellite Symposium, Nagoya, Japan, 10-13 October, pp. 1 - 12, 2012.
Ibrahim, M.M., Tobal, A.M., Nahas, M.Y.E., Refai, M.K., “FPGA based on board computer for LEO satellites”, Space Science and Communication (IconSpace), 2011 IEEE International Conference on , pp.314 - 319, Penang, Malaysia 12-13 July 2011.
V. Book Chapters:
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, Pauline Faure, Batsuren Amgalanbat, and Kevin Chou, “Innovative Ideas for Micro/Nano-Satellite Missions”, International Academy of Astronautics, IAA Book Series, ISBN/EAN – IAA 978-2-917761-28-1, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 183 – 192.
VI. Technical Reports:
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, “Study for Starting Computer Engineering Manu- facturing in Egypt”, Internal report for Ministry of Military Production, Egypt, February 2018.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, “HM800 Management APIs Performance Modelling using Queuing Networks”, Internal report for Hitachi Ltd., ICT Business Unit, Architecture Design Center, March 2016.
Mohamed Mahmoud Ibrahim, “Inter-Connection Network Topology Modelling and Simulation of Obsidian Cluster-Based Storage Array”, Internal report for Hitachi Ltd., ICT Business Unit, Architecture Design Center, Sept. 2016.