Faculty of Social Work

  The Dean's Congratulations on the Occasion of the New Hijri Year

Prof. Zeinab Moawad Al-Bahi, Dean of the Faculty, extends sincere congratulations to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, the Egyptian People, the university family, the faculty members, the administrators, the students and the People of Fayoum Governorate on the occasion of the new Hijri year, 1441 AH, asking God a new year full of peace and blessings for the Islamic and Arab nations.
Prof. Zeinab Moawad al-Bahi said in a statement that "we receive the new Hijri year with Al-Hijra lessons and with determination to promote our mission to support stability and development, asking God a new year full of peace and blessings for the Islamic and Arab nations."