Faculty of Specific Education

Dr. Amira Abdullah Sied Ahmed Mekled

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6335571                          
Fax Number: 084 6334965
E-mail Address: aam15@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Art Education Building - Fourth Floor
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Specific Education - Art Education Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Art Education - Faculty of Specific Education – Tanta University - 2005
M. Sc.: Art Education (Wood working) - Faculty of Specific Education - Ain Shams University - 2010
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 2006 - 2010
Assistant Lecturer : From 2010 To 2013
Lecturer : From 2013 to 2020
Assistant Professor: From 2020 Until Now
Technical treatments for layers of the natural wood crust by dying and pressing to achieve plastic values in wooden work
Resulting from pressing layers of the Dynamic of line and color natural wood veneer as an input to innovation wooden ornaments accessories
Publication List
Utilizing the aesthetic dimensions of Islamic motifs as an introduction to enriching contemporary wooden spoon surfaces.
The effect of the combination of the technique of quilling the natural wood veneer chips and epoxy on showing the aesthetics (line - color - transparency - and hardness) in the contemporary woodwork.
Abstract bodies of birds between mass and void. exhibition titled "Migratory Birds"
Aesthetic Value of Art Nouveau Artists and its Benefit in Making Contemporary wooden works
The aesthetics of transparency and rhythmic complementarity of color and texture between the remnants of natural wood chips and epoxy as an input to enrich the woodwork in light of postmodern arts.
Benefit from Nature-Inspired Visual Stimuli as an Approach to Enrich the Two-Dimensional Wooden Works
Research Interests
Plastic Art and Development of Wood Working Education