Faculty of Engineering

  The First Employment Forum at the Faculty of Engineering

Prof. Yasser MagdyHatata, President of Fayoum University, witnessed the first employment forum of the Faculty of Engineering,on Sunday, 22-5-2022, in the faculty’s conference hall, in the presence of Prof.

Muhammad SaeedAbul-Ghar, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Muhammad Farouk Al-Khabiri, Vice President for Education and Students Affairs, Prof. ArafaSabri Hassan, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies, Cultural Relations and Research, Prof. SherifMuhammad Al-Attar, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Islam Hilali Abdel Aziz, General Coordinator of the Forum, Prof. WalidSaeedShimi, Vice Dean of Dar Al-UlumFaculty for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Dr. Hajjaj Maher, Director of the Alumni Unit.
The forum was also attended by civil society representatives: Eng. Jamal Abdel Wahed,
, President of the Engineers Syndicate, and Eng. Abdul Latif Al-Kurdi, the representative of the Egyptian Company for Salt and Minerals (EMISAL) and its Managing Director, a number of deans, faculty members, and representatives of companies and labor market institutions.
Prof. Yasser MagdyHatata indicated that employment forums are overall orientationof the state and the university to follow up on the needs and requirements of the labor market, to prepare a competitive graduate, especially the of the faculty of Engineering, which has an educational role, in addition to its developmental one.
Prof. MuhammadSaeed Abu Al-Ghar stressed the role of the community service sector at the university, and its effective contribution to the development of the surrounding environment, through organizing community activities, in addition to following up on the requirements of the labor market, studying its problems and ways to solve them. He added that the community service and environmental development sector also seeksto improve communication between graduates and different sectors.
Prof. Sherif Al-Attar explained that within the framework of the faculty's orientation to coonnect with the external community, it was keen to organize the first employment forum to build bridges of communication between the faculty and the labor market institutions, to develop a vision for the requirements of the external market, and to prepare a graduate capable of competing in the labor market.
Prof. Islam Hilali pointed out that the faculty works to spread the spirit of belonging in the graduate, to benefit from his abilities and expertise, and to identify the graduate's skills required for the labor market, to keep pace with the required development.
For his part, Prof. WalidShemy pointed out that the employment forums organize the meeting of university graduates with institutions, to build effective and direct communication with business owners, as the center works on what serves the student from the training and marketing side, through the graduate follow-up units in the faculties.
Dr. Hajjaj Maher reviewed the role of the Alumni Follow-up Unit at the Faculty of Engineering, its organization of a number of training courses and workshops, signing cooperation protocols for students' training, and setting a clear vision for the requirements of the next stage.
Eng. Jamal Abdel Wahed also emphasized the active participation of the Facultyof Engineering with the Syndicate of Engineers in all construction fields in the governoratein addition to cooperation in developing the governorate’s squares and beautifying them according to carefully thought-out standards and a clear vision, under the umbrella of the governorate and the state’s directions during the coming period.
Eng.Abdul Latif Al-Kurdi said that companies, institutions and businessmen have a major role in supporting communication with universities, coordination and follow-up, and searching for distinguished graduates, who are qualified scientifically and culturally, to meet the needs of these institutions for competent graduates.
A cooperation agreement was also signed between the Faculty of Engineering at Fayoum University, represented by Prof. Sherif Al-Attar, Dean of the Faculty, and the Engineers Syndicate in Fayoum, represented by Eng. Gamal Abdel Wahed, President of the Engineers Syndicate in Fayoum Governorate, in the presence of Prof. Yasser MagdyHatata, President of the University, Vice Presidents, Deans and Vice Deans And distinguished guests.
In addition, Prof. Yasser MagdyHatata, President of the University, and the attendees inaugurated an exhibition of the activities of the sponsoring companies participating in the forum, which are closely related to the graduates of the faculty of Engineering. Honorary shields were also presented to the attendees, institutions and sponsoring companies.