*Invitation           *Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture participated at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Arab Faculties of Agriculture           *Condolences      *Participation in the midterm (interim) meeting of the Erasmus Plus Project on “Spatial Data Infrastructure”      *Congratulations to the awarded employees in the Fayoum University Administrative Excellence Award     


    Seminar on Agriculture Export and Rural Income  

    The Saad Nassar Hall of the Faculty of Agriculture hosted a seminar on the Agriculture Export and Rural Income (AERI), a project being implemented by the Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (MUCIA). The event was given by Prof. Abdel Azim Mustafa, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University, and Prof. Samir Ahmed Seif Al Yazzal, Vice-Dean for Community Service and Environment Affairs, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University. The seminar shed light on a number of issues, including: -Problems facing exports to the European Union Countries. -Production of medicinal and aromatic plants -Marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants produced in Fayoum. -Steps of registration of organic farming. The seminar called for providing a range of training and technical assistance to the farmers of Egypt to raise horticultural production and marketing activities.

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