Faculty of Social Work

  The Visit of the Follow-up and Providing Technical Support Team to the Educational Effectiveness Project

On Monday, 2/9/2019, the Faculty received the Follow-up and Technical Support Team of the Educational Effectiveness Project (SDEE) from the Department of Projects Development at the Ministry of Higher Education headed by Prof. Ahmed Abdel Wahab. This visit is a part of the follow-up of the implementation of the project. The team was received by Prof. Zeinab Moawad Al-Bahi, Dean of the Faculty, the Vice Deans, Heads of Departments, Prof. Yusuf Ishaq and Dr Salwa Salah, Director of Quality Unit at the Faculty.
The program of the visit was as follows:
A meeting with the Faculty and the project administration at the Dean's office.
Examining the documents supporting the outputs of the project and reviewing the accreditation standards with the standards heads and members.
Visiting the library, laboratories and classrooms to follow up all the equipment to promote the educational process.
Meeting with the project management team.
During the visit, the team praised the role played by the faculty administration and the project management team for completing the documents supporting the project outputs so far.