Faculty of Engineering


 The Prime Minister issued the decision no.1142of 1976 to establish the Faculty of Engineering in Fayoum as a branch of Cairo University. The Fayoum Faculty of Engineering started with one department – Department of Civil Engineering. The first group of students joined the faculty in the academic year 1983/1984. The first class graduated in 1988. A part of the building of Faculty of Agriculture was chosen to host the newly created faculty. In 1988/1989, the faculty was relocated to occupy its current headquarters encompassing two buildings. A third building was established to include the new departments and facilities.

Objectives :

-The Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University, aims to create highly qualified engineers who have the relevant life-long theoretical, practical, and analytic competencies which make them able to take part in the fields of development in Egypt. It also demonstrates its unerring commitment to robust and relevant research.
Among the faculty objectives are:
-Developing highly qualified engineers to carry out the responsibilities of construction, manufacturing and development of environment and society.
- Offering a galaxy of opportunities for continuing education, training and doing advanced engineering studies to obtain higher academic degrees.
- Conducting scientific research and offering technological and engineering advice to various sectors of the State.
-Creating a sense of cooperation, coordination and liaison between the faculty and the engineering education-oriented institutions.
- Striving to keep pace with technological progress in the field of engineering.
- Participating in the development, exploitation and improvement of natural and economic resources of the country, including the various available sources of energy.
- Contributing to the planning and implementation of reconstruction projects.

Faculty Departments

-The Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University encompasses the following departments:
1-Department of Mathematics and Engineering Physics
2-Department of Civil Engineering
3-Department of Electrical Engineering
4-Department of Industrial Engineering

Degrees granted by the Faculty

The Fayoum University grants the degree of the Bachelor of Science based on the request of the council of the Faculty of Engineering in one of the following specializations:
* Civil Engineering
* Electrical Engineering, in one of the following two branches: a) Power and Electrical Machines b) Communications and Electronics
* Architectural Engineering
* Industrial Engineering

Undergraduate Study :

The Faculty of Engineering follows a two-semester system per academic year. Each semester runs for 15 weeks. The duration of study to obtain a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree is five academic years: a preparatory year, followed by four academic years.