Faculty of Science

  Education and Student Affairs Committee for July

The Education and Student Affairs Committee was chaired by Prof. Dr. Khaled Hussein Zaghloul, Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs, on Wednesday 12/7/2017, in the presence of the following members: 1. Dr. Abdel Moneim Abdel Salam Makhlouf 2- Dr. Abdul Karim Mohammed Abdul Latif 3- Dr. Sumaya Al-Sayed Joudeh 4. Dr. Mohamed Ali Agha 5- Mr. Tarek Abdulla Sayed. Khalid Hussein Zaghloul, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, welcomed the members. The committee then discussed the proposed agenda which included the following topics: - * - Ratifying the minutes of the Committee for Education and Student Affairs No. 171 for the month of June 2017. * - Consideration of the speech received from the Vice-Rector on the convening of the twenty-third meeting to exchange training for students of the Arab League. * The examination of the letter from the mathematics department regarding the conditions that must be met for the students of mathematics and physics specialization for the mathematics department especially the third division. The mathematics department stipulated that the student should get a very good assessment of joining the department as recommended by the committee. * - regarding the rules for correcting exam papers. * - Consideration of the letter received from the Department of Botany distributed theoretical and practical courses where recommended the Commission to present the recommendation of the Department of Botany Section needs to appoint supporters of the new strategic plan 2018/2023 to the College Council distinguished. * - Consideration of the letter from the Council of the League on the abolition of fractions in the examination paper. * Consideration of the letter from the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding the picture sent by Law No. (73) for the year 2017 and the special amendment of some of the provisions of Decree Law No. (101) for the year 2015 concerning the control of the violation of the exams. And inform students about it. The committee agreed to entrust the students of the union to spread the culture of quality under the supervision of Dr. Mahmoud Sufi, Director of the Quality Unit and Dr. Mohamed Ali Agha, communication officer for the students at the college. * - On the start of the exams of the role of September 2017, where the Committee recommended the start of the examinations of the role of September 2017 on Sunday, 17/9/2017 and submitted to the Council of the College of the approval.