Faculty of Medicine

Dr. Manar Ezzat Kamel Ibraheim Al Baioumy

Contact Information
Phone number : 084 6300587
Fax number: 084 6302350
E-mail Address: mek12@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Medicine
Post Address: El-Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Medicine - Pathology Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B. Sc.: Faculty of Medicine - Fayoum University - 2008
M. Sc.: Clinical and Chemical Pathology - Faculty of Medicine - Fayoum University – 2014
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : from 2013 To 2014
Assistant Lecturer : from 2014 To 2023
Lecturer : from 2023 Until Now
Sequencing of MEFV gene in heterozygous Familial Mediterranean Fever patients
Evaluation of hemoglobin, hematocrit, hemolysis, leucocytes and residual protein contents in 40 red cell concentrates used for the treatment of patients with B-thalassemia major
Research Interests
Clinical pathology
Hematology diseases
Scientific Conferences
The 26th Annual Conference of The Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine (ESLM) “Digging for more treasures” (18 – 20 April 2015)
15th International Conference of the Egyptian Society of Hematology and Research "Update in Hematology” ) 31 October - 1 November 2018(
The 10th Annual Conference of Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University “Clinical Diagnostic Insights to Improve Healthcare” (29 February - 1 March 2020)
The 12th Annual Conference of Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department - Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University – October 2023)
The Annual Conference of Clinical and Chemical Pathology Department - Faculty of Medicine – Ain Shams University – February 2023)
Workshops and Training
Workshop on “Autoantibodies by Immunoflourescence Technique: Detection and Interpretation” – Ain Shams University (April 2017) I
Workshop on “Discover the Luminex Technology in Transplant Assessment” - The 29th Annual Conference of The Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine (ESLM)(21-22 April 2018) I
Course training on “The First Intensive Immunology Course” - Kasr Alainy Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University – Egypt (10 - 13 September 2018)
Workshop on “CLL: Diagnostic and Prognostic Modalities” - Kasr Alainy Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - Egypt ( 30 - 31 March 2019)
Workshop on “Autoantibodies by Immunoflourescence Technique: Detection and Interpretation” - The Egyptian Society of Laboratory Medicine (ESLM) (10 -11 April 2019) I
Workshop on “PID FCM workshop” - Kasr Alainy Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - Egypt (June 2022)
Workshop on “Bioinformatics insights about decoding human genetic variants” - Kasr Alainy Faculty of Medicine - Cairo University - Egypt ( July 2022)
Workshop on “Neuroimmunology” – Ain Shams University (March 2023)