Faculty of Science

Dr.Sobhy Ragab Atalla

Contact Information
Phone Number: 084 6338462 - 084 6344264
Fax Number: 084 6370025
E-mail Address: sra02@fayoum.edu.eg
Office: Faculty Of Science Building
Postal Address: Fayoum – Fayoum University – Faculty of Science - Physics Department
POBox: 63514
Academic Qualifications
Diploma Eng.(Honors): Engineering Thermo-physics- Moscow Power Engineering Institute.(MPEI),1964.
PhD :Physics,Faculty of Physics,Moscow StateUniversity- Department of Molecular Physics.1971.
Research Interests
Solid state physics
Research and Publications
Atalla, S.R. “Experimental Investigation of the Viscosity of Gases at High Temperatures”. Diploma Eng. Thesis, Moscow Power Institute, Moscow, 1964.
Atalla, S.R. “Experimental Investigation of Thermal Difusivity, Thermal Capacity and Thermal Conductivity of Liquid Metals in Temperature Interval 110- 2100(”. A Ph. D. Dissertation, Moscow University, 1971.
Atalla, S.R. “Experimental Investigation of the Thermophysical Properties of Liquid Metals at Elevated Temperatures, High Temperatures-High Pressures”,vol. 4,(1972): 447-451. Paper presented at “the Third European Conference on Thermal Properties of Solids at High Temp”, Turin, Italy, 1972.
Atalla, S.R., Bonchilla S.N.,Dosorova N.N.,and Fillipov L.P., “Vestnik of Moscow University”, No. 10, 1972.
Atalla, S.R., Bonchilla S.N. ,and Filippov L.P “Teplofysika Vysokikh Temperature”, No. 1,1972.
Atalla, S.R.,Luukkaala M. and Merilainen P., “Ultrasonic Convolution Efficiency with Different Parametric Electrodes”, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, 1973.
Atalla S.R. and Luukkaala M., “Excitation of Wedgewaves in Duralalumin Delay Lines”, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Report Series in Physics, University of Helsinki, No. 58, 1973.
El-sharkawy A., Atalla S.,Yourchak R. and Filippov L., “An Apparatus for Simultaneous Determination of the Thermal Diffusivity, Capacity and Conductivity Coefficients of Solids in the Temperature Range 1200-2200 K”. Rev. Int-. Htes.Tmpt.et Refract., at the 4th ETPC-Orleans, France 1974.
El-sharkawy A., Yourchak R., Atalla S. “Experimental Determination of Thermal Properties of Poly and Monocrystalline Al2O3 and Fused Quartz in Temp. Range 1200-2000 K”. Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of “the 14th International Conference on Thermal Conductivity” Storrs, Connecticut, USA. 1975
Kotkata M., Atalla S., El-Mously M. “Measurement of the Electrical and Thermal Conductivity of As2Se3-As2Te3 Glassy Alloys”. Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of “the 14th International Conference on Thermal Conductivity” Storrs, Connecticut, USA. 1975.
El-Sharkawy A., Atalla S. “Thermal Properties and Electrical Resistivity of Fused Quartz and Sapphire in the Temperature Range 400-1200 K. Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of “The 7th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties”,NBS, Gaithersburg, Meryland, USA , 1977.
Atalla S. et al : “Thermal Properties of Pyrophillite and Olivine in the temperature Range 400-2000 K”. Paper presented at and published in the proceedings of “The International Conference on defects in Insulating Crystals”Gatlinburg,Tennessee,USA,1977
Basili R., El-Sharkawy A., Atalla S. “Experimental Determination of the Thermal Properties of Nb2O5, La2O3 and Ce2O3 in the Temperature Range 400-1000 K”. Rev. Int. Htes. Temp. et Refract. ,1979, Vol. 16, pp. 331-338. Paper presented at the 6th ETPC, Dubrovnik, Yougoslavia, 1978.
Atalla S., El-Sharkawy A., Gasser F. “Measurement of Thermal Properties of Liquids by an AC-Heated Wire Technique”. International Journal of Thermophysics. Vol. 2, No. 2, 1981.Paper presented at 7th ETPC, Antwerp, Belgium, 1980.
El-Sharkawy A., Atalla S., Khorshid A., “Thermal Properties of Some Ferrites in the Temperature Range 400-1000 K”. Indian Journal of Physics, 55A, 134- 139,1981.
Atalla S. “Thermal Diffusivity of Stainless Steel and Graphite in the Range 400- 1000 K. High Temperatures-High Pressures 1983, Vol. 15, (241-244) . Paper presented at 8th ETPC, Baden- Baden ,Germany,(1982)and published in the proceedings.
El-Sharkawy A., Hilal A.M, Atalla S. “Modified Plane, Radial and Angstrom Temperature Waves for the measurement of Thermal properties of solids “Physica Status Solidi, No. 2, Vol. 82 (1984) .
Atalla S. and S. Barmo “Radiation Effects with the AC-Heated Strip Technique for the measurement of thermal properties of liquids”. Paper presented at the 9th ETPC, Manchester , September, 1984 and published in High Temperature-High Pressures, Vol. 17, 447-452, 1985.
Atalla S. et al.: “Specific heat capacity, Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity of Spinel Ferrite Ni 1+2x Fe 2-3x Sbx O4 in The Temperature Range 400-1000 K. Paper published in high temperatures-high pressures.
Atalla S.and Hassan.H. “A Modified Approach to The Conduction-Radiation Heat Transport Mechanism in The AC-Heated Strip Technique for The Measurement of Thermal Properties of Liquids”. Paper presented at the 10th ETPC, Rome, Italy, September 1986, High Temperature-High Pressures, Vol. 21, 423-429, 1989.
Atalla S. and Gasser F. “Practical Physics - I ”A book published by King Saud University Publications (In Arabic) 1990.
Atalla S. “Reformulation of Physics Laws with consideration of Conservation of Energy and Momentum as Basic Concepts.” Paper presented at the 16th Conference on Solid State Physics and Applications, Menia, Egypt, 1992.
Atalla S. et al : “ Thermal Properties of Potassium Salts in the Solid and Liquid Phases by the AC-Heated Wire Technique”. High Temp.-High Pressure, 25, 63- 66, 1993.
Atalla S. “The AC-Heated Strip Technique for the Measurement of Thermal Properties of Thin Films”. Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Solid State Physics and Applications, Menia, Egypt, 1992.
Atalla S. et al : “Measurement of the Thermal Prperties of some Carbonate Salts by the Heat Flash Technique”. High Temp.-High Pressure, 27/28, 41-45 1995/1996.
Atalla S. et al : “Measurement of Thermal Properties of Solid and Liquid Ammonium Salts in the Temperature Range 80-190 C”, submitted to the 13th ECTP, Lisboa,Portugal, 1993,and published in the Conference Proceedings.
Atalla S. “Recent Developments and Advances in Thermophysical Researsh”. Invited Paper presented at The First International Spring School & Symposium on Advances in Material Science (SAMS), Cairo, Egypt, 1994. Paper is published in the Conference Proceedings.
Atalla S. et al : “Measurement of the Thermal Properties of AgNO3 and Cd(NO3)2 by a Modified AC-Technique”.SAMS, Cairo,Egypt, 1994, and published in the Conference Proceedings.
Atalla S. et al : “Measurement of The Thermal Properties of Co(NO3)2 and Acetamide by A modified AC Technique”. SAMS, Cairo, Egypt, 1994, and published in the Conference Proceedings.
Atalla S. “Measurement of Thermal Activity, Diffusivity, Heat Capacity and Conductivity Coefficients of Conductive Liquids by AC-heated Strip Technique”. Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference, Al- Azhar University, Faculty of Science, March, 1995.
S.R. Atalla, “A Software Educational Package For An Introductory Course In The Egyptian Universities” Proceedings of The First Workshop on New Technologies,Ismailia , Egypt,1998.
S.R. Atalla, “Computer Aided Instruction As A Vehicle For Modernization of The educational System In Egypt”A Special Conference For Presentation of The Software Package To Representatives of the Egyptian Universities and The American University In Cairo(AUC),Fayoum ,Egypt,1998.
S.R. Atalla, “A Software Educational Package For An Introductory Course In The Egyptian Universities” the First Workshop on New Technologies,Ismailia , Egypt,1998.
S.R. Atalla, “Energy Conservation In Sinai:Plan and Methodology” Proceedings of The Second Workshop on New Technologies,Ismailia , Egypt,1999 .
S.R. Atalla, “A Universal Set-Up for Measurement of Thermal Properties of Solids and Liquids at High Temperatures” presented at “14Symposium on Thermophysical properties”, NIST, Boulder, Colorado ,USA,June 25-30 ,2000,published in the CDProceedings.
S.R. Atalla, “Theory of theAC-heated Strip Technique for Measurement of the Thermal Properties Thin Non-conducting Layers” presented at “14Symposium on Thermophysical properties”, NIST, Boulder, Colorado ,USA,June 25-30 ,2000, published in the International J. Thermophysics,1,2002 .
S.R. Atalla, “The AC-heated Wire Technique for Measurement of the Thermal Properties of Conducting Liquids-the Thin Layer Approximation” paper has been presented at the second Scientific conference, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, 1997,published in the proceedings of 6th Asian conference on Thermophysics ,October 2001.
S.R. Atalla, “Alcohol-Platinum Interaction as an Energy Efficient Process”, under publication
S.R. Atalla, “Energy Conservation In Sinai:1 and 2 reports” Academy of Science and Technology,Egypt,June 2000.
S.R. Atalla, “Nanotechnology –The Coming Industrial Revolution ” A presentation to the Science and Technology Society,Egypt,September,26 2000.
S.R. Atalla, “Theory of the AC-heated Wire Technique for Measurement of the Thermal Properties of Conducting Liquids-Thin Layer Solution”, published in the proceedings of 6th Asian Thermophysical Conference.India,November2001
S.R. Atalla, “Theory of the AC-heated Wire Technique for Measurement of the Thermal Properties of Conducting Liquids-Exact Solution”, published in the proceedings of Joint American –Japanese ME Societies conference,Hawai,March 2003.
S.R. Atalla, “The AC-heated Wire Technique for Measurement of the Thermal Properties of Thin Non-conducting Layers” accepted for publication in the proceedings of HEFATII conference,Zambia,June 2003.
S.R. Atalla, “The AC-heated Wire Technique for Measurement of the Thermal Properties of Thin Conducting Layers” presented to and accepted for publication in the proceedings of HEFATIII conference,Cape Town ,South Africa,June 2004.
S.R. Atalla, “A considerably Modified AC-heated Wire Technique for Measurement of the Thermal Properties of Nonconducting Liquids” presented to and accepted for publication in the proceedings of HEFAT2005 Conference,Cairo,Egypt,september 2006.
S.R.Atalla : “An Introductory Physics course Software Package for the Egyptian and American Universities” 2nd Int.Conference E-Learning,American University in Cairo,Cairo ,January 2004.
S.R.Atalla : Testing Results of An Introductory Physics course Software Package for the Egyptian and American Universities” 3d Int.Conference E- Learning,American University in Cairo,Cairo ,January 2005.
S.R.Atalla: A Cocept Mapping Enhanced Introductory Physics course Software Package for the Egyptian and American Universities” 4th Int.Conference E- Learning,American University in Cairo,Cairo ,January 2006.
S.R. “Chua Circuit as an example of chaotic system” memo-graphed at the Department of Physics Supervisor, Graduation Research and Study work of M.Al- Wakeel, Faculty of Science ,Fayoum , Uninversity,2008.
S.R Atalla“Coupled Pendula , an example of chaotic system” memo- graphed at the Department of Physics Supervisor, Graduation Research and Study work of M. Hanna, Faculty of Science , Fayoum University,2009.
Atalla S.: Aggregation Law,bridging The Micro and Macro worlds. The XXIXConference Solid State Science,Sharm Elsheikh,3-6 October, 2011.
The results of Research have been presented at the following Conferences
Atalla. S.R. ; S.N. Bonchilla; N.P. Dosorova, and L.P. Filippov, “Conference on Transport Phenomena in Electronic Melts”, Leningrad, Institute of Semi-conductors, March, 1971.
Filippov, L.P. ; L.N. Trukhanova; S.R. Atalla, and S.N. Bonchilla, “Conference on Thermal Properties of Solids and Liquids”, Minsk, June, 1972.
Aalla S. : The 3rd ETPC,Turin, Italy, (1972).
Atalla S. :The 4th ETPC, Orleans, France (1974).
Atalla S. :”The 14th International Conference on Thermal Conductivity”- Storrs, Connecticut, U.S.A. (1975).
Atalla S. : “The 7th Symosium on Thermophysical Properties”, NBS, Gaithersburg, U.S.A. 1977.
Atalla S. : The 6th ETPC , Dubrovnik, Yougoslavia (1978).
Atalla S. : The 7th ETPC, (1978), Antwerp, Belgium (1980) (Chairman of a session).
 Atalla S. : The 8th ETPC, Baden-Baden, West Germany (1982).
Atalla S. : The 9th ETPC, Manchester, England, (1984) (Invited as a Chairman of session).
Atalla S. : The 15th Conference on Solid State Physics and Applications (CSSPA), Fayoum, Egypt ,1991. 
Atalla S. : The 16th Conference on Solid State Physics and Applications (CSSPA), Menia, Egypt 1992.
Atalla S. : “The First International Spring School & Symposium on Advance in Material Science and the 17th CSSPA, Cairo, Egypt, 1994. (Invited speaker and session chairman).
Atalla S. : The 1st Workshop on Modern Technologies” Ismailia,Egypt 1997.
Atalla S. : A SpecialConference on Educational Software Physics Package” Fayoum,Egypt, 1998.(Organizer and co-chairman)
Atalla S. : The 2st Workshop on Modern Technologies” Ismailia,Egypt 1998.
Atalla S. : The 1st Workshop on Educational Software” Faculty of Science,Cairo University,Egypt , January2000.
Atalla S. : The 6th Conference on Arabization of Teaching” Faculty of Science,Ain Shams University,Egypt ,February ,2000.
Atalla S. : Workshop On Educational Software For Teaching Physics ” Faculty of Science,Fayoum Branch, Cairo University, Egypt, March, 2000.
Atalla S.: “14Symposium on Thermophysical properties”, NIST, Boulder, Colorado ,USA,June 25-30 ,2000.
Atalla S. : The 6th Conference on Arabization of Teaching” Faculty of Science,Ain Shams University,Egypt ,February ,2000.
Atalla S. : Workshop On Educational Software For Teaching Physics ” Faculty of Science,Fayoum Branch, Cairo University, Egypt, March, 2000.
Atalla S.: “14Symposium on Thermophysical properties”, NIST, Boulder, Colorado ,USA,June 25-30 ,2000.
Atalla S.: “6th Asian Conference Thermophysical properties”, India,November2001.
Atalla S.: “1st Int. Heat Transfer,Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics”,South Africa,April 20002. Atalla S. : Workshop On Educational Software For Teaching Physics,Reporting about the Implementation Results ” Faculty of Science,Fayoum Branch, Cairo University, Egypt, January, 2002.
Atalla S.: 2nd Int.Conference Heat Transfer,Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics”Zambia,June 2003.
Atalla S. : Workshop On Educational Software For Teaching Physics,Reporting about the Implementation Results ” Faculty of Science,Fayoum Branch, Cairo University, Egypt, January 20, 2003.
Atalla S.: 3d Int.Conference Heat Transfer,Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics”Cape Town,South Africa,June 2004.
Atalla S.: 4th Int.Conference Heat Transfer,Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics”Cairo,Egypt,September 2005.
Atalla S.: 2nd Int.Conference E-Learning,American University in Cairo, Cairo ,January 2004.
Atalla S.: 3d Int.Conference E-Learning,American University in Cairo, Cairo ,January 2005.
Atalla S.: 4th Int.Conference E-Learning,American University in Cairo, Cairo ,January 2006.
Atalla S.: The XXIXConference Solid State Science,Sham Elsheikh, 3-6 October, 2011.