Faculty of Social Work

Faculty Logo

The logo of the Faculty of Social Work represents an integrated system as it is comprised of three parts: the globe, the open hands, and the profession's philosophy. First: the globe which symbolizes the society - local, regional or international. Second, the open hands symbolize the philosophy of the social work profession and mean the readiness for offering help for all community members. They also reflect the importance of the role of a social worker, a role which stems from the principles, values and ethics of religions, which aim to reform and refine the self. This, nevertheless, leads to achieve social reform. Further, the fusion of The Globe with the open hands reflects the importance of the role of the profession and gives it an international taste in its practices. The third part refers to the profession's philosophy, which is the method which a social worker adopts; namely, working with individuals and groups. A society is viewed by social work as a human entity which interacts with, affects and is affected by the surroundings. This, of course, results in conflicts and problems needing professional scientific efforts to help this entity to communicate effectively again. Yet, the individual and groups constitute smaller units which forms a society. Both the individual and groups have their own set of problems and requirements which should be addressed and met. This is what a social worker studies theoretically and does practically.