Faculty of Engineering

  A Delegation From the Faculty Administration Visits the Arab British Company for Dynamic Industries

Under the patronage of Prof. Yasser MagdyHatata, President of the University, and within the framework of the cooperation protocol between Fayoum University and the Arab Organization for Industrialization, a delegation from the Faculty of Engineering,headed by Prof. Sherif Al-Attar, Dean of the Faculty, visited the Arab Organization for Industrialization, onTuesday, August 31, 2022.
The delegation also included:
- Prof. Islam Hilali, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development;
Prof. Masoud Ibrahim, Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering;
- Prof. AmrRefaat, Chairman of the Electrical Engineering Department
Prof. Ramadan, Acting Chairman of the Civil Engineering Department.
During the visit, the Facultydelegation met with Major General Muhammad Holayel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab British Company for Dynamic Industries, and a number of experts in the Organization. The visit included the following:
- Visiting the electronics factory;
-Visitingthe boiler and furnace fire systems factory, as well as the natural gas reduction and control systems industry;
- Visiting theTraining Academy.
It was agreed between the two parties as follows:
- Faculty students, especially in the mechanical and electrical engineering departments, benefit from field training in the Organization’s factories;
- Providing consulting services in various engineering fields by the Engineering Research and Consultation Center at the Faculty of Engineering.