Faculty of Medicine

Dr.Hanaa Hassan Mahmoud Saadawi ElDash

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6300587                          
Fax Number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: hhd00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Bulding Of Faculty Medicine - Pediatrics Department
Post Address: Fayoum University - Faculty of Medicine - Pediatrics Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Medicine and Surgery - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - 1992
M. Sc.: Pediatrics - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - 2002
Ph.D.: Pediatrics - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - 2006
Academic Positions
Lecturer : From 2008 To 2014
Assistant Professor : From 2014 To 2019
Professor : From 2019 Up Till Now
T-Cell Derived Cytokine In Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Factor VIII Related Antigen In Childhood Collagen Vascular Disorders
Articular Manifestations of Egyptian Children with Thalassemia
Cutaneous manifestations in Egyptian children with beta-thalassemia major: Relationship with serum ferritin, thyroid profile, and treatment modalities
Early detection of kidney dysfunction in Egyptian patients with beta-thalassemia major
Evaluation of vitamin D status bone mineral density and dental health in children with cholestasis
Joint health in Egyptian children with hemophilia A: what are the affecting factors?
Pulse Oximetry: Could Wrist and Ankle Be Alternative Placement Sites?
Vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis in hemophilic children: an intermingled comorbidity
An Integrative Approach To The Management Of Cough Among Egyptian Children
Asymptomatic Murmur Evaluation
Comparative evaluation of Metered- Dose Inhalers with Spacers Vs Electric Jet Nebulizers for bronchodilator therapy to treat mild and moderate wheezing in Children aged 2 to 24 Months.
Maternal Perception for Management of Childhood Diarrhea at the Household Level in Egypt
Work Experiences
House Officer at Cairo University Hospital (Kasr al Aini Hospital)From1/3/1993 To 31/1/1994 and From 22/3/1995 To 21/4/1995.
General practitioner (GP) at Fayoum Medical Center From March 1997 To 1998.
Pediatric Resident at Ministry of Health Hospitals in Fayuom From May 1998 To February 2002.
Doctor All The Time at University Hospital, Faculty of medicine , Fayoum University From February 2002 Till 2006.
Fellow of Pediatric Medicine From 27/9/2006.
Lecturer Of Pediatric From 28/5/2008 Till Now.
Conferences and training courses
The Family Medicine Curriculum at University of Massachusetts Medical Scool. USA. From November 30, 1997 to December 18, 1997.
Basic Life Support Instructor Courses at University of Massachusetts Medical Center USA . in December 10, 1997.
Training Courses Through The First Family Medicine International Conference From 30/5/ 1998 To 1/ 6/ 1998.
Second Pan African and Pan Arab Intrnational pediatric Epilepsy Conference Organized by The Egyptian Neuropediatric Society at Cairo February 10-11 , 2005.
Work Shops In pediatric EMG and pediatric EEG During The International Pediatric Epilepsy Conference. 24, March, 2005.
Pediatric Urology Work Shop at Cairo University Hospitals on March 24, 2005.
International Conference For Thalasemia May 8-9, 2005. Cairo.
International and national conference attendance
1st scientific Symposium: An update on viral hepatitis. 22Th December,2009.Fayoum University.
5th Beni-Suef Pediatrics Conference.2nd-4th May 2012. Beni-suef University-Conference Center. Romance Hotel_ Ain Sokhna.
The Annual Congress of The Egyptian NeuroPediatric Society10-11 May,2012. Shepheard Hotel, Cairo.
1st Neonatal Gothi Conference in collaboration with Neonatal Department, Cairo University: Neonatal Respiratory Assistance. 19th-20th September 2012. Grand nile Tower Hotel.
1st Pediatric Congress of Fayoum University: New Horizon In Pediatrics Medicine. 17th-18th January 2013. Helnan Auberge, Fayoum, Egypt.
24th Annual SCintefic Conference of The Pediatric Department, Cairo University. 18th April,2013. Cairo University Spesialized Children Hospital.
International Thalassemia Day 14th International Thalassemia Conference 8th-9th May,2013. Grand Nile Tower Hotel, Cairo.
International Thalassemia day, 17th International Thalassemia Conference 11-12 May, 2016 Sofitel hotel.
Egyptian Pediatric Association Fayoum Conference January 15-16, 2015 Helnan Auberge, Fayoum, Egypt
The Annual Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department Conference 19-20 January 2017 Helnan Auberge, Fayoum, Egypt
International Thalassemia day, 16th International Thalassemia Conference 6-7 May, 2015 Ramses Hilton hotel.
12th international conference of the Egyptian Society of Hematology and Research 28th-29th October, 2015, Conrad Hotel, Cairo, Egypt.
3rd Pediatrics Congress of Fayoum University 12-14 March 2015, Porto Elsokhna, Egypt.
9th Beni-Suef Pediatrics Conference 22-24 April 2015, Beni Suef University, Mercure Hotel, Alexandria, Egypt.
7th Annual Conference of National Hepatology and tropical Medicine Research Institute 1-2 October,2015.Marriot Hotel Zamalek, Egypt.
2ed Pediatrics Congress of Fayoum University 29-30 May,2014, Helnan Oberge, Fayoum, Egypt.
8th Annual Conference of National Hepatology and tropical Medicine Research Institute 27 september2016, agrand Nile Tower, Cairo, Egypt.
4th congress of Pediartic Department of Fayoum University 23-26 March 2016, Fayoum University and Porto Elsokhna, Egypt.
Papers published for assistant professor degree
Pattern of intestinal parasitic infection among children attending the pediatric outpatient clininc of Al Fayoum University hospital Published in Al Azhar Journal of Pediatrics vol., 14. No 1, January , 2011.
Growth pattern of breast fed and formula fed Egyptian infants in the first 12 months of life. . Published in Al Azhar Journal of Pediatrics vol., 14. No 2, June, 2011.
Comparative evaluation of Metered- Dose Inhalers with Spacers Vs Electric Jet Nebulizers for bronchodilator therapy to treat mild and moderate wheezing in Children aged 2 to 24 Months Published in Egyptian Journal of pediatrics vol.29,No.1(March),81-91,2012.
Rickets in breast-fed infants below six months of age without vitamin D supplimentation in Egypt Published in Egyptian Journal of pediatrics vol.29,No.1(March),81-91,2012.
Impact of helicobacter pylori-giardiasis coinfection on children with recurrent abdominal pain Published in Journal of the Egyptian Society of parasitology vol.43, No. 2 August 2013.
An Integrative Approach To The Management Of Cough Among Egyptian Children
Maternal Perception for Management of Childhood Diarrhea at the Household Level in Egypt Published in Egyptian Journal of Pediatrics Vol. 29, No 3&4 (September & December), , 2012
Urinary Tract Infection In Children With Nephrotic Syndrome In El Fayoum University Hospital
Papers published for professor degree
Vitamin D deficiency and osteoporosis in hemophilic children: an intermingled comorbidity Published in Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis journal Volume 28, 2017
Pulse Oximetry: Could Wrist and Ankle be Alternative Placement Sites? Published in clinical pediatrics journal volume 54, issue 14,2015
parasitic infections: is male and female difference for anemia and growth retardation evident? Published in Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology, Vol.45, No.3, December 2015
intestinal parasitic infections and atopic diseases in children: a hospital based study Published in Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology Vol.45, No.2, August 2015
Early detection of kidney dysfunction in Egyptian patients with beta-thalassemia major published in Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette 2017
Joint health in Egyptian children with hemophilia A: what are the affecting factors? Published in Egyptian Journal of Haematology 2016 41:168–173
Serum lipid profiles, glucose and liver function in Egyptian patients with B- thalassemia major and their correlation with iron overload Published in Egyptian Journal of pediatrics vol.33,No.1&2 (March&June),91-100,2016.
Risk Factors of Transient Early Wheezing in Infants below 2 years in Fayoum City Published in UK Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biosciences Vol. 4(4), 54-61, 2016
Evaluation of vitamin D status bone mineraldensity and dental health in children withcholestasis Published at Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology (2018) 42, 368—377
Cutaneous manifestations in Egyptian children with beta thalassemia major: Relationship with serum ferritin, thyroid profile, and treatment modalities Published at Pediatric Dermatology. 2018;35:639–643.