Faculty of Specific Education

Mr. Mohamed Sayed Ezzat Sayed

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6335571                          
Fax number: 084 6334965
E-mail Address: mse12@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Fourth floor - Art Education building - Faculty of Specific Education
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Specific Education - Art Education
      Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc.: (Department of Art Education) - Faculty of Specific Education - Fayoum University -2017
Academic Position
Demonstrator: From 2017 Until now.
Teaching courses and workshops
Instructor and lecturer in the art of painting and oil painting at Fayoum University Fine Arts Center (for non-technical specialists from faculties of Fayoum University) 2018 - Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Instructor of Fine Arts for Children at the University of the Child 2018 - Fayoum University.
Fine Arts Trainer for Fayoum University 2017, 2018
Participating in the forum of the first creativity of the faculties of specific education at the level of the Republic of Ain Shams University in the period from 28 / 8-2 / 9/2015
Participation in the Small Industries Course ((Student Product)) 2016
Participation in the Second Creative Forum of the Faculty of Specific Education at the level of the Republic of Alexandria University (2017)
Participating in the project "Schools of Science Force", which was established by the Foundation for the development of society, the Ministry of Education, and the Rotary of Egypt (area 2451) -2017
Participate in the competition of creativity 4 for young Egyptian universities Fine arts specialized in the field of printing (Ministry of Youth and Sports)
Participate in the competition of creativity 5 for young Egyptian universities Fine arts specialized in sculpture (Ministry of Youth and Sports)
Participating in the first Mahrousa Youth Artists Forum (2017)
Participating in the festival of finishing arts centers in public universities - Second season (2018) Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Participated as assistant head of the regiment in the activities of the third creative forum of the faculties of specific education in Egyptian universities and established in Assiut Governorate 2018
Supervising the work of an exhibition of plastic arts for children in the closing ceremony of the University of the Child 2018
Participating as the head of a regiment at the Leadership Preparation Camp at Fayoum University 2018
Work as a plastic arts coach for the mobile team Fayoum University 2017, 2018
Participating in the work and implementation of the logo of the new quality education college 2018
Participating in the work and implementation of the logo of the Committee on Ethics of Care and Use of Animals in Education and Scientific Research 2018
Participating in the exhibition (collective) quality creations - Museum Mahmoud Mukhtar 14 - 24 May 2018
Training courses
Training Course in (Adobe photoshop cs6) Fayoum University Center for Training in Information Technology 21/7/2014
Training course in the follow-up unit of graduates at the Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University in (time management art) _ time management in the period 24/1/2015
A training course in the unit of follow-up graduates in the Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University in how to write a CV and pass the interview test (How to write a CV and pass a personal interview) -28/1/2015
A training course in the follow-up unit of graduates at the Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University in "The Art of Communication" - The art of communication 28/1/2015
A training course on the statistical program SPSS computer lab in the Faculty of Arts in the period 2-4 / 7/2018
Certificates of Appreciation and Awards
Certificate of honoring the first center at the level of faculties of quality education at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt in the field of sculpture at the first creativity forum of Ain Shams University and the gold medal 2015.
Certificate of appreciation of the Union of the Faculty of Specific Education to obtain the first place at the level of the Arab Republic of Egypt in the competition of creativity of faculties of specific education in the field of sculpture
Certificate of honoring the second center at the level of faculties of quality education in the Arab Republic of Egypt in the field of textile printing at the second creativity forum of Alexandria University and silver medal 2017.
Certificate of honoring third center and prize money at the level of the universities of Egypt in the field of sculpture specialized in competition Ibdaa 5 of the Ministry of Youth and Sports 2017.
Certificate of honor from Fayoum University in the closing ceremony of the activities to obtain the third place at the level of the Egyptian universities in the field of sculpture sculpture from the Ministry of Youth and Sports 2017.
Certificate of honor from Fayoum University on Eid Al-Alam to obtain the first place on the art education batch 2017/2018.
Certificate of honor from the unit of follow-up graduates in the Faculty of Specific Education Fayoum University for the first graduates at the second recruitment forum.
Acquisitions of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Egypt (2017)