Faculty of Social Work

  Workshop on Credit Hour System

Under the auspices of Prof. Yasser MagdyHatata, President of Fayoum University, Prof. Mohamed Farouk Al Khabiri, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Ahmed Hosni Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty of Social Work, and Prof. Youssef Mohamed Abdel Hamid, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, the Faculty of Social Work organized a workshop in cooperation with the Faculty Vice Deanship for Community Service and Environmental Development, prepared by Prof. Hanaa Abdel Tawab and Prof. Abeer Hassan.
Prof. Youssef Abdel-Hamid started his speech by talking about the internationally recognized credit hour system and its advantages. He also addressed some terms related to the credit hour system, such as teaching load, academic level, semester and cumulative GPA, how it is calculated, academic advising and its importance in the credit hour system.
Dr. Salwa Salah gave a presentation on the new Faculty regulations for the credit hours system, reviewing some terms such as the student’s academic record, registration, schedules, university and Faculty requirements, and how to calculate credit hours. She also touched upon the new Faculty regulations and its programs, namely, General Practitioner in Social Service program, International Social Service Specialist program, and Human Development Specialist program. She also covered the academic levels system, basic courses for each department, optional courses, and registration, deletion, and addition systems.
At the end of the meeting, a dialogue was opened with the faculty members to answer their questions.