Climate changes and sustainable development in antiquities and heritage In the light of Egypt's vision 2030 A.D.

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The International Conference

Climate changes and sustainable development in antiquities and heritage In the light of Egypt's vision 2030 A.D.

We are delighted to welcome you to the groundbreaking conference on "Climate Changes and Sustainable Development in Antiquities and Heritage in the Light of Egypt's Vision 2030 A.D." This prestigious event, held in cooperation with UNESCO, the Faculty of Archaeology at Fayoum University, and the Faculty of Archaeology at Luxor University, is a significant step towards addressing the pressing challenges facing our cultural heritage.

In the heart of Luxor, a city steeped in history, we gather to explore the critical intersection of climate change, heritage preservation, and sustainable development. As Egypt charts a course toward 2030, this conference serves as a beacon of knowledge and collaboration, bringing together experts, scholars, and passionate advocates for the preservation of our shared past.

The joint three-day conference organized by UNESCO Cairo, the Faculty of Archaeology at Fayoum University, and the Faculty of Archaeology at Luxor University aims to address critical issues related to climate change, the application of technologies, cultural heritage education, and the preservation of intangible cultural heritage within the context of climate change. This conference is a response to the urgent need for collaborative efforts and innovative approaches to mitigate the impacts of climate change on our cultural heritage.

Climate change poses a significant and immediate threat to our archaeological sites, artifacts, and intangible cultural heritage. The increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and other environmental shifts are putting these invaluable cultural resources at risk. Rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and shifts in ecosystems can lead to physical damage, erosion, and the loss of cultural landscapes associated with these heritage sites.

2022 COP27 Sharm El Sheikh Implementation Plan reiterates the Impacts on cultural heritage, human mobility and the lives and livelihoods of local communities as mentioned in para 22.22. Notes with grave concern, according to information in the contributions of Working Groups II and III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the growing gravity, scope and frequency in all regions of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change, resulting in devastating economic and non-economic losses, including forced displacement and impacts on cultural heritage, human mobility and the lives and livelihoods of local communities, and underlines the importance of an adequate and effective response to loss and damage;

The application of modern technologies offers promising solutions for the preservation, documentation, and promotion of cultural heritage in the face of climate change. Digital tools, such as 3D scanning, remote sensing, and data visualization, enable us to create accurate digital records of archaeological sites and artifacts. These technologies not only enhance preservation efforts but also provide platforms for virtual experiences, digital storytelling, and public engagement, ensuring the accessibility and dissemination of our cultural heritage.

Cultural heritage education plays a crucial role in raising awareness, fostering stewardship, and promoting sustainable practices in the face of climate change. It is essential to equip professionals, educators, and communities with the knowledge and skills necessary to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change on cultural heritage. By integrating climate change considerations into cultural heritage education, we can empower stakeholders to make informed decisions, develop mitigation strategies, and implement sustainable practices.

Furthermore, intangible cultural heritage, including traditional knowledge, rituals, and practices, is deeply interconnected with the natural environment and is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The preservation and safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage are vital for maintaining the resilience, identity, and well-being of communities. Addressing the impacts of climate change on intangible cultural heritage requires the integration of traditional knowledge, community engagement, and the promotion of sustainable practices.

In light of these challenges, the joint conference seeks to bring together experts, scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and community representatives to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices. Through interdisciplinary discussions, workshops, and interactive sessions, the conference aims to develop strategies, policies, and collaborations that address the impacts of climate change on cultural heritage. By fostering dialogue and cooperation, the conference will contribute to the global efforts to protect, preserve, and promote our cultural heritage in the face of climate change.

Over three immersive days, our conference will delve into key themes:
- Day 1: Climate Change will unveil the profound effects of environmental shifts on our archaeological sites and precious artifacts. We will seek to understand the impact and chart a path towards resilient preservation.
- Day 2: Cultural Heritage Education and Challenges for New Professions will explore the essential role of education in the protection and promotion of our cultural legacy. We will discuss the challenges facing emerging professionals in the field.
- Day 3: Applications of modern technology in antiquities and heritage, the latest modern technology techniques used in museums and heritage will take us into the digital age, where preserving the past is not just about safeguarding physical relics but also creating a digital record of our heritage for future generations.
Each day will feature a rich tapestry of scientific sessions, workshops, exhibitions, and discussions. Furthermore, our exceptional lineup of keynote speakers will shed light on the most pressing issues and cutting-edge solutions in the field.