Faculty of Specific Education

Dr.rer.nat. Ahmed Mohamed Fahmy Yousef

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 2147012                          
Fax number: 084 2147012
E-mail Address: amf00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: third floor - technology of Education building - Faculty of Specific Education
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Specific Education - technology of Education - Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Education Technology – Faculty of Specific Education – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch – 2002
Professional Diploma: Education – Education Technology – Faculty of Women – Ain Shams University – 2003
Special Diploma: Education – Education Technology – Faculty of Specific Education – Ain Shams University – 2004
Special Diploma: Education – Education Technology – Faculty of Women – Ain Shams University – 2005
M.Sc. Education Technology – Faculty of Women – Ain Shams University – 2008
PhD - Natural Science- Computer Science - E-Learning Technologies – Federal Republic of Germany - 2015
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : 2002 to 2008
Assistant Lecturer : 2008 To 2015
Lecturer : 2015 To 2022
Assistant Professor : 2022 Up Till Now
Research Interests
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Video-Based Learning (VBL)
Blended Learning
Learning Analytics
Assessment Methodologies and Technologies
Personalized Learning
Knowledge Management (KM)
Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)
Mobile Learning Applications
Gamification Applications
Academic Experience
Co-founder of Blended MOOC Environment L2P-bMOOC, Germany
Researcher at the Telecooperation Lab at TechnischeUniversit?t Darmstadt, Germany, 2012.
Researcher at the Learning Technologies research group at RWTH Aachen University, 2013 -2015.
Coordinator of Educational Technology Department - Office of Field Training Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University for the academic year 2015-2016.
Coordinator of the Management Information Systems Project (MIS) at the Faculty of Specific Education for the academic year 2015-2016.
A board member of the Public Service Center, Faculty of Specific Education for the academic year 2015-2016.
Member of the Higher Committee for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Specific Education for the academic year 2015-2016.
Co-Supervisor of the Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, and PhD at Fayoum University, Egypt and RWTH-University, Germany.
Trainer of soft skills (TOT, Meeting Management, Time and self-management, Scientific Research Methods, Leadership skills, Presentation Skills, Strategic Planning, Decision Making, Negotiation, Stress Management, …etc) at Pathways to Higher Education, Cairo University. 2002- Resent.
Academic Services
I regularly review papers for major conferences and journals including:
- The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL).
- The Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS).
- The International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning.
- Serve(d) as a program committee (PC) member for:

- The Seventh International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2015) conference.

- The Eighth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2016) conference.
24-05-2015 The Effect of Peer Assessment Rubrics on Learners'Satisfaction and Performance within a Blended MOOCEnvironment.The Seventh International Conference on Computer Supported Education CSEDU 2015 Lisbon, Portugal
18-05-2015 An Evaluation of Learning Analytics in a Blended MOOCEnvironment.The Third European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, EMOOC2015, Universitécatholique de Louvain campus in Mons, Belgium
18-05-2015 Video-Mapper: A Video Annotation Tool to SupportCollaborative Learning in MOOCs.The Third European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, EMOOC 2015, Universitécatholique de Louvain campus in Mons, Belgium
07-07-2014 What Drives a Successful MOOC? An Empirical Examinationof Criteria to Assure Design Quality of MOOCs. The 14thIEEE International Conference on AdvancedLearning Technologies - ICALT2014Athen, Greece
01-04-2014 MOOCs - A Review of the State-of-the-Art. The Sixth International Conference on Computer SupportedEducation CSEDU 2014, Barcelona, Spain
26-03-2014 Video-Based Learning: A Critical Analysis of The ResearchPublished in 2003-2013 and Future Visions. The Sixth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, andOn-line Learning, eLmL 2014, Barcelona, Spain
08-05-2013 How to Design Good Educational Blogs in LMS?The fifth International Conference on Computer SupportedEducation CSEDU 2013, Aachen, Germany
International Workshops Activities
ACM Web Science Education workshop: Curriculum, MOOCs and Learning (2015). Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Design Thinking Workshop on MOOCs for Companies (2015) . UniversitéCatholique de Louvain - Campus Mons, Belgien.
Mobile Learning Day X(tended) 2014, Workshop. FernUniversit?t, Hagen , Germany.
Mobile Learning Day 2013, Workshop. FernUniversit?t, Hagen , Germany.
Co-Organizer of Massive Open Online Courses, Workshop. Center for Innovative Learning Technologies (CIL)RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.
Ergebnisprotokollzum Mobile Learning, Workshop. Center for Innovative Learning Technologies (CIL)RWTH Aachen University, Aachen , Germany.
Video Conference with Blackboard Collaborate, Workshop. Center for Innovative Learning Technologies (CIL)RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany.
Professional Training
In Center for Doctoral Studies (CDS) RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Management of Research Data
Voice and Presentation Training
Introductory Workshop to Intercultural Communication (Module 1): Developing Key Problem-Solving Skills for the International Workplace
Meeting Management
Applying for Research Grants or Funding
Intercultural Workshop China. Getting to Know the Dynamics of the Cooperation with Chinese Partners
Literature management using EndNote
Time and self-management
Poster Presentations and Networking at Conferences
Intercultural Competence for Academic Teaching Staff
Good Scientific Practice
Academic Presenting
Normen: technischeGrundlagenliteratur (Standards: technical background literature)
Fachinformation für die Philologien (Prescribing Information for philologies)
Leaders don't fall out of the sky. A review of your leadership competence
Cybercrime: WiesichersindmeineForschungsdaten (Cybercrime: How secure is my data research)
Diversity in Teaching and Learning Practice for theInternational Classroom
Growing through Conflicts. Profiting from managing conflicts
Awards and Recognitions
Pathways to Higher Education Project Shield Award (2016), Cairo University.
Faculty of Specific Education Shield Award (2016) Fayoum University, award for the best significant contribution to the international publishing research in the field of Learning Technologies.
Certificate of Excellence International Paper Award, Fayoum University (2015): Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., Schroeder, U., & Wosnitza, M. (2015). A usability evaluation of a blended MOOC environment: An experimental case study. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(2).
Best Paper Award (eLmL 2014) : Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., & Schroeder, U. (2014a). Video-Based Learning: A Critical Analysis of The Research Published in 2003-2013 and Future Visions. In eLmL 2014, The Sixth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (pp. 112-119).
Full Ph.D. Scholarship (2011) by a grant from the DeutscherAkademischerAustauschdienst (DAAD), under the program German Egyptian Research Long-term Scholarship (GERLS).
Best Demonstrator Award form Cairo University (2006)
Social Work
Working as a Volunteer In Egyptian takes care of talented Association (Egypt).
Working as a Volunteer in El Rahma for Orphan Sponsorship (Egypt)
Arabic: (Mother Tongue)
English: C1
German: B1
French: A2
Puplication List
Yousef, A. M. F., Wahid, U., Chatti, M. A., Schroeder, U., & Wosnitza, M. (2016). The Impact of Rubric-Based Peer Assessment on Feedback Quality in Blended MOOCs. In Computer Supported Education (pp. 462-485). Springer International Publishing.
Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., Wosnitza, M., & Schroeder, U. (2015). A Cluster Analysis of MOOC Stakeholder Perspectives. RUSC. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal, 12(1), 74-90.
Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., Danoyan, N., Thüs, H., & Schroeder (2015). Video-Mapper: A Video Annotation Tool to Support Collaborative Learning in MOOCs. The European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2015.
Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., Ahmad, I., Schroeder, U., & Wosnitza, M. (2015). An Evaluation of Learning Analytics in a Blended MOOC Environment. The European MOOC Stakeholder Summit 2015.
Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., Schroeder, U., & Wosnitza, M. (2015). A usability evaluation of a blended MOOC environment: An experimental case study. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(2).
Yousef, A. M. F., Wahid, U., Chatti, M. A., Schroeder, U., & Wosnitza, M. (2015). The Effect of Peer Assessment Rubrics on Learners' Satisfaction and Performance within a Blended MOOC Environment. In Proc. CSEDU 2015 conference. INSTICC, 2015.
Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., Schroeder, U., Wosnitza, M., Jakobs, H. (2015). The State of MOOCs from 2008 to 2014: A Critical Analysis and Future Visions. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS Series Book). Springer
Yousef, A. M. F.,Sunar, A. S. (2015). Opportunities and challenges in Personalized MOOC Experience. ACM Web Science Education workshop: Curriculum, MOOCs and Learning. Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Urrutia, M. L., Yousef, A. M. F., White, S. (2015). Learning from MOOCs: The Role of Mentor Qualities. ACM Web Science Education workshop: Curriculum, MOOCs and Learning. Oxford University, Oxford, UK.
Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., & Schroeder, U. (2014). The State of Video-Based Learning: A Review and Future Perspectives. International Journal On Advances in Life Sciences, 6 (3 and 4), 122-135.
Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., & Schroeder, U. (2014). Video-Based Learning: A Critical Analysis of The Research Published in 2003-2013 and Future Visions. In eLmL 2014, The Sixth International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (pp. 112-119).
Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., Schroeder, U., Wosnitza, M., Jakobs, H. (2014). MOOCs-A Review of the State-of-the-Art. In Proc. CSEDU 2014 conference, Vol. 3, pp. 9-20. INSTICC, 2014.
Yousef, A. M. F., Chatti, M. A., Schroeder, U., &Wosnitza, M. (2014). What Drives a Successful MOOC? An Empirical Examination of Criteria to Assure Design Quality of MOOCs. In Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on (pp. 44-48). IEEE
Chatti, M. A., Lukarov, V., Thüs, H., Muslim, A., Yousef, A. M. F., Wahid, U., Greven, C., Chakrabarti, A., Schroeder, U. (2014). Learning Analytics: Challenges and Future Research Directions. eleed, Iss. 10. (urn:nbn:de:0009-5-40350).
Yousef, A. M. F., Rossling, G. (2013). How to Design Good Educational Blogs in LMS?. In Proc. CSEDU 2013 conference, pp. 70-75. INSTICC, 2013.
The Effect of Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication in Co-operative learning across the Web to Develop Students' of Instruction Technology Skills of Communication through the Network