Faculty of Computers & Artificial Intelligence


Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6379562 - 084 6379569
Fax number: 084 6370025
E-mail Address: ami04@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Building of Information Systems Department
Post Address: Fayoum University- Faculty of Computers & Information – Department of Information Systems - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc:  Engineering - Communication Department - Helwan University - 1992
M.Sc: Computer Science - Cairo University (Specialty: Non-monotonic Reasoning) - 2000
Ph. D: PhD: Computer Science - Cairo University (Specialty: Text Mining) - 2010
Academic Positions
Lecturer: From 2012 to 2016
Assistant Professor: From 2016 to now
Academic Rank
Acting Director of the Faculty of Computing and Information for Community Service and Environmental Development from 08/01/2016 until now.
Research interests
Text Mining

Knowledge Discovery

Query Answering

Text Annotation

Artificial Intelligence

List Of Publication
A Prototype for Breast Cancer Detection and Development Probability Expert System – Towards a Supportive Tool

Fake Accounts Detection in Twitter based on Minimum Weighted Feature set

Documents Emotions Classification Model Based on TF-IDF Weighting Measure

Towards an Automated Evaluation Approach for E-Procurement

Performance Tuning of K-Mean Clustering Algorithm a Step towards Efficient DSS

MohamedYehia Dahab, Amira Mohamed Idrees, Hesham Ahmed Hassan, Ahmed Rafea,“Pattern Based Concept Extraction For Arabic Documents”, International journal of Intelligent Computing and information science, 2010.

Hesham Ahmed Hassan, Amira Mohamed Idrees, “Sampling Technique Selection Framework for Knowledge Discovery” INFOS 2010, 2010.

Dr. El-Sayed El-Araby El-Azhary, Eng. Amira Idrees, Prof. Dr. Ahmed Rafea,"Diagnostic Method Using Non-monotonic Reasoning", “Expert Systems with Applications”,Volume 23, Issue 2, August 2002.

The 7th International Conference on Informatics and Systems (INFOS 2010). Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Mining Track.

Water Hackathon Cairo Event, American University in Cairo, October 2011.

Workshop on the Technology and its impact on development, Egypt, 2011.

Workshop on the Rural and Agricultural Development Communication Network Project (RADCON), Egypt, 2008.

Workshop on ever-growing global scale-free networks, their provisioning, repair and unique functions, Spain, 2003.

Training Courses
Introduction to Expert systems.

Building Expert Systems.

Introduction to Oracle Database.

Working experience
Lecturer, in Computer Science Department, 2012 , Faculty of Computers and Information, Fayoum University, Egypt .

Chair of Agricultural Expert System Development Department, 2009 – 2011, Central Laboratory for Expert Systems, ARC .

Project Leader, Researcher assistant, 2005-2009, Central Laboratory for Expert Systems, ARC .

Team Leader, Assistant researcher, 2002-2005, Central Laboratory for Expert Systems, ARC. .

Senior Software Engineer, Assistant researcher, 1999-2002, Central Laboratory for Expert Systems, ARC .

Software Engineer, 1996-1999, Central Laboratory for Expert Systems, ARC .

System Developer, 1992-1996, Central Laboratory for expert systems, ARC .

Part-time Lecturer in Faculty of Computers and Information, 2010- 2011, Cairo University .

Supervisor in two graduation projects in Faculty of Computers and Information, 2010- 2011, Cairo University .

Member in Graduation projects committee in Faculty of Computers and Information, 2010- 2011, Cairo University.