Faculty of Science

  Meeting of the Education and Student Affairs Committee for September

The Education and Student Affairs Committee, chaired by Prof. Dr. Khaled Hussein Zaghloul, Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs, held on Sunday 17/9/2017 at 11:00 am in the presence of the following members: Al-Munaim Abdul-Salam Makhlouf 2- Dr. Abdul Karim Mohammed Abdul Latif 3- Dr. Sumaya Al-Sayed Joude 4. Dr. Mohammad Ali Agha 5. A / Tarek Abdulla Sayed Mrs. Hala Salahuddin was invited to attend the Committee where Dr. Khalid Hussein Zaghloul, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, welcomed the members. The Committee then discussed the proposed agenda which included the following topics: The minutes of LinkBacks Education Committee and Student Affairs previous No. (173) for the month of August 2017. * - Ready to start the new school year and the preparation of halls and laboratories. * Presentation of student activities for the academic year 2017-2018. * - Consideration of the letter received from the Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities on the confirmation of the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities for holders of a high qualification and wants to join the College where the Committee recommended the announcement of the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities on 16/7/2017 to confirm the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities issued at its session on 31/7/2010, which stipulates: - Students wishing to study in Egyptian universities are accepted from the bachelor's or bachelor's degree or other higher qualifications from one of the university faculties affiliated with the Egyptian universities subject to the law of organizing universities or Al-Azhar University or colleges Or the Academy of Police in the first contingent, and the student pays the tuition fees of five thousand pounds annually for the theoretical colleges and eight thousand pounds per year for practical colleges if the internal regulations of the colleges allow this. * - Consideration of the letter from the Council of Geology Department held on Sunday, 10/9/2017 And the scientific trips for the students of the fourth division Department of Geology where the Committee approved the plan of field visits and field training for one day for students of the Department of Geology as well as the scientific trip to the students of the fourth department Department of Geology and special decisions (field exercises) Consideration of the speech received from the Department of Mathematics on the formation of examination committees for mathematics courses the role of September College of Science and College of Education for the academic year 2016-2017. * - Consideration of the speech received from the Department of Zoology in its session held on 10/9/2017 on the announcement of optional materials for students of the third and fourth year animal chemistry to be registered students' wishes for the optional subjects taught. * - Consideration of the application submitted by the student / Heba Abdel-Rahman Tawfiq the second division of the Department of Mathematics and Physics, which wishes to transfer to the Department of Chemistry and Physics. * - Consideration of the application submitted by the student / Buna Paul, who wants to transfer from the Division of Animal and Chemistry to the Division of Chemistry and Biochemistry. * - Assigning the students of the Union to spread the culture of quality under the supervision of his colleague Dr. / Mahmoud Sofi Director of Quality Unit. * - Regarding the application submitted by the student / Ahmed Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed from Cairo Faculty of Arts University (Ain Shams) and transferred to the second band for the academic year 2017-2018 and who wants to transfer to the Faculty of Science Fayoum University first division new. * - Regarding the application submitted by the student / Yousef Hussein Taha Mohammed in the first division is left for the return in the academic year 2017-2018 Division of Natural Sciences and who wishes to transfer to the Division of Geosciences.