Faculty of Science

Dr. Hesham Hassanein Elfayoumi

Contact Information
Phone number : 084 6338462 - 084 6344264
Fax number : 084 6370025
E-mail Address : hhf00@fayoum.edu.eg
Office : 4th floor - Faculty of Science
Post Address : Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Science - Botany Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc.: Faculty of Science - University of Cairo - 1980
M.Sc.: Plant Taxonomy - Faculty of Science - University of Cairo- 1987
Ph.D.: Flora - Faculty of Science - University of Alexandria - 1997
Academic Positions
Demonstrator : From 1980 to 1987
Assistant Lecturer : From 1987 to 1997
Lecturer : From 1997 Until Now
Research Interests
Plant Taxonomy.
Seed Morphology and Anatomy.
Research papers
Studies on the Genus Rumex (Polygonaceae) in Egypt
a. Systematic treatment.
Studies on the Genus Rumex (Polygonaceae) in Egypt
b. Ecological investigations of Rumex vesicarius, R. crispus and R. pictus.
Palynological studies in El Gharaq El Sultani area of the Faiyum depression, Egypt.
a. Pollen classes and Pollen types.
Catalogue of Archaeobotanical specimens in Cairo University Herbarium
a. Abu Sha'ar site, Red Sea Coat, Egypt, Season 1990.

Genetic Diversity and Taxonomic Status of Lotus glaber Mill. Populations in Fayoum Depression. 2006.