كلية العلوم

أ.د. نجلاء راشد سيد

معلومات الاتصال
رقم التليفون: 6344264 084 - 6338462 084
رقم الفاكس : 6370025 084
البريد الإلكتروني : nrs02@fayoum.edu.eg
المكتب : مبنى كلية العلوم - قسم الفيزياء
عنوان المراسلة البريدي : الفيوم - جامعة الفيوم - كلية العلوم - قسم الفيزياء - رقم بريدي :63514
المؤهلات العلمية
بكالوريوس : العلوم - جامعة القاهرة - 1978
ماجستير : فيزياء نووية تجريبية ( طاقات عالية) - كلية العلوم - جامعة القاهرة - 1982
دكتوراه : فيزياء نووية تجريبية ( طاقات عالية) - كلية العلوم - جامعة القاهرة - 1988
التدرج الوظيفي
معيد : من 1979 إلى 1983
مدرس مساعد : من 1983 إلى 1989
مدرس : من 1989 إلى 2005
أستاذ مساعد : من 2005 إلى 2015
أستاذ : من 2015 حتى الآن
التدرج الأكاديمى
قائم بأعمال وكيل كلية الحاسبات والمعلومات لشئون خدمة المجتمع وتنمية البيئة من 2014 حتى 2016/2/13
الاهتمامات البحثية
الفيزياء النووية – المستحلبات النووية - طاقات عالية.
قائمة الأبحاث

Fragmentation of 22Ne10 nuclei at 4.5 GeV / c/ n in nuclear emulsion . M.El-Nadi,O.E.Badawy, Z .Abou Gabal , A.M. Hussien , T. Nower, F. A. Abd El-Wahed , S. Kamel , N . Rashed , W. Osman and A.M.Ibrahim , Proceeding of the Mathematical and physical Society of Egypt , No . 65 , 1-25 (1988)

Inelastic interaction of 70 GeV /c +K-mesons in nuclear emulsion. M.El-Nadi , O.E.Badawy, A. M. Hussien, N.Metwalli, N.Sadek, E.A.Shaat , Z.Abou Moussa, N.y.El.Bakry, N.Rashed, S Kamel, F A.Abd el-Wahed, A.El- Sourogy and T.Nower Egypt .J.Phys. vol. 17, No 2, pp 379-394 (1986).

Hot and cold Z=2 projectile fragments from 4He , 22Ne and 24Mg at 4.5 GeV/c/n in nuclear emulsion. M.El-Nadi , O.E.Badawy, , E.A.Shaat, , N. .Metwalli , Z. Abou Moussa, Z .Abou Gabal, N.y.El.Bakry, A.El Sourogy, A. M. Hussien, T. .Nower, S. Kamel, F. A.Abd el-Wahed and N.Rashed. Egypt J.Phys. vol. 17, No 2 pp 395-408 (1986).

Fragmentation of 24Mg at 4.5 GeV/c/n M.El-Nadi , O.E.Badawy, , E.A.Shaat, , N.Metwalli, Z.Abou Moussa, Z .Abou Gabal, A. M. Hussien, T.Nower, , F A.Abd el-Wahed , N.Rashed. , W. Osman , A.M.Ibrahim and S Kamel. Proceeding of the Mathematical and physical Society of Egypt , No . 65 , pp 27-45 (1988).

Interactions of 200 A GeV 32S projectiles with nuclear emulsions. M.El-Nadi , O.E.Badawy, N.Metwalli, M.A.Elleithy , A. M. Hussien, E.A.Shaat,Z.AbouMoussa,A.A.Ahmed, S.Kamel,Sh.Talaat,T.Talaat, M.R.Eraky,A. Mohamed , T.Nower, , A.M.Ibrahim, , A. Fakiha, A.El Sourogy, M.Riad, N.Rashed. and W. Osman . Proceeding of the XXIIIrd Rencontre De Moriond, March 13-19 (1988)

Study of Central Inelastic Interactions of 12C, 22Ne and 28Si with Heavy Emulsion Nuclei at about 4.5A GeV/c N. Rashed Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications .Vol. 37, No.1 , pp. 2¬17-228 (2004)

Features of Helium Beams and Helium Daughters at Dubna Energy. M.El-Nadi , M. S. El-Nagdy, A. Abdelsalam, E. A. Shaat, N. Ali-Mossa, Z. Abou Moussa, N. Rashed , S. Kamel and M. E. Hafiz. Egypt. J. Phys. Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 229-245 (2002)

Multiplicities of forward – backward particles in 32S- emulsion interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c A. Abdelsalam, E. A. Shaat, N. Ali-Mossa, Z. Abou-Moussa, O. M. Osman, N. Rashed, W. Osman, B. M. Badawy and E.El-Falaky J . Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 28 (2002) 1375-1389

Forward-backward particle Characteristics in the interactions of 3He and 4He with emulsion nuclei at 3.7 A GeV M.El-Nadi , A. Abdelsalam, M. S. El-Nagdy, E. A. Shaat, N. Ali-Mossa, Z. Abou-Moussa, S. Kamel, N. Rashed , M. E. Hafiz and B. M. Badawy Egypt. J. Phys. Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 71-81 (2003)

Analysis of relativistic forward-backward particle production from the interactions of Helium isotopes (3He and 4He) with emulsion nuclei at 4.5A GeV/c A. Abdelsalam, M. S. El-Nagdy, E. A. Shaat, N. Ali-Mossa, O. M. Osman, Z. Abou-Moussa, S. Kamel, N. Rashed, M. E. Hafiz, B. M. Badawy and S. Magd Eldin Egypt. J. Phys. Accepted 29 September ( 2004 )

Spallation of 32S ions at ultra-relativistic energies in nuclear emusion. M.El-Nadi, A. Abdelsalam, E. A. Shaat, N. Ali-Mossa, Z. Abou-Moussa, S. Kamel, N. Rashed, W. Osman, M. E. Hafiz Can. J. Phys. 263 - 275 (2004 )

Yield and transverse momentum of relativistic hydrogen Isotopes in photonuclear spallation of 32S ions at 200A GeV. A .Abdelsalam , . Kamel, Kh. Abdel-Waged and N. Rashed Acta physica slovaca vol. 55 No. 4, 395 – 403 ( 2005 )

Comparative Analysis of Produced Particles Multiplicities from the interactions of 4He and 7Li with Emulsion at about 2 A GeV. A. Abdelsalam, M. S. El-Nagdy, E. A. Shaat, N. Ali-Mossa, Z. Abou-Moussa, O. M. Osman, N. Rashed, B. M. Badawy and Magd Eldin. The International Conference on Mathematics, Nuclear Physics and Applications in the 21ST Century (Cairo 8-13 , March 2003) pp.76 – 82

Study of Optical Potential, Fusion Cross- Section and Barrier Distribution for Deformed- Spherical Interacting Nuclear Pairs. M.Ismail, M. M . Osman , N. Rashed, and A. El. El Sayied. Egypt. J. Phys. Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 25- 44 (2004)

FURTHER STUDY ON GREY PARTICLES PRODUCTION IN 3He AND 4He INTERACTIONS WITH EMULSION AT 4.5A GeV/c A. Abdelsalam , M. S. El–Nagdy , N. Rashed , B. M. Badawy, and E -El Falaky Journal of Nuclear and Radiation Physics, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2007, pp. 49 - 60

Signatures of Target Fragmentation of Nuclear Emulsion by Light Nuclei A. Abdelsalam, M. S. El-Nagdy, N. Rashed, and B. M. Badawy CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS VOL. 45, NO. 3 JUNE 2007

Study Of Target Fragmentation In Heavy Ion Interactions A.Abdelsalam, N. Rashed, B.M.badawy, and -E.El-Falaky. Third International Conference on Modern Trends in Physics Reserch 290-295(2008) . At 3.7A GeV

Studies of target-evaporated particle production in forward and backward hemispheres in 16O-emulsion interactions A. Abdelsalam, S. Kamel, N. Rashed, and M. Fayed Can. J. Phys. 91: 105–112 (2013) at 60A and 200A GeV

On moments of the multiplicity events of slow target fragments in relativistic Sulfur-ion collisions A. Abdelsalam, S. Kamel , N. Rashed and N. Sabry International Journal of Modern Physics E ,Vol. 23, No. 8 ,1450040 (20 pages) (2014)

Systematic study of fast target protons emitted in relativistic heavy ion collisions with AgBr target nucleiS. Kamel and N. Rashed.Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Accepted 15 October (2014)

Emission characteristics of fast target protons in ultrarelativistic 16O–nucleus collisionsA. Abdelsalam, M.S. El-Nagdy, N. Rashed, B.M. Badawy, W. Osman, and M. Fayed Can. J. Phys. 93: 361–372 (2015)

Early Stage of Target Fragmentation Induced by Light Nuclei at ELAB ~ 2A GeV. IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) e-ISSN: 2278- 4861.Volume 7, Issue 2 Ver. III, PP 51-61 (Mar. - Apr. 2015).

Pion emission in -particle in teractions with various targets of nuclear emulsion detector B. Abdelsalam, Z. Abou-Moussa, N. Rashed, B. M. Badawy, H. A. Amer, W. Osman, M. M. El-Ashmawy, N. Abdallah Chinese Physics C Vol. 39, No. 9 (2015) 094001