Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence

General Manager

Departments Management
Mr.Ibrahim Ali Moawad
General manager
General cadre Mr. Mohammed Abdel Azim
Special Cadre and Cultural Relations Ms. Somia Yahia Yasin
Students' Affairs Ms. Salma Abdel Tawab Said
Graduates' Affairs Ms. Seham Ahmed Hassan
Youth Care Hala Syed Hafez
Financial Affairs Ms. Eman Younis Mahmoud
Procurement Mr. Bahaa Eldin Abdel Fattah Hasona
Warehouses Mr. Abdel Hady Zaki Abdel Hady
Library Services Ms. Amany Seody
Treasurer Mr. Mohammed Moawad
Laboratories Mr. Salah Hashem Abdel Hamid
Quality Assurance Unit Ms. Taghreed El Sayed Yusuf
Tel: 0846370025                          * Fax: 0846370025 
Mailing address: University of Fayoum - the building of the ComputersInformation - zip code: 63514