Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Ayman Antar Al-Helbawy

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6379562 - 084 6379569
Fax number: 084 6370025
E-mail Address: aah03@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Department of Computer Science
Post Address: Fayoum University – Department of Computer Sciences - Faculty of Computers & Information
POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc. Computer Sciences - College of computers and information - Cairo - 2000
M.Sc. Computer Sciences - College of computers and information - Cairo - 2005
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 2001 to 2005
Assistant Lecturer: From 2006 to 2016
Lecturer: From 2016 Uptill now
Collective Approaches to Named Entity Disambiguation
Puplication list
Collective Named Entity Disambiguation using Graph Ranking and Clique Partitioning Approaches.
Graph Ranking for Collective Named Entity Disambiguation.
Research interests
Address classification in natural language texts
Photo identification