*Invitation           *Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture participated at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Arab Faculties of Agriculture           *Condolences      *Participation in the midterm (interim) meeting of the Erasmus Plus Project on “Spatial Data Infrastructure”      *Congratulations to the awarded employees in the Fayoum University Administrative Excellence Award     


    The Scientific Laboratories and Equipment Committee Meeting No. (203)  

   The Laboratories and Scientific Equipment Committee met today, Sunday, 10-4-2022, headed by Prof. Gamal Farag Muhammad, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, and in the presence of the members of the committee, where the following topics were discussed:
   - Adopting the minutes of the committee’s previous meeting No. (202) on 9-3-2022;
   - Following up the periodic maintenance work in the scientific departments, and informing the faculty administration of the most important needs in order to address the university administration to provide them;
   - Considering the preparing of the scientific departments’ needs of glassware and chemicals for the curricula of the academic year 2022/2023;
  - Any other business.

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