Faculty of Specific Education

Dr . Hany Mohamed Abdou El-sheekh

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6335571                
Fax number: 084 6334965
E-mail Address: hms05@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: 4th floor - technology of Education building - Faculty of Specific Education
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Specific Education - technology of Education  - Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
 Ph.D. in Education Technology, with the title of “The Impact of a Multimedia Program in the Development of the skill of reading visuals on Some Educational Output”. Institute of Educational Studies. Cairo University-2007.
M.A. in Education Technology with the title of “The impact of the difference between pictures and illustrations in multimedia programs on cognitive achievement of the functions of the parts of the photographic camera”. Excellence. Institute of Educational Studies. Cairo University - 2001
Diploma in Education Technology. Good. Helwan University - 1997
Specialized Diploma in Education Technology. Very Good -1996 Helwan University-1996
B.A. in Specific Education (Education Technology).Very Good. Mansoura University -1995
Academic Positions
Specialist in instructional technology, ministry of education from 1995 to 1999 .
Worked as a visiting professor of Education Technology in a number of faculties of Mansoura University, such as the Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Specific Education, and the Faculty of Applied Arts of Damietta from 1999 to 2007 .
Electronic Courses designer in the Unit of Electronic Education affiliated to the National Center of Electronic Education. Zagazig Universityfrom 2006 to 2007 .
Lecturer in Education Technology. Department of Education Technology. Faculty of Specific Education. Fayoum University, from2008 to 2015
AssociateProfessor of Education Technology. Faculty of Specific Education. Fayoum University From 2015 until now
Vision and Mission
  Personal professional vision: a distinguished scholar in the field of education and electronic training, both on the professional and academic levels.
 Mission: Identifying the latest developments in the field of electronic education in order to cope and apply them on the personal level through the attendance of trainings, workshops, professional conferences together with self-development on the scientific and professional levels for the purpose of achieving a sustainable, professional development.
Teaching Activities
  Responsible for teaching the majority of the courses of the Department of Education Technology through the years 2008 till 2014, including (Exhibitions and Educational Fairs- Basics of Photography- Computer Languages- Educational Projectors- Descriptive Cataloging- the Production of photographs- bibliographic information systems- Multimedia- Pre-Installed Programming Applications- Computer Problems- Educational Display Panels)
  Supervising Educational Training groups at the Department of Educational Technology.
  Supervising graduation projects of senior students of the department of Education Technology.
  Participating in the design of various curricula at the Department of Education Technology.
  Supervising the annual exhibition of the Department of Education Technology in 2008-2009.
  Working as a visiting professor to teach the courses of Specialized Diploma of the Department of Education Technology, Faculty of Education of Fayoum University in 2012-2013.
  Teaching the courses of educational multimedia and photography in through the years 2008 till 2014.
  Developing the systems of evaluation and testing of the courses of the Basics of Photography of the Department of Education Technology by building a testing bank of the course and electronic marking of the students in the academic year 2010-2011.
  Developing the teaching of the course of Computer Problems to senior students of the Faculty of Specific Education through the project of (online course designing) under the supervision of the Program of Continual Development and Preparation for Accreditation of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education in the academic year (2012-2013).
  Participation in the preparation and design of the course descriptions of the post-graduate studies of the Department of Education Technology according the Credit-Hour System.
  Participating in the preparation and design of course descriptions of the under-graduate programs in the Department of Educational Technology according to the Credit-Hour System.
  Periodic participation in the preparation and implementation of theoretical and applied exams of various courses in the department of Educational Technology.
Scientific and Research Activities
First: Papers
The impact of interaction between the feedback content and pattern of number of answer attempts in electronic structural tests on academic achievement and mastering learning Dr. Hany Mohammed Abdu Al-Sheikh Mr. ZeyadAly Khalil Journal of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology Volume 22: (3) July2012 Published Group
The relationship between the content and form of communication pattern in the role-play strategy online, and its impact on the development of electronic discussions and the related cognitive structure for university students Dr. Hany Mohammed Abdu Al-Sheikh Dr. ShaimaYousefSofy Journal of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology Volume 22: (3) July 2012 Published Group
The relationship between the type of interaction and group size in electronic cooperative learning, and its impact on improving academic performance and online social competence for university students Dr. Hany Mohammed Abdu Al-Sheikh Journal of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology Volume 23: (4) October 2013 Published Individually
The impact of interaction between the timing of offering educational support and the learners’cognitive style in the Web (2.0)-based learning environment on the academic achievement and efficiency of learning Dr. Hany Mohammed Abdu Al-Sheikh 4th Conference of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology Proceedings of the conference 26-27/4/2014 Accepted for publication Individually
The credibility of peer assessment: the impact of the interaction between peer assessment and pattern of identity in the electronic cooperative learning upon the cognitive performance and the quality of the learning output Dr. Hany Mohammed Abdu Al-Sheikh Journal of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology Volume 24: (4) October 2014 Accepted for publication Individually
The impact of the different designs of providing electronic training (pre- during or both pre- and while) in the simulation experiments in virtual laboratories on the laboratory performance of university students Dr. Hany Mohammed Abdu Al-Sheikh Submitted to the 4th Conference of Education Technology, Riyadh Proceedings of the conference 2-5-2015 Published Individually
Second: attending conferences
  The First Scientific Forum: Features of the Roadmap of Scientific Research in the field of Educational Technology: “the Electronic Book and Future of Scientific Research”. Department of Educational Technology. Faculty of Specific Education. University of Suez Canal. Saturday (11/4/2009).
  7th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Specific Education of Zagazig University: “Technological Challenges and the Development of Education System” held on 29-30 April, 2009.
  12th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology: “Electronic Education Technologies between the challenges of the present and future horizons”, held on 28-29 October, 2009.
6th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology: “Digital Solutions for the Learning Community”, held on 3-4 November, 2010.
  3rd Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology: Technologies of Electronic Learning: Contemporary Issues and Solutions”, held on 11-12 April, 2012.
  14th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology: “Education Technology and distant training and the aspirations of modernization in the Arab World”, held on 16-17 April, 2014.
Third: Conference Papers and Organization:
  14th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology: “Education Technology and Electronic Distant Training: Challenges and Aspirations of Modernization in the Arab World”, held on 16-17 April, 2014.
  Presenting a paper in the 14th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Association for Educational Technology with the title of “The Impact of Interaction between the timing of offering Educational Support and the Cognitive Learning Style of the Learner within the Web (2.0)-based Electronic Environment upon the Achievement and Efficiency of Learning”.
Fourth: Attending the following Trainings and workshops:
11-14 May, 2009 Electronic and Distant Learning The National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE) in collaboration with the American Authority for Distant learning
11-14 May, 2009 Electronic and Distant Learning in the EU The National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE) in collaboration with the EU
2-3 August, 2009 Quality Assurance of Open Education The National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE) in collaboration with the EU
9-19 August, 2009 Preparing Evaluators of the External Evaluation of the Institutes of Higher Education The National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE)
11-13 October, 2009 TOT: Presentation Skills The National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE)
15-19 November, 2009 Self-assessment of Higher Education Organizations The National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE)
13-17 December, 2009 External Evaluation of the Institutes of Higher Education The National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education (NAQAAE)
25-29 February, 2009 Trainer of Trainers (TOT) National Faculty and Leadership Development Center (NFLDC)
19-21 August, 2008 Quality Standards in Teaching Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
23-25 August, 2008 The Use of Technology in Teaching Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
26-28 August, 2008 Scientific Publishing Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
19-23 February, 2011 (TOT) Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
8-10 October, 2011 Decision-making and problem-solving Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
11-13 October, 2011 Course Descriptions Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
18-20 October, 2011 Ethics of Scientific Research Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
24-26 October, 2011 Strategic Planning Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
27-29 December, 2011 University Administration Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
Fifth: conducting training in the following programs:
Presentation Skills Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
Student Evaluation Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
Credit Hour System Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
Communication Skills Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
The Use of Technology in Teaching Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
Course Description Faculty and Leadership Development Center (FLDC)
University Activities
   Coordinator of the Department of Educational Technology for the affairs of Education Quality in the Faculty of Specific Education of Fayoum University from 2008 till present.
  Participating in the preparation of the strategic plan for the appointment of teaching assistants for a period of 15 years in the academic year 2008-2009.
  Coordinator of students’ academic activities at the Faculty of Specific Education of Fayoum University in the academic year 2009-2010.
   Vice- Chair of the Unit of Quality Assurance of the Faculty of Specific Education of Fayoum University in the academic year 2009-2010.
   Coordinator of the Unit of Students Evaluation and Testing in the Faculty of Specific Education of Fayoum University in the academic year 2009-2010, and participating in the foundation of the laboratory of electronic evaluation in the faculty.
   Executive Director of the project of the development of the systems of Student and Exam Evaluation of Fayoum University in the academic year 2010-2011 in the course of which the following activities and tasks have been implemented:
 1- Bulletin Preparation
• A guide for preparing a test bank.
• A guide for student evaluation in light of the modern standards of evaluation in Fayoum University (V 1)
• A guide for student evaluation in light of the modern standards of evaluation in Fayoum University (V 2)
• A guide to the standards of evaluation of students and exams in Fayoum University
• A guide to the rules of the process of student and exam evaluation in Fayoum University
• A folder of the Center of development of systems of student and exam evaluation
• A folder of the basic glossary of educational assessment.
• A folder of the standards of the process of educational assessment.
• A folder of educational evaluation and quality assurance
• A folder of the steps of building a test bank
• A folder of electronic achievement filing

2- Workshop administration
• Writing the standards of student and exam evaluation in Fayoum University
• Transferring the standards of evaluation into measurable outputs
• Preparing strategies for the implementation of the standards of student and exam evaluation in Fayoum University
• Preparing forms of measuring the achievement of standards of evaluation
• Preparing questionnaires for students and staff on the procedures of assessment.
• Specifying the needs of faculties of equipment and arrangements to support the project.
• Making a vision and a mission for the center
• Preparing an executive regulatory system for the center and units in colleges
• Preparing an evaluation methodology in Fayoum University in light of the modern electronic means
• Preparing specifications of a program of test bank management and design
• Making a plan for the implementation of tests through test banks
• Recognizing the various systems of evaluation (e.g., electronic portfolios)
• Specifying the elements of designing electronic portfolios
• Reporting distinguished practices
• Making a monitoring system to guarantee the maximization of feedback and conducting correction procedures
• Making an overall plan of improvement and performance enhancement
• Preparing a mechanism for admission in university
• Making a monitoring plan to guarantee the sustainability of the project

3- Training
• Transferring the standards and indicators of academic programs into learning outputs
• Specifying the learning outputs
• Educational content analysis
• Patterns and patterns of evaluation
• Making MCQ items
• Building content analysis for tests
• Preparing the standards and rules of exam paper
• Preparing the specifications of paper of electronic evaluation
• Electronic grading.
• Entering test banks to electronic applications.
• Training individuals on the use of applications of running test banks
• The dissemination of culture of electronic portfolios
• The implementation of standards of student and exam evaluation in the various institutes of higher education
   An accredited Trainer of the National Center for Faculty Leadership Development (NCFLD) of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities since 2012 till present.
   An accredited Trainer of the National Faculty Leadership Development Center (FLDC) of Fayoum University.
   Head of the Center of Electronic courses production of Fayoum University in the academic year 2012-2013.
   Member of the Egyptian Association for Education Technology
   Member of the specified Committees in the Faculty of Specific Education: 2008-2009 Laboratories-  2009-2010 Cultural Relations - 2010-2011 Educational Laboratories-  2011-2012 Cultural Relations-  2012-2013 Libraries-  2013-2014 Cultural Relations -  2014-2015 Students Education
   Nomination to Creativity Award in Education of the Continual Development and Preparation for Accreditation of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education.
Experience and Professional Skills
   Curriculum design and preparation of electronic educational materials
  Educational multimedia design and production
  Curriculum design of E-learning courses and activities
  Design and production of packages of distant-learning
  Using electronic courses of teaching (e.g., Moodle and Blackboard)
  Teaching via virtual courses (e.g., WizIQ- Elluminate- Centra)
  Educational evaluation design and production of electronic testing.
Publication List
The effect of the interaction between the content type of feedback and the pattern number of attempts to answer e-formative tests on academic achievement and mastery learning
The relationship between the form of content and the pattern of contact in role-playing strategy through the web and its effect on development electronic discussion skills and the construction knowledge related for university students
The Relationship Between the Type of Interaction and the size of the groups in Collaborative e-Learning and its Effect on Improve the Academic Performance and Electronic Social Competence for the University Students
The effect of the interaction between timing of provide learning support and cognitive style for students in e-learning environment based on Web 2.0 on academic achievement and learning efficiency
The reliability of peer evaluation: The effect of the interaction between the peer evaluation style and pattern of their identity in e-learning collaborative environment on cognitive, skill performance and the instructional product quality
The Effect of different design providing electronic training support in simulation experiments in virtual laboratory on the experimental skill performance for the university students
Research Interests
   Personal electronic environment
  Design and production of electronic courses
  Electronic evaluation and testing
  Quality of e-learning
  Visual culture
Skills and Personal Traits
  Skills: the ability to deal with problems and crises situations- long/short term planning- management- team-work adaptation- building positive relations with others- group motivation- persuasion and negotiation- effective communication- and work relations management.
  Traits: self-confidence- practicality- accuracy- initiative-taking- courage- friendliness- positive attitude- optimism, and devotion to group work.
  Scientific reading- Computer- Technology- Sports