كلية الزراعة

أ.د. سمير إبراهيم غبور

معلومات الاتصال
رقم التليفون : 6356731 084                                        
رقم الفاكس : 6334964 084
البريد الإلكتروني : sig00@fayoum.edu.eg
المكتب : كلية الزراعه - مبنى قسم الأراضى والمياه
عنوان المراسلة البريدي : الفيوم - جامعة الفيوم - كلية الزراعة - قسم الأراضى والمياه - رقم بريدي :63514
المؤهلات العلمية
بكالوريوس : العلوم الزراعية (أراضى ) - جامعة القاهرة - 1970
ماجستير : العلوم الزراعية ( أراضى ) - 1980
دكتوراه : العلوم الزراعية ( أراضى ) - 1986
التدرج الوظيفي
معيد: من 1970 الى 1980
مدرس مساعد : من 1980 الى 1986
مدرس : من 1986 الى 1989
أستاذ مساعد : من 1989 الى 1993
أستاذ : من 1993 إلى 2008
أستاذ متفرغ : من 2008 حتى الآن
الخبرات العلمية والعملية
تحليل التربة والنبات
تحديد الاحتياجات السمادية للمحاصيل
وضع البرامج السمادية للمحاصيل المختلفة
تقييم خصوبة التربة و المحافظة عليها وكيفية علاج المشاكل بها
تقييم صلاحية المياه للرى
قائمة الأبحاث

Fathi, A.I.; Ghabour, S.I. and Abd EI-Aziz, S.M. (1988) Boron tolerance of some barley varieties. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 2, No.2, June, 1988 (1077-1084).

Fathi, A.I.;Abd-EI-Aziz, S.M.; Laila A Hassein and Ghabour, S.I. (1988) Influence of lead on the growth and nutrient concentrations of corn and sunflower plants. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 2, No.2, June, 1988 (1085-1095).

Ghabour, S.I.; Abd-EI-Aziz, S.M. and Fathi, A.I. (1989.( Response of three wheat varieties to cobalt. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 3, No.1, January, 1989 (315-325).

Ghabour, S.I. and EI-Samnoudi, I.M. (1989) Effect of irrigation regime and nitrogen fertilizer on wheat yield and mineral content of grains. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 3, No.2, June, 1989 (294-308.(

Ghabour, S.I. ; Abd-EI-Aziz, S.M. and Fathi, A.I. (1989). Calcium-cadmium interrelationship in corn plants. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 3, No.2, June, 1989 (309-316).

EI-Samnoudi, I.M. and Ghabour, S.I. (1989) The combined effect of zinc-fertilizer and available moisture on seed yield and their N, P and protein contents of faba bean. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 3, No.2, June, 1989 (317/326).

Fathi, A. I.; Ghabour, S.I. and Abd-EI-Aziz, S.M. (1989) Salinity-fertility interactions in relation to growth and chemical composition of wheat. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 3, No.2, June, 1989 (327-336).

Ghabour, S.I. (1990) Response of Sunflower Plant to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 4, No.1, January, I 990 (251-261).

El-Samnoudi, I.M. and Ghabour, S.I. (1990) Effect of moicronutrients application (Zn, Mn, and Fe) under different levels of phosphorus fertilization on faba bean yield. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. ] 5 (12) : ] 990 (2202 / 2207).

El-Samnoudi, I.M. ; Ghabour, S.I. and Mohamed, S.A. (1991) Effect of applying drainage water on the yield and mineral contents of barley in sandy soil at Fayoum depression. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 5, No.2, June, (1999) (129-145).

Fathi, A.I. ; Abd-El-Aziz, S.M. and Ghabour, S.I. (1990) Effect of nitrogen and boron on growth, grain yield and N & B contents of corn plant. Annals of Agric. Sci. Moshtohor, V0l., 28, No. (1) March, 1990

El-Samnoudi, I.M.; Mohamed, S.A. and Ghabour, S.I. (1990) Effect of N.P.K.-fertilization on the yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat (Triticum vulgaris L.). J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ. 15 (10) ]990 (1713-]721).

Abou-Arab, A.A; Ghabour, S.I. and Mohamed, S.A (1991) Effect of til1age depth and nitrogen fertilization on some soil physical properties and on wheat crop. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 5, No.1, January, (1991)

Ghabour, S.I.; Abou-Arab, AA and Mohamed, SA (1991) Response of sugar beet crop to some different Irrigation and phosphate fertilizer treatments. Fayourm J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 5, No.2, June, (1991).

Abou-Arab, A.A; Ghabour, S.I. and Mohamed, S.A (1991) Effect of til1age depth and nitrogen fertilization on some soil physical properties and on wheat crop. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 5, No.1, January, (1991)

Armanios, R.R. ; Ghabour, S.I. and Besada, Y.B. (1991) Interaction of yeasts and asymbiotic N2-fexing bacteria on growth and yield of barley under two levels of nitrogen. Zagazig, J. Agric. Res., Vol. ]8, (4) 1039-1047.

Besada, Y.B.; Ghabour, S.I. and Armanios, R.R. (1991) Effect of barley inoculation with V A Mycorrhizae, astymbiotic Nrfixers and yeasts on growth and yield under field conditions in Egypt. Zagazig J. Agric. Res., Vol. 18, (5) 1471-1481.

Abou-Arab, A.A. and Ghabour, S.I. (1991) Amelioration needs for some characteristics of the exposed subsoil after using Laser-controlled grading. Egyptian, J. Appl. Science, 6 (12) : Des., 1991.

Ghabour, S.I. (1992) Effect of micronutrients application on the yield and quality of faba bean seeds. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 6, No.1, January, 1992.

Ghabour, S.I. (1992) Interaction of soil moisture depletion and trace elements application on lentil production. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 6, No.1, January, 1992.

Ghabour, S.I. (1993( Studies on fertilizer (N-P-Mn-Zn) requirements of sunflower. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. Vol. 7, No.2, June, 1993.

Ghabour, S.I. (1994) The interaction effect of N at different levels and doses under diferent levels of Zn on yield of grain, straw, protein, N and Zn contents of maize. Fayoum J. Agric. Res. & Dev. V ol. 8, No.1, Jnue,1994.

EI-Sayad, E.A.; S.I. Ghabour and D.M. EI-Soufi (2001) Fractionation of manganese in some soils of EI-Fayoum Governorate. Fayoum J. Agric. & Dev., Vol., 15(1):160-172.

El-Sayad, E.A.; S.I. Ghabour and D.M. EI-Soufi (2001) Total and extractable amounts of Zinc and manganese in some soils of EI-Fayoum Governorate. Fayoum J. Agric. & Dev., Vol., 15(1 ):192-20 I.

EI-Sayad, E.A.; S.I. Ghabour and S.A. EI- Yazal (2001) Effect of some micronutrients foliar application on yield and seeds quality of sunflower crop grown on the newly reclaimed soils, EI-Fayoum region, Egypt. Conference of sustainable Agriculture, Egypt, March 28-30, 256-268.

EI-Sayad, E.A.; S.I. Ghabour and S.A. EI- Yazal (2001) Effect of some micronutrients foliar application on yield and seeds quality of sunflower crop grown on the newly reclaimed soils, EI-Fayoum region, Egypt. Conference of sustainable Agriculture, Egypt, March 28-30, 256-268.

Abd EI-Gawad, M., Mohamed, H.A.A., Shendi, M.M. and Ghabour, S.I. (2007) Status of some heavy metals in Fayoum District soils. The Third Conference of Sustainable Agric. Development, 12-14 Nov.2007: 507-526

Abd EI-Gawad, M., Mohamed, H.A.A.,Shendi, M.M. and Ghabour, S.I. (2008). Levels of some heavy metals, nitrate, salinity and pH in Fayoum water resources. Accepted for publication, 3ed International Conference of Egyptian agri. For Environmental Sciences "ESES", July 8-9, 2008, Ismailia, Egypt.