Faculty of Medicine

Dr.Hala Sayed El –Toukhy

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: hst00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office:Medicine Building
Postal Address: Medicine- General Medicine – Fayoum University
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Medicine & General Surgery- Faculty of Medicine- Tanta Univ. - 1989
M. Sc.: Internal Medicine - Rhcumatologyand Clinical Immunology - Faculty of Medicine- Ain Shams Univ. - 1994
MD.: Internal Medicine - Faculty of Medicine- Ain Shams Univ. - 2005
Academic Positions
Lecturer: 2006 Up Till Now
Certificate from the Egyptian Medical Syndicate indicating the Subspesciality(clinical immunology /Rheumatology)
Certificate from Ain Shams university hospital indicating the subspesciality (clinical immunology /Rheumatology)
Clinical Experiences
House officer certificate (1/1990-2/1992)at Tanta university hospital
Residant at internal medicine department (clinical immunology /Rheumatology unite )at Ain Shams university hospital (3/1992-3/1995)
Maadi Armed forces hospital certificate of experience as a spescialist of Rheumatology and clinical immunology (1/1996-11/1998)
Consultant of clinical Immunology/Rheumatologyat Agouza Armed forces center for Rheumatology and Rehabilitation (12/1998-12/2006)
Assistant Researsher at the research Unite Clincal Immunology and Rheumatology department of Agouta Armed Forces center - 1999 ~ 2006
Member of the british society of Rheumatology sinsce1998
Member of the American coledge of Rheumatology sinsce 2000
Member of the African league against Rheumatology sinsce1997
Activety participating in the first African conferenceof Rheumatologic diseases held in cairo 1996
Reaserch presented was:(ICAM_1 in assessing lupus activity ) in cairo 1996
Actively participating in the Ain Shams Annual conference *(Rheumatologic diseases impact on patient”s psychology) nov.2000
Published researches
Hala , H.S., M.Sc.Thesis, Aine Shams Univ. - Egypt - 1994
(Detection of auto-antibodies againest HIV in action SLE patients)
The summary ofM.SC.
Hala , H.S., MD. Thesis, Aine Shams Univ. - Egypt - 2005
(Evaluation of ICAM-1 as a parameter of SLE disease and its exacerbation)
The summary of MD.
Detection of VEGF among patients with fibromyalgia (2005)presented at the first conferensce of Arabian sosciety for back pain.nov.2005
Evaluation of auto-antibodies to c-MP1(thrombopoeitin receptor) among patients with primary Aps published 007,presented at the Egyptian sosciety of rheumatology annual conference August 006
Attedance of 6 Th. annual Meeting of The Egyptian Sosciety for study of update i hepatology and gastroenterology 7-9Feb.008.
Attendance and active participation of the 1st.EGYLAR (Egyptian leauge against rheumatism)20-22Nov.008with a paper on Fibromyalgia.
Atendance of the 2nd.Fayoum University conference (Culture and Civilisation of Fayoum -Comunication and Cultural Exchange)25-26 March 008.
Attendance and participation in the 7th. Annual meeting for the Egyptian Sosciety For Study of update in Hepatology and Gastrointerology(ESSUHG)-Alexandria /12-13 February 2009.
Reference professors
Prof .Charle joel menkes ,service de rheumatologie A Cochin University Paris –France
Prof.Keith Whalley,Saint Thomas Hospital –London .UK
Prof.David scott,King’s college –London,Uk
Prof.Barbara Ansell King’s College ,London uk.(dead)