Faculty of Science

عرض الترجمة لـ قاعدة بيانات إلكترونية للمبتعثين الترجمة بدلاً من ذلك من قاعدة بيانات إلكترونية للمبعوثين Electronic data base for students on scholarships

Start Date:   28March2016

Expired Date:   30March2016

  Announces The Ministry of Higher Education - Graduate Studies and Research sector About An electronic data base of envoys And For the benefit of Aldarsien abroad to adopt their vacations school to get degrees or to collect scientific material or for training both on Financial source - External funding - grants personal - a bilateral agreement - Organization grant - grants for state Progress has been activated electronically at the following e-mail link: http://www.mohe-casm.edu.eg/english/E-services/missions/Newton_Mosharafa/Login.jsp Gentlemen Aldarsien the need for registration linkage