Faculty of Tourism

  Practical Training for Hotel Studies Department students

Within the framework of the practical training for the students of the Hotel Studies Department and in order to achieve the program’s mission and under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shedid, acting head of the Hotel Studies Department, and under the supervision of the professors who teach the food and beverage production course (2) for the third year:
Prof. Mohamed Abdel Wahab;
Prof. Omar Qora
Dr. Mostafa Abdel Mawla.
groups (1) and (2) went to the regional training center of Fayoum University, Norias, to collect the weekly practical training.
Mr. Mohamed Fathi, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Hotel Studies, followed up on the students' training, which was implemented by Chef Shaaban Ayoub.
Practical training is an effective element that characterizes the department and works on refining and developing students' skills and knowledge to qualify them for the labor market in an outstanding manner.