Faculty of Specific Education

Dr. Walaa Hassan Nashaat Abd-Alah

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6335571                          
Fax number: 084 6334965
E-mail Address: whn00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Art Education building - Faculty of Specific Education
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Specific Education - Art Education
      Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Education of Art- Specific Education- Fayoum University -2007
Special Diploma : in Art Education - Faculty of Education - Ain Shams University - 2007/2008 AD.
M.Sc: in Specific Education - Department of Art Education - specializing in sculpture - 2014.
P.hD: in Specific Education - Department of Art Education - specializing in sculpture - 2022 AD.
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 2006 To 2014
Assistant Lecturer : 2014 To 2022
Lecturer : 2022 Untill now
The Plastic Styles of Fish in the Contemporary Sculpture and its benefit in the Modeling of Sculpture
A Comparative Study for Space at Each Of The Sculptor “Henry Moore” And The Sculptor “Ossip Zadkine” And Its Benefit In Contemporary Sculpture
University activities
Technical workshop in the university city for the academic year 2008-2009 AD - 2009-2010 AD.
Training course for small projects 2010-2011.
Training the digital library 2018.
College exhibition in "Al-Thawra" hall, Faculty of Specific Education - Fayoum University.
Exhibition "Qualitative Creations" at Mahmoud Mokhtar Museum, 2019.
Obtaining the TOEFL English language certificate at Ain Shams University in 2008.
Obtaining the ICDL certificate.
General courses
Effective presentation session of the project to develop the capabilities of faculty members and leaders at Fayoum University in 2007.
Lifelong Learning Course in the Capacity Development Project for Faculty Members and Leaders at Fayoum University 2007 AD.
Effective Communication Skills Course in the Capacity Development Project for Faculty Members and Leaders at Fayoum University in 2007.
Examination systems and student evaluation course in the Faculty and Leadership Development Project at Fayoum University in 2008.
Quality Standards in the Teaching Process Course in the Faculty and Leadership Development Project at Fayoum University 2008.
Strategic Planning Course in the Faculty and Leadership Development Project at Fayoum University in 2008.
3d max course (2009).
Photo Shop 2010 session. Academic Advising and Student Support Course in the Faculty and Leadership Development Project at Fayoum University 2017.
Basics of Quality Management of the Educational Process Course in the Faculty and Leadership Development Project at Fayoum University 2018.
Question banks course and specifications for the good test in the Faculty and Leadership Development Project at Fayoum University 2019.
International Scientific Publication Course in the Faculty and Leadership Development Project at Fayoum University 2019.
Total Quality Management course in the faculty and leadership development project at Fayoum University 2019.
Course of assessment and examination methods in the faculty and leadership development project at Fayoum University 2019.