Faculty of Tourism

  Field Training for Students of the Department of Tourism Studies

In continuation of the field training activities for students of the Department of Tourism Studies and in order to achieve the program’s mission of providing a distinguished graduate who is able to compete in the labor market,
and under the auspices of Prof. Najwa Zoair, Acting Dean of the Faculty, the supervision of Prof. Nancy Mohamed Fawzy, Head of the Department of Tourism Studies, and Dr. Hani Rushdi, Assistant Professor, Department of Tourist Guidance, and with the participation of Ms. Radwa Othman, Teaching Assistant in the department, who provided the students with a practical explanation of the archaeological and tourist attractions, the students of the second year of the Business Administration in Tourism program went on a tour in Cairo Governorate, on Thursday, 17-11-2022, to visit the National Museum of Civilization in Fustat, Salah El-Din Citadel and Muhammad Ali Mosque and Al-Moez Street.
This comes within the framework of training students on how to organize and implement tourism programs in different tourist areas. Field training is an effective element that characterizes the department, refines and developing students' skills and knowledge to qualify them to perform in the labor market efficiently, effectively and with distinction.