Faculty of Specific Education

Prof.Dr. Abeer Fuad Osman

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6335571                          
Fax Number: 084 6334965
E-mail Address: afo01@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : Art Education Building - Fourth Floor
Postal Address : Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Specific Education - Art Education - Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Fine Arts  - Department of the Division of graphic design minia university -1991 .
Postgraduate Diploma:  in Fine Arts -  Specialization Jravk design printed Helwan University  -1994.
M. Sc.: graphic arts allocated - the Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan university - 1998.
Ph. D.: Photography - Faculty of Specific Education - Cairo University -2007
Academic Positions
Assistant Lecturer : From 1998 To 2007
Lecturer : From 2007 to 2018
Assistant Professor : From 2018 to 2023
Professor : From 2023 Until Now
Modern Technology In the Conservation Of The Graphic's Art
The effect of teaching the contemporary Egyptian painting material technology on improving the specific Education student's skilful and expressive abilities
The effect of teaching the contemporary Egyptian painting material technology on improving the specific Education student's skilful and expressive abilities
The plastic Dimensions for deconstructionist In the contemporary painting
The Philosophical and plastic Variables In The Artwork Of Oil painting in the glance of aesthetic concepts of Minimal Art.
Contemporary visions The expressive and dramatic connotations of women and benefiting from them in the field of contemporary painting .
"tears" Research field The morphotypes of eye tears with microscopic vision as an introduction creative photographic works
Contrasted painted Vision for shaping geometrical Refairing Accourding to artistisin in the painting (An analytical study)
Line and Space Aesthetics of the Poppy Flower Linear systems and their effects on aesthetic perception in the field of photography
The philosophical concept of some light artists in contemporary photography .
Seventh research Landscape art gallery “Color Reflections” The latent relationship between color and material in photography "Contemporary
Research Interests
Importance of Materials in Recent Arts
Knowledge of Technology & Used Media
Knowledge of Scientific & Technological Aspects of Materials
Importance of Materials & Their Abilities
Tranining courses in the area of quality management systems
Received certificates of appreciation from passing the following courses :
• Dissemination of a culture of quality  in 5/4/2006
• Description of the how the program in 13/4/2006
• Analysis of current situation swot The development of the strategic plan and operational departments . in 26/4/2006
• Description of how decisions in 6/5/2006
• Guidance in writing his report and the report of the program in 31/7/2006
• Dissemination of a culture of evaluation in 2/10/2006
• Guidance in writing the annual report in 10/4/2006
• Guide to the preparation of reports and descriptions of the curricula of the technical section .
• Guide to the preparation of the program descriptions and reports of the professional Education Division
Vaalanctp different in the field of quality management systems
* Locally :
 * Description of decisions and the preparation of reports on the decisions .
*  Program descriptions and reportind program .
* Found that the negional :
* Atted a workshop ( institutional Calender ) in Ain Shams University 2008 AD, in the framework of the activities of the internal systems of quality assurance in the faculties of education and the quality of kindergarten education program for developing the Supreme Council of Universities .
* Attend the training course ( Information systems for higher education reviewers ) at the Graduate Institute of Telecommunications of the National Authority for Quality Assurance , Ministy of Higher Education .
* Atted a training course for pre-university education .
Various other actinities related to the educational process and community service:
* First, the Scientific sessions :
  Passing the role of ( teaching using technology ) from the Center for the development of faculty members and leaders of Fayoum University .
  Passing (the teaching of large numbers of micro-teaching) and the status of the development of faculty members and leaders of Fayoum University .
  Pass the computer of the Center for the develompent of faculty members and leaders of Fayoum University .
  Pass the university teacher preparation from the Center for the development of faculty members and leaders of Fayoum University .
  Pass the coures of Icdl .
  To pass the Toefl English Language .
  Pass ( the thinking skills ) of the center for the development of Faculty members and leaders of fayoum university .
  Pass the course IT is 100%
*Second : Activities :
  Participate in the preparation of today's environmental quality of the Faculty of education within the framework of the activities of the environmental week , the university of fayoum .
  Participation in the arbitration committees contests and workshops for college students quality education .
  Participate in the preparation of the exhibition of the visual production of student for college of Education Quality to obtain a certificate of appreciation from college of Education Quality Fayoum University .
For their contribution to the success of today of today's environmental quality of the Faculty of Education University of Fayoum .
  Prepare a set of Cultural seminars and media college .
Curriculum , Which Taught
Article perspective drawing and engineering students to the Professional Education Division .
  Material technology of raw materials for students of Department of Art Education .
  of the history and doctrines of the professional Education Division of Professional .
Article artisitic taste of the students of the Faculty of Education University of Fayoum .