Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Maged Labib Boules Youssef

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6300587
Fax number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: mib00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Medicine building - flour no.2
Post Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Medicine faculty - Pediatrics - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Medicine and surgery - Cairo university - 1995
M. Sc.:Medicine and surgery - Cairo university-2002
M. D.: surgery - Cairo university- 2007
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: 3/2001 to 3/2002
Assistant Lecturer: From 2001 to 2008
Lecturer: From 2008 To 2019
Assistant Professor: From 2019 Till now
Cardiovascular failure and methods of support after cardiac surgery.
Circulating biomarks and indices of hepatocelluler integrityduring hypotensive anesthesia Acomparative study between sevoflurane and propofol anesthesia
Publication List
Comparison between the effect of intraoperative magnesium sulfate infusion and ketamine on postoperative pain after spinal anesthesia July 2010. Vol 26 , no 3.
Comparative study between the effect of intrathecal midazolam versus intrathecal midazolam plus magnesium sulfate on efficacy and duration of analgesia in patients undergoing cesarean section Ain Shams journal of anesthesiology, 2015,Vol 8: issue 4: p 602-607 .
Does intrathecal midazolam improve hyperbaric bupivacaine– fentanyl anesthesia in elderly patients? Ain-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology, 2015,Vol 8: issue 4: p 602-607.
Comparative study between the effect of propofol and fentanyl on the incidence and severity of emergence agitation after sevo?urane anesthesia in pediatrics Ain Shams journal of anesthesiology, 2015,Vol 8: p 529-534 .
Comparative Study Between Lidocaine and Levobupivacaine Versus Lidocaine, Levobupivacaine and Dexmeditomidine Combination During Peribulbar Anesthesia for Phacoemulsification Cataract. Surgery Ain Shams journal of anesthesiology 2017, Vol 10: p 224-229 .
Dexmedetomidine-As an Adjuvant to to Epidural Analgesia: Comparison Between Different Doses. 2018, Vol 7, issue 2 Journal of Pain and relief .
Endocavitary versus Linear Array High Frequency Probe in Ultrasound Guided Supraclavicular Subclavian Vein Central Access : Anesth Essays Res. 2018 Oct-Dec; 12(4): 873–878.
Comparative Study Between Dexmedetomidine and Ondansteron for Prevention of Post Spinal Shivering. A Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Journal of anesthesiology, 2018 Nov 30;18(1):179.
Research Interests
Sonar guided Regional anesthesia
Pain management using recent techniques