Faculty of Engineering

The third international conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies for sustainable Development

Start Date:   30April2023

Expired Date:   30 May 2023


The third international conference of the Faculty of Engineering, Fayoum University
Dear Colleagues

3rd international Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies for Sustainable Development ICAETSD2023, will be held on 21-22 November 2023, Norias Tourist Resort, El-Fayoum, EGYPT

CONFERENCE DATE : 21-22 November 2023


Submission Abstract: June 1,2023

Notify abstract acceptance 10-July-2023

Submission of full paper10-August-2023

Paper acceptance 5-September-2023

Camera ready paper 15-September-2023

Posters and presentations 5-November-2023

WEB SITE : http://icaestd23.fayoum.edu.eg/

VENUE : Norias Tourist Resort, El-Fayoum, EGYPT


We hope this conference will be of your interest