Faculty of Medicine

Prof.Dr. Sayed Sobhy Sayed Badawy

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: sss05@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Medicine - Neurology Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Medicine - Neurology Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc. : Faculty of Medicine - El-Minia University - 1992
M. Sc.: Faculty of Medicine - El-Minia University - MSC (Very Good) - Master Degree of Psychiatry and Neurology - 1997- Titled: "Clinical and Neurophysiological assessment of patient with carpal tunnel syndrome :pre &and post operative" .
Ph. D. : Faculty of Medicine - El-Minia University - In Neurology - 2005 - Titled: "Immediate Outcome of Acute Ischemic Stroke in Neurology Department At El-Minia University Hospital": A Naturalistic Study
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1994 to 1997
Assistant Lecturer : From 1997 to 2006
Lecturer : From 2006 To 2014
Assistant Professor : From 2014 To 2019
Professor : From 2019 Until Now
Research Interests
Impact of primary hypothyroidism on electro-encephalography in infants .
Relation between Serum Vitamin D Levels and Activity of Multiple Sclerosis .
Neuropsychological Assessment of Global and Specific Cognitive Functions in Children with Epilepsy .
Effect of prophylactic treatment on Visual evoked potentials (P100) in migraineurs .
Arabic: Excellent- Native Language.
English: Very Good (Holding TOEFL certificate).
Computer Skills
Skilled in the following computer applications:
Microsoft Windows .
Microsoft Word .
Microsoft PowerPoint .
Microsoft Excel .
Microsoft Access .
Internet and Communication .
Employment Present Job
Lecturer of Neurology, Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine, El-Fayom University, Egypt.
Private practice: Neurology Clinic (Syndicate specialist registration No. 1182 in Jan 21,1998). 2, Doctors' Building. El-Gomhorea St.,Abo-Korkas, El-Minia, Egypt1998- till present.
Previous Jobs
House Officer in El-Minia University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Egypt 1993- 1994.
Resident of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, El-Minia University Hospital, Egypt 1994-1997.
Senior registrant , Faculty of Medicine, El-Minia University Hospital, Egypt 1998-2006
Special Expertence
Teaching clinical Neurology to medical students in their final year of medical study at Minia Faculty of Medicine, Egypt.
Teaching Neurology to House officers in the Neurology and Psychiatry Department, Faculty of Medicine, El-Minia University, Egypt .
Teaching Neurology to neurology & psychiatry residents in the Neurology and Psychiatry Department, Faculty of Medicine, El-Minia University, Egypt.
Special experience in neurophysiology (EEG, EMG, Nerve conduction studies and evoked potentials) .
Impact of primary hypothyroidism on electro-encephalography in infants .
Relation between Serum Vitamin D Levels and Activity of Multiple Sclerosis .
Neuropsychological Assessment of Global and Specific Cognitive Functions in Children with Epilepsy .
Epileptiform electroencephalogram abnormality in children with congenital sensorineural hearing loss .
Effect of prophylactic treatment on Visual evoked potentials (P100) in migraineurs .
Migraine and its relation to other risk factors in patients with acute ischemic stroke and acute coronary syndrome .
Functional and Cognitive Disability in Children Patients with Idiopathic Epilepsy .