Faculty of Social Work

  The College of Social Work visits and supports the Fayoum Oncology Center

The College of Social Work represented by the Office of Public Relations and Media and the Student Union organized a visit to the Oncology Center in Fayoum to support the activities of the center under the chairmanship of Prof. Male and female students of the college visit and support the Fayoum Oncology Center At the beginning of the visit, Prof. Dr. Zainab Moawad Al-Bahi, Dean of the College and Head of the Public Relations and Media Office, thanked and appreciated the reception by the management of the center and their welcome during the visit and for this great edifice, especially to Professor Dr. . The visit confirms the college's support for the oncology center and provides a touch of loyalty to the patients and all the center's employees who make every effort to serve all patients. She added that the students, through the visit, tried to bring joy to the patients, explaining that the college is in constant contact with the center, and that the visit comes within the framework of the college's continued efforts to deepen the concept of community participation, and to build bridges of interdependence and communication with all institutions, to provide scientific, humanitarian and social activities. During the visit, Prof. Dr. Salah Abu Talib, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Oncology Patients Care Association, toured the various departments of the center, which included a number of departments of the Oncology Center, including chemotherapy units, CT scans, clinical pharmacy, therapeutic nutrition unit, a number of specialized clinics, and clinics’ laboratory Oncology specialization. And two physical planning and control rooms, a bone density measurement device, diagnostic and ultrasound radiology, and a liver tumor burning unit, as well as checking the level of equipment, protection and safety means for the center, and a mammogram machine. During the tour, His Excellency explained the center's operating mechanisms and construction and medical equipment, explaining that the center is attended by 200 to 250 patients daily, in addition to the center's participation in the presidential initiative 100 Million Seha, which is related to detecting breast cancer for women. Dr. Hani Judeh, Student Communication Officer, Coordinator of the Public Relations and Media Office and Coordinator of the visit, confirmed that this visit confirms the support of the College of Social Work for the Oncology Center and to provide a touch of loyalty to patients, all staff in the center and medical staff who make every effort to serve patients, and that this visit comes to activate the College of Service. Social for its humanitarian role in addition to its educational role. At the end of the visit, Prof. Dr. Zainab Moawad Al-Bahi, Dean of the College and Head of the Public Relations and Media Office presented the college shield to Dr. Salah Abu Talib, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association for the Care of Oncology Patients, in appreciation of her honor for supporting the Fayoum Cancer Center.