Faculty of Engineering

  Introductory Seminar for the Scientific Departments of the Faculty of Engineering

Under the patronage of Prof. SherifMuhammad Sabri Al-Attar, Dean of the faculty, and Prof. Mohga EmamEmbabi, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, and in the presence of Dr. Ahmed Abdel Latif, lecturer in the Department of Mathematics and Engineering Physics, Dr. NevinSabryGomaa, lecturer in the Department of Architecture, Dr. Muhammad Hamdi, lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Ahmed Ibrahim, lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Muhammad Bayoumi, the Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. Sarah Ashry, Department of Electrical Engineering, and Dr. Ahmed Sayed, Department of Electrical Engineering,an introductory seminar was held, today, Monday, 20-6-2022, at 1 pm, in auditorium 1, in the Civil Building,to present the scientific specializations in the departments to the students of the preparatory year, and to familiarize them with the nature of the courses and job opportunities after graduation.