Faculty Of Education

Registration for students` activities opens for the New Year 2024

Registration for students` activities opens for the New Year 2024 for three days starting from today. The following are the various committees and their activities, which can be joined by filling out the form.
Second - The terms of reference of each student activities committees.
Activities offered by the Student Families Committee:
1- Encouraging the formation of families, activating their activities, and providing them with technical support.
2- Providing technical and financial support for student initiatives and campaigns.
3- Organizing family festivals, conferences, workshops and training courses for family students.
Activities offered by the Sports Activity Committee:
1. Spreading the sports spirit among students, encouraging sports talent and working to develop it.
2. Organizing sports courses, matches, competitions, parties and festivals.
4- Providing the facilities, playgrounds, tools and sports clothing necessary for competitions.
Activities offered by the Cultural and Media Activity Committee:
1- Developing awareness of the nation’s issues in a way that consolidates the concepts of citizenship and democracy.
2- Unleash students’ intellectual, creative, cultural and informational energies.
3- Spreading the culture of human rights and consolidating the values of positive participation that contributes to developing political and social awareness among students.
4- Providing the necessary halls, equipment, tools and raw material for cultural and media competitions at home and abroad.
5- Issuing cultural magazines and publications and working to establish a diverse cultural library.
6- Developing media skills and forming a media team responsible for covering the Union’s activities.
7- Forming specialized cultural clubs and various simulation models.
Activities offered by the Art Activity Committee:
1- Improving public taste and develop students’ aesthetic and artistic sense.
2- Developing and refining students’ artistic talents.
3- Providing theatres, exhibition halls, raw materials, tools, machines, clothing, and all the necessary needs to carry out artistic activities at home and abroad.
4- Issuing art bulletins, organizing festivals and workshops, and hosting public figures.
5- Founding arts clubs and academies specialized in artistic activities.
The activities offered by Scouting and Public Service Committee:
1- Raising awareness of the goals, foundations and principles of the Scout Movement and disseminating its ideas.
2- Developing leadership skills and the ability to assume responsibility and self-reliance.
3- Developing students’ scouting and personal skills through camps, trips, training courses and workshops.
4- Forming hobby clubs and developing students’ various talents.
5- Providing a field for scouting, halls, tools, clothes and the necessary books for scouting activities.
6- Implementing labor camps, public service programs, and environmental and community service programs.
7- Communicating with scouting associations to support the scouting movement at home and abroad.
Activities offered by the Social Activity and Trips Committee:
1- Holding seminars, lectures, conferences, and commemorating national and religious events.
2- Developing social ties between students and between faculty members and workers, spreading the spirit of cooperation and brotherhood among them, and instilling a collective spirit in them.
3- Organizing social, cultural, and recreational trips and camps that help students get to know the landmarks of Egypt and the world
4- Providing social support for the incapable, those with special needs, the sick, orphans, and the elderly, at home and abroad.
The Scientific and Technological Activity Committee is responsible for the following:
1- Encouraging students to pursue scientific research and participate in scientific activities.
2- Providing the necessary tools and materials for internal and external scientific activities.
3- Providing technical and financial support for registering patents and intellectual property for students.
4- Holding seminars, lectures and scientific conferences with the aim of developing scientific and innovative capabilities.
5- Supporting science clubs and scientific societies and working to provide them with financial and technical support.
6- Working to provide training and scientific exchange opportunities for students inside and outside the country.
7- Student research and innovations in scientific fields.
8- Coordination between students in the fields of specialized science and scientific research.