*Invitation           *Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture participated at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Arab Faculties of Agriculture           *Condolences      *Participation in the midterm (interim) meeting of the Erasmus Plus Project on “Spatial Data Infrastructure”      *Congratulations to the awarded employees in the Fayoum University Administrative Excellence Award     


    A Symposium Entitled (an Internationally Accredited Course for One and a Half Pounds!)  

   Under the auspices of Prof. Gamal Mahmoud Mustafa, Dean of the Faculty, and under the supervision of Prof. Gamal Farag, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Adel Abdel Razek, Coordinator of Student Activities at the Faculty, the Student Union of the Faculty of Agriculture organized a symposium entitled (An Internationally Accredited Course for One and a Half Pounds!). Student Rabab Ramsis Wahbah, a third year student, Department of Food Science and Technology at the faculty, who completed 102 courses during the summer of 2021, lectured in the symposium. This symposium was a voluntary work by students of the Faculty of Agriculture to help their colleagues to learn more about the field of online courses and distance education, and how to benefit from vacations, as part of the activities of the Student Families Festival at the level of university faculties for the academic year 2021-2022.

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