Faculty of Social Work

  (Together to Fight Illiteracy), a Seminar Within the Activities of Community Enlightenment Project, Axis of Illiteracy Eradication

Under the auspices of Prof. Yasser MagdiHatata, President of the University, Prof. Mohamed Farouk Al Khabeeri, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Prof. Ahmed Hosni Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty and Prof. Youssef Abdel-Hamid, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, the Community Enlightenment Project team, headed by Prof. AmalRabie, Executive Director of the Community Enlightenment Project and former Dean of the Faculty of Education, and Dr. Ola Gamal, Project Coordinator at the Faculty, held a seminar and workshop for fourth year students, under the title (Together to fight illiteracy).
The seminar discussed the difficulties facing the project and how to overcome them were discussed, the project's implementation plan, the project's objectives and axes, the target group, tasks of the participants, how to reach the illiterates , The financial and moral return, training students on how to attract learners, the educational curricula used and exam forms.
At the end of the seminar, students' questions were answered.