Faculty of Specific Education

Dr. Afaf Ezzat Rafla

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6335571
Fax number: 084 6334965
E-mail Address: aer00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: second floor - Home Economic building - Faculty of Specific Education
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Specific Education - Home Economy Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: specific Education - Home Economics (mangement of the house - Faculty of Specific Education - University of Einchams
M. Sc.: Home Economics (mangement of the house) - Faculty of Specific Education -University of Einchams - 2003
Ph. D.: Home Economics - Faculty of Specific Education -University of Einchams - 2006
Academic Positions
Lecturer: 2006 to 2016
Assistant Professor: 2016 Until Now
Teaching activities
Teaching at the Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Specific Education Department of Home Economics from 1999 until now.
Teaching at the Department of Postgraduate Studies in 2015 until now. Courses taught at the Faculty of Specific Education - Fayoum University
Department of Home Economics:
Introduction and History of Home Economics: first year
Home Appliances:first year
Family education: first year
Rationalization of family resources: second year
Furnishing and coordination home:Fourth Year
guidance of Home Economics:Fourth Year
Graduation Project:Fourth Year
Courses taught at the postgraduate stage, Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University Department of Home Economics:
Project Management: First year (Pre-Master)
Literature of the disposition and assets of dealing: the first year (pre-master)
Technology tools and devices: the first year (pre-master)
Readings in English.
Rationalization of consumption and consumer protection. Practical and scientific activity:
Participating as a member of the system committee and monitoring of the work of examination from 1999 until now.
Participating in the development of examinations for academic examinations from 1999 till now.
Participating in the development of some curriculum
- Participating as a member of the board of the Department of Home Management at Faculty.
Supervising the following scientific Theses:
- Managing the pressures of the family under the contemporary challenges and its relation to the emotional intelligence of Housewife.
University activities (Seminars – conferences – work shops) attendance, participation)
Attendance and participation of seminars and lectures on the Egyptian family and the Fayoum family at Safa Association for Development on 20/3/2007.
Workshops at the sports club for girls and women for Literacy eradicationat sports and youth directorate in Fayoum on 15/5/2008.
Attending a seminar entitled (Ancient Egyptians first Almohadin) in the Association of Development Enlightenment and Civilization on 15/2/2006.
Attending a seminar entitled "The Egyptian Family" in the Association of Development Enlightenment and Civilization on 16/12/2006.
Giving lectures on the activities of the social, human and moral forum for women behaviors and the salons of the social environment for young people and youth in general in El-Tagamaa Party in Fayoumon 16/5/2008.
Attending workshops in (Home Economics and Management of daily life in a scientific manner) in the social solidarity directorate inFayoumat Riayd El-SaleheenAssociation in 2006.
Attending workshops in (Al-Fatah, Women and Literacy) in Al-Ahrar Party in Fayoum.
lectures entitled "The Role of Women in Community Development" in Deyaar Al Rehab Society for Community Development in Fayoum on 10/5/2015.
lectures entitled (Child Law No. 12 of 1996, amended by Law No. 126 of 2008) in the Association of Diyar Al-Rehab Society for the development community in Fayoum on 20/5/2015.
lectures entitled (the definition paper of integrated environmental development project in a number of villages in the center of ItsaFayoum governorate) in Deyaar Al-Rehab Association for community development in Fayoum on 25/5/2015.
lectures entitled "How to develop and apply cultural and social rights in light of the development of the situation of women in Upper Egypt" in Diyar Al Rehab Association for Community Development in Fayoum on 30/5/2015.
lectures entitled "A Comparative Study between the Status of Working Women in Egypt and the Arab Region" in Diyar Al Rehab Society for Community Development in Fayoum on 1/6/2015.
lectures entitled "Discussing the provisions of the Technical Labor Law for Egyptian Women and the Social Effects of the Labor Law No. 12 of 2003 on Women and the Family" at the Diyar Al Rehab Society for Community Development in Fayoum on 8/6/2015.
Lectures entitled (project to combat violence against children committees to protect children) at the Diyar Al Rehab Society for Community Development in Fayoum on 20/6/2015.
Participating in workshops in the library of children and youth at the Sinurs Center in Fayoum of the General Authority for Cultural Palaces from 7 to 10/4/2008.
Lectures at the Safa Association in Fayoum of the Ministry of Social Solidarity.
Certificate of attendance at conferences at Youth and Sports Directorate in Fayoum entitled (Women and their participation in the activities of the political forum).
Attendance of seminars entitled "The Role of Egyptian Women in the Society" at the Association of Technological Cooperation for Small, Medium and craft Industries at Social Solidarity Directorate in Fayoum.
Presenting lectures and seminars entitled "Raising the level of women and their social and political participation" in the General Authority for Culture Palaces in Fayoum.
Conferences and seminars entitled "Combating Addiction" at Muslim Youth Club of the Youth and Sports Directorate in November and December 2006 and January 2007.
Giving a lecture and a seminar entitled "Women and their participation in the activities of the political forum" at the Culture Palace, Fayoum branch
Presenting seminars and lectures on the activities of the social, human, moral and behavioral forum for Egyptian women in general and women in particular in Fayoum.
Lectures and seminars entitled "Women and raising their living capacity" atSafa Association for Development of the Ministry of Solidarity.
Presenting seminars and lectures related to Egyptian women in general and Fayoum women in particular in Fayoum Governorate Club in 2007.
Presenting lectures and seminars on women in the Public Administration of Public Relations in Fayoum Governorate
Presenting lectures and seminars at the Fayoum Public Library about Egyptian women, Fayoum Women in particular, and their role in educating their children.
Presenting lectures and seminars entitled (Causes leading to addiction and its treatment) in cooperation with the Anti-Addiction Fund at the Ministry of Culture in Fayoum Palace 2008.
Literacy workshops at the Liberal Party headquarters in Fayoum
Presenting seminars and lectures at the branch of the National Council for Women in Fayoum entitled (Political Participation) 5/6/2016.
Presenting seminars entitled (how to prepare a small project) according to the National Council for Women in Fayoum 19/6/2016
Giving seminars entitled (entrepreneurship) of the National Council for Women in Fayoum 12/6/2016.
Research activity
Events of the 11th Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Education entitled (Crisis of values in educational institutions) from 29.20 / 5/2012.
Certificate of Appreciation from the Department of Projects at Fayoum University (activating the course on furnishing and coordinating the house) 2010/2011
Certificate of appreciation from the Center for the production of electronic courses at Fayoum University (activating the courseon furnishing and coordinating the house) 2012.
Certificate from Center for developing the capacity of Faculty Members and Leaders at Fayoum University (to pass the program of competitive research projects), which was held from 6/5/2010 to 8/5/2010.
Certificate from Center for developing the capacity of Faculty Members and Leaders at Fayoum University (to pass the program description of the course), which was held in the period from 15/5/2012 to 17/5/2012
Certificate from Center for developing the capacity of Faculty Members and Leadersat Fayoum University (to pass the program of skill of effective presentation), which was held in the period from 18/9/2012 to 20/9/2012.
Certificate of the General Secretariat of Conferences at the Faculty of Home Economics, Helwan University, participating in the scientific conference entitled "Prospects of Arab Cooperation for Community Development" held from 9 to 10 May 2012.
Participating in the workshops held at the Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University entitled "National Reference National Standards – ILOS (1) – ILOS (2).
Certificate from Quality Assurance and Strategic Planning Center (passing the course on approving the course) on 20/1/2009.
Certificate from Quality Assurance and Strategic Planning Center (passing the special course on Exams and test criteria) on 13/1/2009.
Certificate from the Faculty of Social Work in Fayoum to attend the events of the twenty-first scientific conference entitled (Social Work and Trafficking with Persons) from 5/6/2010.
Certificate from Quality Assurance and Strategic Planning Center at the Faculty of Specific Education, Fayoum University (passing the following courses: Spreading the culture of quality on 5/4/2006, how to describe the courses on 6/5/2006.
ICDL Certificate
Unit of Management of Higher Education Development Projects (passing the Statistical Analysis Course) (SPSS) in 2010.
Certificate of Education Reform Program at the department of Professional and Institutional Development (workshops of Strategic planning) in 2008.
Workshop at Faculty of Specific Education entitled (activating the system of Portfolio for the evaluation of students)
Workshop at Faculty of Specific Education, especially (training the members of the Faculty on the management of the system of question banks).
Workshop in the Faculty of Specific Education entitled (question banks).
Workshop in the Faculty of Specific Education entitled (calendar patterns).
Workshop in the Faculty of Specific Education entitled (implementing standards).
Certificate ofpassing "Introduction & MS & DOS" course from the European Institute of Languages and Computer.
Obtaining courses of the Ministry of Higher Education for CUICTT project
Participating in a special workshop (preparing equal questions) for the year 2011 of the Center for the development of evaluation systems for students and exams at Fayoum University.
Supervising the social activities of the general administration of youth care for Fayoum University during the academic year 2014-2015.
Published Scientific Research:
The pressures of living life and its relationship to taking responsibility for decision making among university students – a research published at the First International Conference on Home Economics (Applied Human Science and Technology in the Third Millennium) 8, 9 May 2013
An instructional program for the development of self-esteem of housewife- a research published in the Journal of Science and Arts- Studies and Research - Helwan University 7/7/2013
Effectiveness of an instructional program to exploit the spatial spaces in the home and the administrative efficiency of the housewife in light of the problems faced by - research published in the Journal of Science and Arts - Studies and Research - Helwan University 15/10/2013
The role of administrative innovation for graduates of faculties of education in raising the returns of literacy programs for students in Fayoum Governorate - research published in the Journal of Science and Arts - Studies and Research - Helwan University 13/9/2014
The skill of housewife in the management of some of the hazards of home and contact with satisfaction Housing - research published in scientific journal of the Faculty of Specific Education - Menofia University Volume 25, number II 2015
Early marriage of girls and its relation to the level of ambition of some centers of Fayoum Governorate - research published in the Journal of the Faculty of Specific Education - Refereed scientific journal - semi-annual - University of Port Said - was accepted publication in the fourth issue July 2016
The role of family crises and their relation to self-confidence in children of Fayoum Governorate - research published in the Journal of the Faculty of Specific Education - Refereed scientific journal - semi-annual - University of Port Said - was accepted publication in the fifth issue January 2017.