Faculty of Engineering

  Workshop on Renewable Energy Applications and Climate Change: Prospects and Challenges

Under the patronage of Prof. Yasser MagdyHatata, President of the University, and Prof. ArafaSabry, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Prof. SherifMuhammadSabry Al-Attar, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering witnessed a workshop on renewable energy applications and climate change, prospects and challenges, one of the outputs of the research project funded by the Science and Technology Fund entitled:“Optimal Design of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Tourist Facilities in Fayoum Governorate”,Today, Sunday, October 9, 2022, in the presence of Prof. Rania Abu Al-Saud, Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies, Prof. Islam Hilali, Vice-Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Prof. Saleh Al-Awni, Dean of the Faculty of Science; Dr. Suzan Abdel-Hadi, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the faculty,the workshop coordinator, the main researcher in the project; the heads of departments, faculty members, eng.KhallafRushdi, the general manager of Conservation and Renewable Energy at the Central Egypt Electricity Company, and a number of students.
Prof. Sherif Al-Attar welcomed the attendees and said that it is necessary to pay attention to research and studies related to renewable energy and its applications, and how to benefit from them, due to the limitations of traditional energy types and their high prices. He added that the Faculty of Engineering is remarkably seeking to achieve great achievements in the scientific and practical aspects regarding renewable energy.
After Prof. Islam Hilali welcomed the guests, he stressed the importance of renewable energy, as it is clean and environmentally friendly energy.
Prof. Rania Abu Al-Saud expressed her sincere thanks and appreciation to the attendees,and stressed the need to pay attention to research in this field, and that the Faculty directs its attention to scientific research and studies that will benefit the Faculty and society as a whole.
Prof. Saleh Al-Awni indicated that Dr. Suzan Abdel-Hadi presented a group of research papers with him at the Egyptian Governmental Universities Forum, and that the research presented to the Minister from Fayoum University was said to be equivalent to a third of the conference’s research. Prof. Dr. Saleh Al-Awnialso expressed his sincere thanks and gratitude to attend the workshop and to all attendees, and that the workshop is one of the outputs of the renewable energy applications and climate change project.
For her part, Dr. Suzan Abdel-Hadi stressed the importance of renewable energy, and gave a comprehensivepresentation that included many achievements and some photosof the exchanged visits between the Egyptian and British team. She explained that the project is a joint project between Fayoum University and Imperial Faculty University, and is funded by the British Council, STDF, and that the project is part of the National Initiative for Smart Projects, and is a part of the (Newton/Mosharafa) projects of the Ministry of Higher Education and the Science and Technology Fund. She also mentioned that the project started in October 2019 and ends in October 2022. Moreover, she said that 10 kilowatts of energy was produced from the project, and a 5 kilowatt wind turbine is being installed for Green Tourism at the University Hotel on the shores of Lake Qarun.