كلية الصيدلة

أ.د. منى حافظ محمد حته

معلومات الاتصال
رقم التليفون : 2147121 084                   
رقم الفاكس: 2147122 084
البريد الإلكتروني : mhm07@fayoum.edu.eg
المكتب : كلية الصيدلة - الدور الخامس
عنوان المراسلة البريدي: الفيوم - جامعة الفيوم - كلية الصيدلة - قسم العقاقير - رقم بريدي :63514
المؤهلات العلمية
بكالوريوس :العلوم الصيدلية - كلية الصيدلة - جامعة القاهرة - 1984
ماجستير: العلوم الصيدلية (عقاقير) - جامعة القاهرة - 1994
دكتوراه : الفلسفة في العلوم الصيدلية (عقاقير) - جامعة حلوان - 2001
التدرج الوظيفي
مدرس : العقاقير – كلية الصيدلة - جامعة بنى سويف – 2001
أستاذ مساعد : العقاقير – كلية الصيدلة - جامعة بنى سويف – 2008
أستاذ : العقاقير – كلية الصيدلة - جامعة بنى سويف – 2013
وظائف أكاديمية و إدارية
القائم بعمل رئيس قسم العقاقير كلية الصيدلة - جامعة بنى سويف: 2008 – 2013
رئيس قسم العقاقير كلية الصيدلة - جامعة بنى سويف: 2013
منسق برنامج الصيدلة الاكلينيكية: 2008 – 2011
وكيل كلية الدراسات العليا للعلوم المتقدمة - جامعة بنى سويف: 2013.
عميد كلية الصيدله – جامعة بنى سويف – 2014 – حتى 2015
قائم بأعمال عميد كلية الصيدلة – جامعة الفيوم من 2015 حتي 2022 .
 المشاريع البحثية
Principal Investigator in the link project funded by the National Research Centre (NRC) Cairo, entitled “Phytochemical and Pharmacological Study on Extracts of Doum Plant, Hyphaene thebaica.”
Contributing in the project entitled “Isolation and structure elucidation of saponins from some plants belonging to family Araliaceae and grown in Egypt.”
Contributing in the project entitled “Phytochemical screening and bioactivity of some freshwater algae, 2010.”[by STDF]
Principal Investigator in the link project funded by the Beni-Suef University, entitled "Study of the antihypercholesterolemic effect of Spinach cultivated in Egypt", 2012.
Contributing in the project entitled “Bioactive metabolites isolated from the aquatic microorganisms of Nile River, 2015 [Beni-Suef University].
Contributing in the project entitled “Approaches for isolation and semisynthesis of lead antimalarial compounds from Phyllanthus emblica Linn. (Amla) cultivated in Egypt, 2015 [Beni-Suef University].
Principal Investigator in the link project funded by STDF – Capacity Building Grants – in the project entitled “Natural Products Research Lab, 2016”.
Principal Investigator in the link project funded by Fayoum University in the project entitled “Phytochemical and biological studies of some Cycas species cultivated in Egypt”, 2017.
عضوية اللجان

Egyptian Syndicate for Faculty of Pharmacy graduates.

Egyptian Society of Toxicology. (former)

Egyptian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences. (former)

Junior Scientists Association. (former)

Arab Medical Society. (former)

Membership in Scientific Committee of Arab Medical Society(former)

General Secretory and Founder in Junior Scientists Association, 2004-2005. (former)

Science Age Society (SAS), 12/2012.

Italo – Latin American Society of Ethnomedicine (SILAE), 1/2013.

Member of Executive Board of "International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients", 2014.

Board Member of Supreme Pharmacy Council, Egypt, 2013- till now (عضو لجنة قطاع الصيدلة بالمجلس الاعلى).

Board Member of New Programs Management of Fayoum University, 9/2015 – till now .(عضو بمجلس ادارة البرامج الجديدة بجامعة الفيوم)

Board Member of the national committee of New Programs Management, 2015 – till now, (عضو اللجنة القومية لادارة البرامج الجديدة ممثلا عن جامعة الفيوم)

Head of the committee responsible of setting of Post graduate regulations in Fayoum University, 2016, - (رئيس لجنة وضع اللائحة الموحدة للدراسات العليا بجامعة الفيوم بنظام الساعات المعتمدة)

Board Member of Prizes committee of Fayoum University, 2016, (عضو مجلس الجوائز بجامعة الفيوم – للعام الجامعى 2016-2017)

External evaluator for Permanent Scientific Committee for Promotion (Pharmacognosy) 2017 محكم خارجى للجنة العلمية الدائمة للترقية (عقاقير)

  Member of Specialized Scientific Committee For Herbal Medicines 9/2017 عضو اللجنة العلمية المتخصصة للأدوية العشبية بقرار من وزارة الصحة 9/2017 -

Membership in the Editorial team:

Member of the Editorial team of the academic journal "Research in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (RPB)".

Editor, for the Elsevier Editorial System - the online submission and peer review tracking system for "Food and Chemical Toxicology", 2010.

Editor, for the Elsevier Editorial System - the online submission and peer review tracking system for "Food chemistry" FOODCHEM-D-10-00733R1, 2011.

Online submission and peer review tracking system for the Elsevier Editorial System, in PBS journals, 2012.

A member of scientific advisory board of Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences (BUJAS), 2012.

In the editorial board of "Journal of Biosafety", 2013.

In the editorial board of "Asian Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, AJBLS", 2013.

In the editorial board of "Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine (JAHM)", 2015.

As executive editor for International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients, 2015.

الدورات التدريبية
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1986)
German language course in Sirs El Layan, Egypt (1995)
German language course, “PNDS Kurs”, in Goethe Institut Mannheim, German (1995).
Winword (2000).
Scientific Writing and its importance in the field of Research (2000).
Animal Bioassay in Biochemistry (2004).
Computer Aided Drug Design in software and silicon graphics computers (2004)
Basic molecular biology (2009)
Basic and applications of HPLC and GC in medical biochemistry. (2010)
  Basic statistical techniques using SPSS (2011).
Environmental Pollutants Detection Using Atomic Absorption (2012).
Training Courses in Education:
  (Skills of Thinking), تنمية مهارات التفكير 2005
(Efficient Contact), اﻹتصال الفعال 2005
ﺇعداد المعلم الجامعى , 2006
(Uses of Recent Technological Methods in Education), ﺇستخدام الأساليب التكنولوچية الحديثة فى التعليم 2006
(Syllabus Design), تصميم المقرر, 2006
  Efficient Presentation), العرض الفعال, 2006
(Writing a proposal), اعداد مشروع بحثى, 2007
Methods of exams and assessment of students,نظم اﻹمتحانات و تقويم الطلاب , 2007
Credit hours system, 5-7 Feb., 2013. نظام الساعات المعتمدة
University Administration, 22-23 May, 2013. الادارة الجامعية
How to complete for a research fund, 11-12 August, 2013. اعداد المشروعات التنافسية
Financial and legal aspects, August, 2013. الجوانب المالية و القانونية
Managing research team, 3-4 September, 2013. ادارة الفريق اليحثى
Pathways to higher education, Egypt, تنمية المهارات القيادية و الادارية للمرأة (MLSTP), 22-26/3/2014.
Patents الاختراع براءات , 2014
Competitive projects التنافسية المشروعات, 2014
Self-evaluation for H.E. faculties and institutes, التقويم الذاتى لكليات ومعاهد التعليم العالى, 2017
الجوائز و المنح العلمية
جائزة أفضل رسالة ماجستير من الشركة العربية للنباتات الطبية - 1994
جامعة للتفوق العلمي من جامعة بنى سويف: 2011
المنحة المقدمة من الهيئة الالمانية للتبادل العلمى DAAD 1996
المنحة المقدمة من NAM (مركز العلوم و التكنولوجيا لدول عدم الانحياز) بهانوى – فيتنام لحضور ورشة عمل عن النباتات الطبية و التقليدية - 2007
المنحة المقدمة من مركز العلوم و التكنولوجيا لدول عدم الانحياز ( (NAMلحضور ورشة عمل دولية عن فى النباتات الطبية فى نيجيريا فى 8/ 2011
المنحة المقدمة من مركز العلوم و التكنولوجيا لدول عدم الانحياز ( (NAMلحضور ورشة عمل دولية عن اكتشاف الدواء من الاعشاب الطبيعية – فى البلاد الاتية: اووتى – ميسور (الهند) - 2015.
Scientific publications, Fayoum University, 2015 جائزة النشر العلمى
أنشطة أخرى
مؤلف مقرر (عقاقير 3) لبرنامج التعليم الالكترونى (E – Learning course programme (Pharmacognosy 3
  عضو فى هيئات نشر دولية (عدد 8):
  عضو فى هيئات نشر دولية (عدد 8):
  تسجيل براءات اختراع: التسجيل لعدد "2" براءة اختراع:
- منتج طبيعى خافض للكوليسترول (27/6/2004)
- التأثير الجديد لمنتج طبيعى فى زيادة نسبة هرمون التستسترون و الحيوانات المنويه (27/4/2004).
  الاشتراك فى مؤتمرات دولية و محلية و لفاءت علمية بورقة عمل (القاء – بوستر – ادارة جلسات) (عدد 38):
  الاشتراك فى ورش عمل علمية وورش عمل للجودة التعليمية (عدد 12 (:
  الاشتراك فى ورش عمل فى الجودة :
  الاشتراك فى دورات تدريبية (علمية و تعليمية)- (عدد 27)
  دورات تدريبية فى التعليم:
  الاشتراك فى جمعيات علمية محلية و دولية – (عدد 7):
  مؤسس معمل و حجرة مجلس قسم العقاقير بكلية الصيدلة – جامعة بنى سويف.
  مراجع داخلى لبرنامج الصيدلة الاكلينيكية بكلية الصيدلة – جامعة بنى سويف حتى 2015.
  مراجع خارجى لبرنامج الصيدلة الاكلينيكية بكلية الصيدلة – لمختلف الجامعات المصرية (أسيوط – المنصورة) 2014، 2015.
  الانتداب للتدريس بالجامعة الروسية: 2007
  أنشطة طلابية و مجتمعية.
المشاركة فى العديد من اللجان.
المشاركة فى العديد من اللجان.
المشاركة فى التدريس للفرق الدراسية (اولى – تانية – ثالثة - رابعة) لمرحلة البكالوريوس فى النظام العام و برنامج الصيدلة الاكلينيكية:
النظام العام :
طلاب الفرقة الأولى: مقررات: نبات و نباتات طبية
عقاقير 1
طلاب الفرقة الثانية: مقررات: عقاقير 2
عقاقير 3
طلاب الفرقة الرابعة: مقرر: التداوى بالاعشاب
طلاب برنامج الصيدلة الاكلينيكية:
طلاب المستوى الأول: مقررات: نبات و نباتات طبية
عقاقير 1
طلاب المستوى الثاني: مقررات: عقاقير 2
طلاب المستوى الرابع: مقرر: التداوى بالاعشاب
طلاب المستوى الخامس: مقرر: مراقبة جودة العقار
  المشاركة فى التدريس لمرحلة الدراسات العليا للمقررات التالية:
- فصل و تعريف المنتجات الطبيعية
- التقنيات الكروماتوجرافية
- التقنيات الكروماتوجرافية
- كيمياء النبات المتقدم
- الاعشاب الطبية و العلاج بالزيوت الطيارة.
  فحص وتحكيم أبحاث علمية دولية و محلية (عدد 32):

المشاركة فى تأليف كتاب تحت عنوان:

"Harnessing the Potentials of New and Advanced Materials for Developing Economies, Daya Publishing House", 2013.

الأبحاث العلمية
E.A.Aboutabl, B.Kopp, M.A.Amin and M.H.Hetta, 1987. ”5- O- Demethyl- nobelitin from the leaves of a Citrus reticulata cultivar”, Scientia. Pharmaceutica., 55, 45-47.
A. Abdel- Alim, W.S.El-Hamouly, E.A.Aboutabl and M.H.Hetta, 1997. ”Polymethoxylated Flavones from Citrus reticulata Blanco Cuv. Baladi”, Egypt. J.Pharm.Sci. 38, 71- 78.
O.A.El Shabrawy, S.M. Abdel-Khalik, F.R. Melek, I.I. Mahmoud and M.H.Hetta, 2002. ”Biological properties of saponin mixtures of Oreopanax reticulata Hort. and Oreopanax guatemalensis Decne & Planch Family Araliaceae”. Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci., 9, 133-139.
F.R.Melek, Toschio Miyase, S.M.Abdel-Khalik, M.H.Hetta, I.I.Mahmoud, 2002. “Triterpenoid saponins from Oreopanax guatemalensis”, Phytochemistry, 60, 185-195.
M.H.Hetta, O.D.El Gindi, M.M.Ali, 2004, “Antitumor activity of the petroleum ether content of Citrus reticulata seeds.” Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci., 14, 265-277.
Manal A. Hamed and Mona H. Hetta, 2005, “Efficacy of Citrus reticulata and Mirazid in treatment of Schistosoma mansoni”. Mermorias Do Instituto Ozwalto Cruz, 100 (7), 771-778.
Mona H.Hetta; Nemat Z. Yassin; Marwa A. El Shaer; 2005. “Effect of Hyphaene thebaica on the spermatogenesis of male rats”. Egyptian Medical Journal of the National Research Center, 4(3): 1-5.
Mona H.Hetta and Nemat Z. Yassin, 2006, “Comparative Studies on Hypocholesterolemic Effect of Different Fractions of Hyphaene thebaica (Doum) in Experimental Animals”, die Pharmazie, 61, 230 -232.
Mona H.Hetta and Nemat Z. Yassin, 2006. “Effects of Hyphaene thebaica on sperm count and serum testosterone in mature male rats”. The 2nd conference of the Egyptian Society of Environmental Toxicol. (18-20) April, Beni-Sueif, Egypt, 139-148.
Nagui S. El Regal and Mona H. Hetta, 2006, “Effect of Citrus reticulata on serum protein fractions of mice after Schistosoma mansoni infection”. J. Applied Sciences, 6 (7): 1447-1455.
Mona H. Hetta and Nemat Z. Yassin, 2006. “Hypolipidemic polysaccharides from Hyphaene thebaica fruits”. Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., vol 47, 99-106.
M.H.Hetta, M.A. Kandil, N.F. Abdel-Aziz, E.A. Sammour and E.A.Ewis, 2006. "Phenolic compounds from Asphodelus tenuifolius as pest control agents". Az .Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol.33, 20-29.
F.R.Melek and M.H.Hetta, 2006. “Triterpenoid saponins from Oreopanax reticulata.”, Egypt. J. Biomed. Sci., vol 21, 265-274.
M.H.Hetta and H. F.Aly, 2006. "Antioxidant effect of Citrus reticulata in the liver of mice after Schistosoma mansoni infection”. Alex. J. Pharm. Sci., vol. 20 (2), 115-119.
El Zalabani, S.M.; Hetta, M.H.; Yassin, N.Z., 2007. "Bioactive lipoids and phenolics from fruits of Hyphaene thebaica (Doum)". Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., vol. 45(3), 161-172.
Taha S. El – Alfy; Mona H. Hetta; Shahira M. Ezzat, Amany A. Selim. 2008. "Pharmacognostical and biological studies on the rhizomes of Gazania nivea D.C. cultivated in Egypt". Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ., vol. 46(2), 263-275.
Hetta Mona, Hassan Sherif, Abdel –Tawab Sanaa, Bastawy Mohamed, Mahmoud Basant; 2009. "Hypolipidaemic effect of Acanthophora spicifera (red alga) and Cystoseira trinode (brown alga) on animal model". Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, transaction a, 33 (A4).
  Sayeda M. Abdo, Mona H. Hetta, Rawheya A. Salah El Din, Gamila H. Ali, 2010. “Growth Evaluation and Byproduct Characteristics of Certain Freshwater Algae Isolated from River Nile, Egypt”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research. 6(6): 642-652.
Sanaa Abdel –Tawab, Sherif Hassan, Mona Hetta, Basant Mahmoud; 2010. “Polysaccharides from the green alga Ulvea lactuca Linnaeus improve lipid profile and antioxidant status in nutritionally–induced hypercholesterolemic albino rats”, Journal of the Egyptian German Society of Zoology, (60A) 69-96.
  Abeer Moawad, Mona Hetta, Jordan K Zjawiony, Mohamed Hifnawy, Jannie O.J. Marais, Daneel Ferreira; 2010. "Phytochemical Investigation of Cycas circinalis and Cycas revoluta leaflets: Moderately Active Antibacterial Bioflavonoids". Planta Medica, 76: 1-7.
Sherif Hassan, Sanaa Abd El-Twab, Mona Hetta, Basant Mahmoud; 2011. "Improvement of lipid profile and antioxidant of hypercholesterolemic albino rats by polysaccharides extracted from the green alga Ulva lactuca Linnaeus". Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 18 (2), 333-340.
E. Mahdy, K. Ali, M. Hetta, Salah Deeb; 2011. "The effect of topic application of Curcumin extract on the healing of skin burns in rat: A Preliminary study". Beni-Suef Veterinary Medical Journal, 21(1), 22-26.
Nagwa M. El-Sayed, Khadiga A. Ismail, Sabah A. Ahmed and Mona Hetta; 2012. "In vitro amoebicidal activity of ethanol extracts of Arachis hypogaea L., Curcuma longa L. and Pancratium maritimum L. on Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts". Parasitology Research, 110, 1985–1992. DOI 10.1007/s00436-011-2727-3.
Sayda M. Abdo, Mona H. Hetta, Waleed M. El-Senousy, Rawheya A. Salah El Din, Gamila H. Ali, 2012. "Antiviral activity of freshwater algae". Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science (JAPS), 02 (02), 21-25.
Sayda M. Abdo, Mona H. Hetta, Farag A. Samhan, Rawheya A. Salah El Din, Gamila H. Ali, 2012. "Phytochemical and Antibacterial Study of Five Freshwater Algal Species ". Asian Journal of Plant Sciences (AJPS), 11(3), 109-116.
M.H. Hetta "Biologically active waste material of Pisum sativum L. (Pea)". Though the book edited by Eric Mwangi; "Harnessing the Potentials of New and Advanced Materials for Developing Economies, Daya Publishing House, 2013.
Taha S. El-Alfy; Mona H. Hetta; Nemat Z. Yassin; Rehab F. Abdel Rahman; Esraa M. Kadry, 2012. Estrogenic activity of Citrus medica L. leaves growing in Egypt". Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science (JAPS), DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012.2831, 2(8), 180-185.
Soheir M. El Zalabani, Mona H. Hetta, Samir A. Rossc, Amira M. Abo Youssef, Mohamed A. Zaki & Ahmed S. Ismail, 2012. Antihyperglycemic and antioxidant activities and chemical composition of Conyza dioscoridis (L.) Desf. DC. growing in Egypt. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (AJBAS) (ISI Journal: SJR*= 0,162), 6(10): 257-265.
Soheir El Zalabani, Mona Hetta, Ahmed Ismail, 2012. "Genetic Profiling, Chemical Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Two Conyza Species Growing in Egypt." Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science (JAPS), DOI: 10.7324/JAPS.2012.21110, 2 (11), 54 – 61.
El-Sayeda A. El-Kashoury, Mona H. Hetta, Nemat Z.Yassin, Hossam M. Hassan, Sally A. El Awdan, Naglaa I. Afifi, 2013. "Comparative DNA Profiling, Phytochemical Investigation and Biological Evaluation of Two Ficus Species Growing in Egypt". Pharmacognosy Research, 5(4), 45-53.
Zaki, Mohamed; Balachandran, Premalatha; Khan, Shabana; Wang, Mei; Abd slam, Rabab; Hetta, Mona; Pasco, David; Ilias, Muhammad, 2013. "Cytotoxicity and Modulation of Cancer-Related Signaling by (Z)- and (E)-3,4,3′,5′-Tetramethoxystilbene Isolated from Eugenia rigida." J. Nat. Prod., 2013, 76 (4), 679–684.
Ilias Muhammada, Volodymyr Samoylenkoa, Francis Machumia, Mohamed Ahmed Zakia , Rabab Mohammed, Mona H. Hetta and Van Gillum, 2013. “Preparation and Application of Reversed Phase Chromatorotor TM for the Isolation of Natural Products by Centrifugal Preparative Chromatography", Natural Product Communications, 8(3), 311-4.
Mona H. Hetta and Azza A. Shafei. 2013. "Comparative cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities of the alkaloid content of Egyptian Pancratium maritimum L. fruits and flowers". Journal of American Science, 9(7), 104–109.
Soheir M. El Zalabani, Mona H. Hetta, Ahmed S. Ismail. 2013. "Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity of the different organs Conyza dioscoridis L. Desf." Biosafety, 2 (1), 106-108. doi: 10.4172/2167-0331.1000106.
Abeer Moawad, Mona Hetta, Jordan K Zjawiony, Daneel Ferreira and Mohamed Hifnawy, 2014. "Two New Dihydroamentoflavone Glycosides from Cycas revoluta", Nat. Prod. Res. 28(1), 41-47.
Hetta M.H, El-Alfy T.S, Yassin N.Z, Abdel-Rahman R.F, Kadry E.M. 2013 – 2014d. "Phytochemical and Antihyperglycemic Studies on Citrus medica L. Leaves (Etrog) Growing in Egypt. International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research (IJPPR), 5(4); 271-277.
Mona H. Hetta, Hanan F. Aly and Nouruddin W. Ali. 2014. "Estimation of Resveratrol content in Peanuts pericarp and its relation with the in vitro inhibitory activity on carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes." Die Pharmazie, 69 (2), 92-95.
Hala Abozaid , Abeer Moawad, Elham Amin, Mona Hetta and Marawan Shabana. 2014. "Phytochemical and biological study of Diospyros kaki l. growing in Egypt". World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 3(2), 1795 – 1786.
Mona H. Hetta. 2014. "Towards Advanced Science in Egypt" Biosafety, 3(1), 117. doi: 10.4172/2167-0331.1000117.
Mona H. Hetta, Hanan F. Aly, Azza Arafa, 2014 "Inhibitory effect of Eruca sativa Mill. on carbohydrate metabolizing enzymes in vitro". International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research (Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res), 26(2); 205-208.
F.A. Badria, M.H. Hetta, Rania M. Sarhan and M.H. Ezz El-Din. 2014, "In vitro Study of Helianthemum lippii on Acanthamoeba castellanii As Potential Therapy for Amoebic keratitis", Korean journal of Parasitology; 52(3):243-249.
Rehab, H. Mahmoud; Mona H. Hetta, Waled M. El-Senousy, Kalid, M. Ebrahim; Gamila, E. El-Taweel and Gamila H. Ali. 2014. "Antiviral and Antimicrobial Activities of freshwater alga Spirulina platensis", Accepted in World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (WJPPS), 3(6), 31-39.
Khadiga Ahmed Ismail, Ayman Nabil Ibrahim, Mona Abd El-Fattah Ahmed, Mona Hafez Hetta, 2014. "Comparison between the effect of Lawsonia inermis and flubendazole on Strongyloides stercoralis using scanning electron microscopy", accepted in Journal of Parasitic Disease. DOI 10.1007/s12639-014-0519-2.
Dalia El Amir, Sameh F. AbouZid, Mona H. Hetta, Abdelaaty A. Shahat, Mohamed A. El-Shanawany, 2014. "Composition of the essential oil of the fruits of Phyllanthus emblica cultivated in Egypt". Journal of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Biological Sciences, 2(3):202-207.
Marwa H. A. Hassan, Mostafa E. Rateb, Mona Hetta, Tarek A. Abdelaziz, Mohamed A. Sleim, Marcel Jaspars, Rabab Mohammed. 2015. "Scalarane Sesterterpenes from the Egyptian Red Sea Sponge Phyllospongia lamellose. Tetrahedron, 71(4): 577 – 583.
Shimaa M. Abdel gawad, Mona H. Hetta, Samir A. Ross, Farid A. Badria. 2015, Antimicrobial and antiprotozoal activity of selected medicinal plants growing in Upper Egypt, Beni-Suef region. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (WJPPS), 4(5), 1720-1740.

Maha Mohamed Soltan; Ahmed Hamed, Mona Hetta, Ahmed Hussein. 2015, "Egyptian Pancratium maritimum L. Flower as a Source of Anti-Alzheimer's Agents", Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, 53, 19-22.

Hussein, S. A. EL- Mesallamy, A.M. Hashim, A.N.; Mousa. M.A.; Hetta, M.H.; Hamed, M.A. Lindequist, U., Nawwar, M.A. 2015, "Phenolics from Caesalpinia ferrea Mart: antioxidant, cytotoxicity and hypolipidemic activity", Die Pharmazie, 70 (8), 553-558.

S. Abdelgawad, G. Ma, M. Hetta, S. Ross, F. Badria. 2015, "Chemical and biological study of Withania somnifera (L.) dunal leaves growing in Upper Egypt: Beni-Suef region", Journal of Natural Products (J. of Nat. Prod.), 8, 64-74.

Mona H. Hetta, Abeer Moawad, Manal Hamed, Ahmed Ismail. 2015, In vitro and in vivo Hypolipidemic Activity of Spinach Flowers and Roots as waste products, accepted in Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research.

Abeer M. El-Mudomy, Hossam M. Hassan, Elham Amin, Waleed Ali Mohamed Ali, Mona H. Hetta. 2015, "Chemical composition and in vivo anti-inflammatory activity of the lipid extract from Premna odorata Blanco cultivated in Egypt." World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (WJPPS), 5(1), 129-135.

K. Taha , M. Hetta , W. Bakeer, N. Yassin, Bassant M. IIbrahim and M. Hassan. 2016, "Comparative Phytochemical and Pharmacological study of antitussive and antimicrobial effects of Boswellia and Thyme Essential oils", Der Pharma Chemica, 8(1):67-83.

Hassan M H A, Mohammed R, Hetta M H, Abdelaziz T A, El-Gendy A O, Sleim M A. 2016, "Biological and Chemical Investigation of the Soft Coral Lobophytum pauciflorum Collected from the Egyptian Red Sea", International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research (IJPPR) 8(6); 906-911

Taha A. Hussien, Sayed A. El-toumy, Hossam M. Hassan, Mona H. Hetta, 2016, "Cytotoxic and antioxidant activities of secondary metabolites from Pulicaria undulata", International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJPPS) 8(9); 975-1491.

Zaki, Mohamed; Nanayakkara, N. P.; Hetta, Mona Hafez; Jacob, Melissa; Khan, Shabana; Mohammed, Rabab; Ibrahim, Mohamed Ali; Samoylenko, Vladimir; Coleman, Christina ; Fronczek, Frank; Ferreira, Daneel; Ilias, Muhammad, 2016, Bioactive Formylated Flavonoids from Eugenia rigida: Isolation, Synthesis, and X-ray Crystallography", Journal of Natural Products (JNP) 79(9); 2341-2349.

56. Bassant M.M. Ibrahim, Nemat A.Z. Yassin Mona H. Hetta, Walid I. Mohammed, Kamilia F. Taha and Marwa ES. Hassan, 2016, "Phytochemical and Pharmacological Studies on Newly suggested Herbal Formulations for Potential Protection against Inflammatory Conditions". International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 8(12); 2044-2055

Mona Ismail, Asmaa Owis, Mona Hetta and Rabab Mohammed; 2016. Investigation of total phenolics, flavonoids content and anti-oxidant activity of Euphorbia grandialata, 2017, accepted in World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (WJPPS), WJPPS/8757/6/2017.

Reem M. Hashem, Laila A. Rashed, Kamel MA. Hassanin, Mona H. Hetta, Asmaa Ahmed; 2017. "Effect of 6-gingerol on AMPK-NF-κB Axis in High Fat Diet Fed Rats"; Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 88; 293–301

Mona Hetta, Hoda Eid, Asmaa Owis, Pierre Haddad. 2017, In Vitro Antidiabetic Activity of Eruca sativa leaves on Glucose – 6 – Phosphatase", Pharmaceutical Biology, 55 (1); 810-818. DOI: 10.1080/13880209.2017.1280687

Rania M Sarhan. Hayam M Ezz Eldin. Mona H Hetta. 2017, "In vitro evaluation of the lethal potential of Arachis hypogaea L. pericarp on Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts", Journal of the Egyptian society of parasitology, (JESP), 47(1), 113- 121.

Abeer H. Elmaidomy, Mohamed M. Mohyeldin, Mostafa M. Ibrahim, Hossam M. Hassan, Elham Amin, Mostafa E. Rateb, Mona H. Hetta and Khalid A. El Sayed. 2017 “Acylated Iridoids and Rhamnopyranoses from Premna odorata (Lamiaceae) as Novel Mesenchymal-Epithelial Transition Factor Receptor Inhibitors for The Control of Breast Cancer ”, accepted in Phytotherapy Research.

Mona Ismaila, Asmaa I. Owisa, Mona Hettab, Rabab Mohammed “Investigation of total phenolics, flavonoids content and anti-oxidant activity of Euphorbia grandialata” Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 7 (06), 176-181, 2017

18th Annual Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Society of Toxicology (25 - 26 September 2002).
1st International Congress for Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Division “Towards Safe and Active Drug” (24 - 26 March 2003, Poster)
Al-Azhar 3rdInternational Conference for Pharmaceutical and Biological Sciences (16-18 December 2003).
WHO Regional Conference on Medical Journals In The Eastern Mediterranean Region (7-9 October 2003).
XVII International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, Copenhagen/ Malmo, ( 15- 19 August, 2004, Poster no. 345)
3rd International Conference of Medical Sciences under the Theme of “Contemporary Researches on Health Problems” (14 - 16 December 2004, Poster).
2nd International Congress for Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Division under the theme of “Applied Research for Drug Industry” (7 – 9 March 2005,Oral)
4th International Conference of Medical Sciences under the Theme of “Contemporary Researches on Health Problems” (20 - 22 December 2005, Poster).
2nd Annual Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Society of Environmental Toxicology under the Theme of "Environmental pollution and Human Health in 21 th centuries." (18 – 20 April 2006, Oral).
8th European Congress on Telepathology and 2nd International Congress on Virtual Microscopy (6-8 July, 2006, Poster), in Budapest, Hungary.
35th Annual International Conference on “Cooperation among Scholars in Egypt and Abroad: Strategies and a Vision for Modern Education” (December 27-29, 2008), Supreme Council of Universities Cairo – Egypt
8th annual Oxford international conference on the Science of Botanicals, (ICSB) (April 6th, 2009, Poster), in USA.
5th International conference: "Towards safe food in Egypt", (2009), Beni - Suef, Egypt
1st symposium: "Natural sources and their medical therapy" (April, 7th & 8th, 2010, Organizer), Beni - Suef, Egypt.
37th Annual MALTO medicinal chemistry and pharmacognosy meeting, May 24, 2010, Oxford, Mississippi, USA.
51th Annual meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP), July 9, 2010, Florida, USA. (2 Posters).
International conference on: “Harnessing the potentials of new and advanced materials for developing economies.” (August 9, 2011, oral) in Abuja, Nigeria.
59th International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, GA 2011, (4-9 September, 2011, Poster), in Antalya, Turkey.
The 2nd Euro-Med Conference, on Plant Natural Products, (BioNat II) Alexandria, Egypt, (11 – 13 December, 2011, oral). Entitled “Biological activity of freshwater algae”
The 2nd Euro-Med Conference, on Plant Natural Products, (BioNat II), Alexandria, Egypt, (11 – 13 December, 2011, Poster): Entitled "Phytochemical and biological studies on Citrus medica L. growing in Egypt."
The 2nd Euro-Med Conference, on Plant Natural Products, Alexandria, Egypt, (11 – 13 December, 2011, poster): Entitled "Biological and phytochemical screening of Conyza dioscoridis".
The 8th International Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, Assiut, Egypt; 14 & 15th March, 2012, oral): Entitled "In vitro amoebicidal activity of ethanol extracts of Arachis hypogaea L., Curcuma longa L. and Pancratium maritimum L. on Acanthamoeba castellanii cysts".
11th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals (ICSB), USA, (April, 2012, Poster): Entitled "Application of Centrifugal Preparative Chromatography for the isolation of Polar Triterpenene Saponins from Fagonia cretica".
ASP International Conference, USA, (July, 2012, Poster): "Anticancer activity of resveratrol analogs from Eugenia rigida DC."
ASP International Conference, USA, (July, 2012, Poster): "Reversed phase centrifugal preparative chromatography for the isolation of triterpenene saponins glycosides from Fagonia cretica"
1st International Conference on Advanced Basic and Applied Sciences ABAS, Hurghada, (November, 2012, oral): "Phenolic compounds and Bioactivities of Citrus medica L. Growing in Egypt".
1st International Conference on Advanced Basic and Applied Sciences ABAS, Hurghada, (November, 2012, Poster):" LC/MS, 1HNMR and Antimicrobial Activity of Some Marine Organisms Collected from the Red Sea".
"International Conference on Natural Products Utilization- From Plants to Pharmacy Shelf", ICNPU 2013, 3-6 November 2013 – Poster, BANSKO – Bulgaria.
"بناء استراتيجية بحثية بالجامعة فى العقد القادم" , ادارة جلسة , chairman of a session, Beni Suef University, 12-13 November 2013, Beni Suef, Egypt.
The 3rd Euro-Med Conference, on Plant Natural Products, (BioNat III), Cairo, Egypt, (4 – 6 January, 2013, Poster): Entitled “Chemical investigation of a marine soft coral Lobophytum pauciflorum Collected from the Red Sea”.
The 3rd Euro-Med Conference, on Plant Natural Products, (BioNat III), Cairo, Egypt, (4 – 6 January, 2013, Oral): Entitled “Amaryllidaceae alkaloids: Biologically active secondary metabolites".
  The Third International BioNat Conference (BioNat III) held at Cairo, Egypt (January 2014, Poster). Entitled “Chemical Investigation of a marine soft coral Lobophytum pauciflorum Collected from the Red Sea".
Beni-Suef University Research Endowment (Waqf)", الوقف البحثى لجامعة بنى سويف: ضوابطة و موارده و مصارفه , Beni-Suef University, Egypt, 4/3/2014.
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) held at Ventura, California, United States of America (March 2014, Poster). Entitled “Scalarane Sesterterpenes from the Egyptian Red Sea Sponge Phyllospongia lamellosa".
"2nd International Conference on Advanced Basic & Applied Sciences, (ABAS), Ain-elSokhna, Egypt, 2-4 April, 2014. (Organizer and chairman of sessions).
2nd Annual World Congress of Nutrition & Health 2014 to be held in Taiyuan, China, from 24-26 October 2014. (Oral presentation).
International Training Workshop on ‘Herbal Medicine: Drug Discovery from Herbs - Approaches, Innovations and Applications’, Mysore (Karnataka) & Ooty (Tamil Nadu), India, 30 March – 3rd April 2015 (Oral presentation).
1st International Conference by Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni-Suef University entitled: "Health between nutrition and treatment", Egypt, 30-31/8/2015. (Organizer).
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmacognosy, Phytochemistry & Natural Products, August 29-31, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2016 (Oral presentation & evaluator of posters).
5th International phytocosmetics and phytotherapy congress, May 15-17, Patras, Greece, 2017 (Oral presentation- invited speaker)
1st Annual Meeting of Arab Medical Society: entitled “Medical Researches in Arabic Nation: Way of cooperations”, 4/ 2005.
3rd Annual Meeting of Pharmacology Department in NRC: entitled “Drug Hazards and Human Health”, 10/ 2005.
Scientific Meeting in Fayoum University: entitled "Pharmacy Education in the 21st Century", 1/12/2015. (organizer of the meeting)
3rd International Meeting of Tempus Project 1. E.A.Aboutabl, B.Kopp, M.A.Amin and M.H.Hetta, 1987. ”5- O- Demethyl- nobelitin from the leaves of a Citrus reticulata cultivar”, Scientia. Pharmaceutica., 55, 45-47. "Establish a new joint master degree in biotechnology applied to Agri-Science, environment and pharmacology", Hurghada, 12-15/1/2016.
Scientific Meeting in Fayoum University: entitled "Newer Approaches to the Discovery of Glitazones" and "Animal Models of Type2 Diabetes", 3/3/2016. (organizer of the meeting)
تحكيم اوراق بحثية دولية
Reviewing the manuscript entitled 'In vitro free radical scavenging potential of Picrorhiza kurroa for Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Phytochemical Investigation and Biological Studies of three Plumbago species - A comparative Study". for Food and Chemical Toxicology
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Evaluation of in vitro free radical scavenging activities of Oroxylem indicum (L.) Vent – an enlarged medicinal tree" for Food and Chemical Toxicology
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Isolation and characterization of biologically active antioxidant compound Ethyl gallate from leaves of Acacia nilotica (L.) Wild. ex. Delile subsp. indica (Benth.) Brenan" for Food Chemistry.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Free radical scavenging, cytotoxic and hemolytic activities from leaves of Acacia nilotica" for Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: "Quality control and in Vitro bioequivalence studies on four brands of Ciprofloxacin tablets commonly sold in Uyo Metrpolis" for Research and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (RPB).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: "Phytotherapy approach for the treatment of gynaecological disorder among women in IDO local government area of Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria". For Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science (JAPS), 2012.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: "Anti- H5N1 virus metabolites from Capparis sinaica Veill". For Journal of Natural Product Research, 2013.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: "Microbial production of 1 α - hydroxyvitamin D3 from vitamin D3" for journal of Natural product research (NPR). (GNPL – 2013 – 1191).
Reviewing the letter entitled: "Isolation and structural elucidation of Aristolochia Carboxylate from roots of Aristolochia Indica L. and its effect on glycemic control in normal and streptozotocin – induced diabetic rats." For Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. (jf-2013-051396), 2013.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Microbial production of 1 α- hydroxyvitamin D3 from vitamin D3." For Natural Product Research. (11/2013).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Experimental evaluation of analgesic property of bark skin of Saraca indica (Ashoka) and Shorea robusta (Shal)". For Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. (2/2014).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Antioxidant, Antibacterial and Antibiofilm Properties of Muscadine Grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) Polyphenols against Selected Foodborne Pathogens". For Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Manuscript ID: jf-2014-01073q, (3/2014).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Antihyperglycaemic activity of the flavonoid-rich fraction of the extract of Tamarindus indica L. on experimentally induced hyperglycaemic wistar rats, For Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. Manuscript ID: 19-1399377769, 17/6/2014.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Enhancement of clavulanic acid production by Streptomyces sp. NRC-35 using different additives, For Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysiscs (IJBB) bb-21-3.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Protection and toxicity evaluation of ethyl gallate from Acacia nilotica (L.) on biological macromolecules and albino wistar rats". For Complementary Alternative Medicine eCAM, 7432470912851020_article, 25/5/2014.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash on growth and flower yield of ratoon spider lily (Hymenocallis littoralis L.) cv. Local. For Premier Publishers, Manuscript reference no. PP-0414-115.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Cytotoxic metabolites from the Red Sea sponge Spheciospongia vagabunda". For Natural Product Research, Manuscript ID: GNPL-2014-0950 (29/7/2014)
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Hepato-protective and anti-diabetic effects of Capsosiphon fulvescens and pheophorbide a in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats". For Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Manuscript ID: jf-2014-03083z. (8/8/2014).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Isolation, Chemical and Antioxidant Characterization of Phenolics from Triticum aestivum L. Aerial Parts" For Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Manuscript ID: jf-2014-038689. (18/8/2014).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: Structural elucidation of ethyl gallate – A major antioxidant compound isolated from Acacia nilotica (L.) Wild. ex. Delile subsp. indica (Benth.) Brenan" For Natural Product Research, Manuscript ID: GNPL-2014-1284 (24/9/2014).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Effects of Capsosiphon fulvescens and Pheophorbide a on Diabetes and Its Complications in Diabetic Rats" For Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Manuscript ID: jf-2014- 05036s. (15/11/2014).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "In Vitro Antibacterial activity of Different Yemeni Leaves extracts of Lawsonia inermis Against Some Bacterial Pathogens" For Premier Publishers, Manuscript reference no. PP-1114-306. (29/11/2014).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Protective effects of Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent. against oxidative stress using in-vitro assays." For Natural Product Research, Manuscript ID: GNPL-2014-1285 (29/11/2014).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: "Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Potential of Selected Seaweeds from Kodinar, Southern Coast of Saurashtra, Gujarat, India" For Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science (JAPS), ID: 19-1421405623 , (28/1/2015).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "The antioxidant and anti–atherogenic properties of isolated date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruit phenolic acids and flavonols" For Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Manuscript ID: jf-2014-06094r (30/1/2015).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Optimization of oil extraction from Euterpe precatoria Mart. (Asaí) cosmetic grade by enzymatic treatment" For International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients. Manuscript ID: IPC-2014 (3/3/2015).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Phytochemical and in vitro screening of potential anti-hyaluronidase and anti-elastase of ten plant extracts for anti-skin aging preparations" For Arabian Journal of Chemistry. Ms. Ref. No.: ARABJC-D-14-00738 (23/4/2015).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled:"The effect of thyme leaves (Thymus vulgaris L.) on Albumin glycation reaction in vitro" For Journal of Ayurvedic and Herbal Medicine Ms. Ref. No.: JAHM-2015-1212 (10/6/2015).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: "'Isolation and Identification of Potential Antineoplastic Bioactive Phenolic Compounds in Malaysian Honeys" For the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. Ref. No.: GNPL-2015-1487, (14/7/2015).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: "Myricitrin and bioactive extract of Albizia amara (Roxb.) B. Boivin leaves: Potential effect on DNA damage, modulation of fertility and antioxidant related genes expression in female mice." For Natural Product Research. Ref. No.: GNPL-2015-1487, (20/7/2015).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: "Pharmacognostical studies oF Balanites aegyptiaca" For Indian Journal of Natural Products and Resources (IJNPR)-2133-971, (23/10/2015).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: Isolation of flavonoids and 2D-DOSY NMR of Flavonol Mixture from Mesembryanthemum forsskaolii Hochst. Ex. Boiss." For Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (IJPR) -"Manuscript ID: IJPR-1508-8469, (7/11/2015).
Reviewing the Review article entitled: Phytochemical research and the challenges in the development of antifungal agents against Candida." For Current Pharmaceutical Design - "Manuscript ID: IPK-CPD-PK2015-05, (22/1/2016).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: Anti-hyperglycemic and In-vitro antioxidant activity of peels of Musa species "For Alexandria Journal of Medicine - "Manuscript ID: AJME-D-16-00028, (19/3/2016).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: Influence of Dry Herbal Extracts on Pentylenetetrazole-induced Seizures in Mice: Screening Results and Relationship Chemical Composition - Pharmacological Effect". For the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science- "Manuscript ID: 19-1460921840 (17/4/2016).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: Biologically-guided isolation of leishmanicidal secondary metabolites from Euphorbia peplus L."For Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal - "Manuscript ID: SPJ-D-16-00437, (24/5/2016).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: Pharmacognostic quantification of Rutin and Quercetin by HPTLC, HPLC and immunomodulatory, in vitro cell lines studies on Capparis mooni fruits extracts". For the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science- "Manuscript ID: JAPS, (14/7/2016).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: "Antioxidant, anti-tyrosinase and anti-quorum sensing activities of four mangrove tree species vs. green tea". For the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science- " JAPS, (7/11/2016).
Reviewing the Review entitled: "Phytocosmetics from the African Herbal Pharmacopeia ", IJPNI_179_20170524194556. For the International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients " (3/6/2017).
Reviewing the manuscript entitled: "Phenolic compounds and in vivo Anti-inflammatory activity of the aqueous extract of Centaurium umbellatum (Gibb.) Beck. available in northern ". For the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science- " JAPS, (21/7/2017).
Reviewing the Review entitled: " Evaluation of the antioxidant efficacy of extracts/ ingredients used in skin care products ", (IJPNI_91_20170702185657 For the International Journal of Phytocosmetics and Natural Ingredients " (17/8/2017).
تحكيم اوراق بحثية محلية
"A Contribution to the Knowledge of Caesalpinioideae (L) Based on • Morphological and Molecular Criteria". For Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013.
"Study of the chemopreventive effects of Zingiber officinale roots against aspartame induced testicular damage in rat model". For Beni-Suef University Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013.
Reviewing the manuscript entitled "Comparative Chemical and Antimicrobial Study of Nine Essential Oils Obtained from Medicinal Plants Growing in Egypt". For Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. BJBAS-D-14-00005, (3/2014).
تحكيم مشاريع بحثية
Reviewing the project entitled "Production of biologically active compounds from cell and tissue culture of some wild Egyptian plants". For Science and Technology Centre – Academy of Scientific Research & Technology. (1/12/2016).
In vitro scaling up and semi-industrial production of Hypericin from Hypericum perforatum as certain photodynamic therapy for prostate and cervical cancers using bioreactor techniques. For Science and Technology Centre – Academy of Scientific Research & Technology. (12/5/2017).
المشاركة فى تحكيم رسائل علمية (دولية ومحلية)
  Master thesis entitled "A Pharmacognostical Study of Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre Family Leguminosae", 2009.
Master thesis entitled "Phytochemical Studies and Biological Evaluation of Clerodendrum species cultivated in Egypt", 2009.
Ph.D thesis entitled "Bioactive secondary metabolites from marine organisms from the Red Sea", 2011.
Ph.D thesis entitled "Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Biological studies on Eapltes Divaricate (L.) Cass. and Epaltes Pygmaea DC.", 2011, from India.
Ph.D thesis entitled "Pharmacognostical, Phytochemical and Medicinal Activity profile of Helicanthus elastic (Desr.) Danser (Mango Mistletoe) - Loranthaceae , 2012, from India.
Ph.D thesis entitled "Micropropagation and Genetic variability studies in Excoecaria agallocha L.", 2014, from India.
Ph.D thesis entitled "Metabolic Adaptations of Two Species of Panicum Towards Salinity", 2014, from India
Master thesis entitled "Phytochemical and Biological studies of Brassica oleraceae var. bortrytis (Soultany cultivar) cultivated in Egypt, Family Brassicasseae, 2014.
Master thesis entitled "Phytochemical investigation of some medicinal plants cultivated in Egypt and their endophytes", 2015.
Ph.D. thesis entitled "Bioactive metabolites from marine organisms", Beni Suef University, 2015.
Master thesis entitled "Natural products as enzyme inhibitors for production of biological active agents", Beni Suef University, 2015.
Ph.D. thesis entitled "Phytochemical and biological study on Phyllanthus emblica Family Euphorbiaceae cultivated in Egypt", 17/9/2015, Beni Suef University.
Ph.D. thesis entitled "Micropropagation, Transplantation and Biotransformation studies on Daucus glaber Forssk. (Caucalis glaber Forssk.) (Family: Apiaceae) ", Zagazig University, 19/9/2015.
Ph.D thesis entitled "Ex Situ conservation and phytochemical screening of Naravelia zeylanica (dc), an endangered medicinal plant of western Ghats ", 2015, from India.
Master thesis entitled "Phytochemical and biological study of Premna odorata cultivated in Egypt ", 2016
Master thesis entitled " Pharmacognostical and biological study of genus Pulicaria growing in Egypt ", 2016
Book on New and Advanced materials; Chapter 7; “Pericarp of Pisum sativum L. as a Biologically Active Waste Product”; 2012.
Drug Discovery From Herbs: Approaches and applications; Chapter 1: "Anti-Hyperglycemic Agents from Natural Sources: In–vitro and In-vivo Studies".; 2017, Daya Publishing House