Faculty of Science

Dr. Mostafa El-Dardery Ahmed

Contact Information
Phone number: 084 6344264 / 084 6338462
Fax number: 084 6370025
E-mail Address: mda02@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty of Science
Postal Address: Fayoum - Fayoum University - Faculty of Science -Mathematics Department - POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc: Faculty of Science and education (Department of Mathematics) – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch – 1990.
B.Sc: Faculty of Science (Department of Mathematics) – Cairo University – 1993.
M. Sc: Pure Mathematics(Topology) – Faculty of Science – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch – 1998.
Ph.D : Pure Mathematics(Topology) – Faculty of Science – Cairo University – Fayoum Branch – 2002.
Academic Positions
Demonstrator: From 1990 to 1998.
Assistant Lecturer : From 1998 to 2002.
Lecturer : From 2002 to 2016
Assistant Professor : From 2016 Until Now.
On Fuzzifying Topological Structures
On Smooth Topological Structures
Publications List
Ramadan, A. A.; El-Deeb, S. N.; Saif, M. -S.; El- Dardery, M., (1999). Fuzzifying syntopogenous structures, J. of Fuzzy Math., Vol. 7, no. 3, 535--546.
Ramadan, A.A..; El- Dardery, M. –S,(2002). Smooth Syntopogenou structures, J. of Fuzzy Math Vol.10, No.4,1167-1180.
Ramadan, A.A.; El- Dardery, M. -S.,(2002). Smooth grills and a characterizations of smooth proximity, J. of Fuzzy Math. Vol.10, No.4,1106-1120.
Ramadan, A .A..; El- Dardery, M. –S, 2002). - Fuzzifying Topological spaces, J. of Fuzzy Math. Vol.10, No.4,1210-1224.
Ramadan, A. A.; El- Dardery, M. -S.; Kim, Y.C, (2002). Smooth uniform spaces, J. of Korea Fuzzy Logic and intell.Systems Society, Vol.2 (1)83-86.
Ramadan, A. A..; Abdel-Sattar, M; M El- Dardery, M. -S; Kim, Y.C., (2003). L- Fuzzy topogenous Spaces and fuzzy Quasi- uniform spaces, J of Fuzzy Math. 11,no.1 ,125-138.
Ramadan, A. A..; El- Dardery, M. -S; Kim, Y.C, (2003). On fuzzy syntopogenous structures. J.of Fuzzy Math Vol.11,no.4,791-810.
Ramadan, A.A. ; El- Dardery, M. ; Kim, Y. C,(2003). Fuzzy semi- topogenous structures, J. of Fuzzy. Math. Vol.11,no.4,769-790.
El-Dardery, M. ; Ramadan, A.A. Intuitionstic fuzzy uniform , J. of Fuzzy. Math. (2007) Vol.15,no.1.
El-Dardery, M. Cunjugate fuzzy uniform , J. of Fuzzy. Math. (2008) Vol.16,no. 2.
Ramadan, A. A..; M El- Dardery, M. ; Abdel-Sattar, M. (2009). L-fuzzy syntopogenous structures, Jof Mathematics and computation. Volume 4, Number S09,81-91.
M. El-Dardery: On L-fuzzy topogenous orders. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 24(3): 601-609 (2013) (IF: 0.97).
M. El-Dardery, A. A. Ramadan, Y. C. Kim: L-fuzzy topogenous orders and L-fuzzy topologies. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 24(4): 685-691 (2013) (IF: 0.97).
M. El-Dardery, J. Zhang: On L-fuzzy proximity spaces. Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst. 11(2): 137-144 (2014).
A. A. Ramadan, M. El-Dardery, Y. C. Kim: Some properties of r-T2- spaces. International Journal of Mathematics and its Applications (2015) (IF: 0.421).
A. A. Ramadan, M. El-Dardery, and Hu Zhao, On Convergence in L-Valued Fuzzy Topological Spaces,Abstract and Applied Analysis (2015), Article ID 730940, 10 pages (IF: 1.27).
A. A. Ramadan, E. H. Elcordy, and M. El-Dardery, L-Approximation Spacecs And L-Fuzzy Topologlical Spaces. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (Accepted 15-11-2015) (IF: 0.534).
Research Interests
General topology
Fuzzy Mathematics (Fuzzy topology - Fuzzy Logic).
L- Fuzzy topology