Faculty of DarulUloom

  The Administrative Body Criterion Team Meets with Directors of the Administrative Units and Heads of Faculty’s Administrative Departments

Yesterday, Tuesday, 8-11-2022, at 12 pm, within the framework of following up on quality work, Prof. Muhammed Hamid Ujaylah, Acting Dean of the Faculty and Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies, Research and Cultural Relations, attended a meeting between the Administrative Body Criterion Team, headed by Dr. Salah Hefni, and in the presence of the team members and Prof. Walid Saeed Shimi, the Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs, and the directors of administrations and heads of administrative departments at the Faculty.
The meeting aimed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the members of the Faculty’s administrative staff, identify their most important requirements and needs, and work to provide them and overcome difficulties and obstacles in order to achieve the desired job satisfaction for all Faculty employees as one of the indicators of the administrative staff standard. The full opportunity was given to the attendees to express their opinions and receive answers to any inquiry.